Sold out, sold out, sold out?


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Registered Shopper
Jan 13, 2022
Hello everyone!
There's one thing that has always bemused me. The presenters are constantly saying that items are sold out! Given the state of the economy, the fact that it is January and the price of the pieces, do you think it's possible, that they are really selling out most of the things that appear on screen? I am currently watching the Apatite show and online it says "sold out, sold out, sold out". My mother in law thinks it's a sales tactic, but I don't get it. If they say it's sold out,then people will not be able to buy them so it does really work as a sales tactic. How can they get so many people to afford and so buy so much?

I wish everyone a great day!
Hello everyone!
There's one thing that has always bemused me. The presenters are constantly saying that items are sold out! Given the state of the economy, the fact that it is January and the price of the pieces, do you think it's possible, that they are really selling out most of the things that appear on screen? I am currently watching the Apatite show and online it says "sold out, sold out, sold out". My mother in law thinks it's a sales tactic, but I don't get it. If they say it's sold out,then people will not be able to buy them so it does really work as a sales tactic. How can they get so many people to afford and so buy so much?

I wish everyone a great day!
I think they encourage people to purchase by giving the impression that things are selling out and creating a panic. This is definitely a sales tactic. I’ve seen things sell out on numerous occasions, only to come back on screen a few days later, much to soon to be a return. I presume that the various shifts have an allotment of stock which can sell out.
In my experience it is regular on Gems that a presenter will say that items are sold out, or remark on a fully sold out hour yet at the same time if you use the app or web you can see that 'Just missed' shows availability. Sometimes it could be due to ring sizes but it also happens with items where sizing is not significant. I have no knowledge of how presenters are financially incentivised but they clearly are encouraged to generate urgency in the viewers to encourage purchase. At least here in the UK a mistake purchase/s can be returned without too much cost but for anyone off shore it could be too easy to make an influenced purchase which means that they are really stuck with either tat or something that does not live up to the 'studio sample' which we know is the best example of the stock
They only release a certain amount of each item, as I have seen things supposed to be sold out and yet appear again a few days later.

Items can be returned, of course. But read the QVC section of ST the app QVC have. People buying non-stop and recording reviews, proud at the endless parcels they have arriving each day. They get caught up in the oh I must have that culture and use credit cards to buy. They get caught up in the presenter's claims about how rare the gems are comparing to Tiffany. Think of the presenters as friends and want to buy everything they push.
They only release a certain amount of each item, as I have seen things supposed to be sold out and yet appear again a few days later.

Items can be returned, of course. But read the QVC section of ST the app QVC have. People buying non-stop and recording reviews, proud at the endless parcels they have arriving each day. They get caught up in the oh I must have that culture and use credit cards to buy. They get caught up in the presenter's claims about how rare the gems are comparing to Tiffany. Think of the presenters as friends and want to buy everything they push.
I totally agree Donna. This cult of ‘Family’ is the basis of most of their sales. It is cringeworthy, listening to the presenters, especially Ellis and Hattie, dripping with insincerity when customers message in with a sad message. They are not family and friends. They are there to sell. That’s their job. Encouraging people to purchase, on the off chance of having their name read out on air, or the dizzy heights of recording a review is all part of what they do. It’s the old 15 minutes of fame! Everyone feels like an ‘influencer’ these days 🤣
I totally agree Donna. This cult of ‘Family’ is the basis of most of their sales. It is cringeworthy, listening to the presenters, especially Ellis and Hattie, dripping with insincerity when customers message in with a sad message. They are not family and friends. They are there to sell. That’s their job. Encouraging people to purchase, on the off chance of having their name read out on air, or the dizzy heights of recording a review is all part of what they do. It’s the old 15 minutes of fame! Everyone feels like an ‘influencer’ these days 🤣
All the channels do this to a certain extent. I’ve had messages read out on most shopping channels. Also been live on air with Q in the heady old days. It absolutely is easy to get caught up. I know from experience. Easy pays stack up, items unopened. You learn to be more savvy. Ultimately we have to be responsible ourselves.

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