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Graham I really hope you are feeling brighter today sweetie. Sending you love and big hugs. Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks everyone, just had the police on the phone to see if I am ok, appears that a director at QVC alerted them, its a shame he/she didn't care about why QVC has made my life worthless.

I honestly am OK and sadly not brave enough to do anything x
Graham whatever else you may be, you are not worthless.
Got that? Good.

Now get started on fixing whatever is upsetting you.

Dont let the b*gg*rs grind you down
Chin up Graham, this is the best forum in the world
and lots of us would be lost without you and ST xx
What sort of utter wan%ers click like on Facebook for such posts, it beggars belief. Graham I dont know you and cant even imagine what has gone on but keep strong (cant help but sound a bit twee, so forgive me)
Yorko unless there is another FB post you've seen the original one had a comment rather than a like, someone asking what was going on. But I agree, people sometimes don't think before they press like. Hope you're having a better day today Graham.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
worthless?? we'd all be homeless chatters if you didn't keep this site going for us? pull up a chair, have a cuppa and tell us all about it graham. :coffee:
I've only just seen this. I really hope that you're having a better day Graham. You know there are loads of people here who care about you so let us know if there's anything we can do to help? xxx
Dear Graham
You've brought together a disparate bunch of people with a common interest in the "trivial" world of Shopping Telly, you lead this community with humour and a lightness of touch. You've chosen great lieutenants to support you in that endeavour, that's a skill many CEOs would envy! We support each other when needed, have a moan and a b!tch on occasion, there've been squabbles and disagreements, flounces out and back, through it all there you have been, with your team and here we all are, how many years on? Thank you, and please, don't let a faceless conglomerate damage your self esteem, don't give them that much power over you.
Lecture over! ms x
Blimey! I've only just caught up with this thread. Graham, you stay where you are...YOU ARE AMAZING! Dunno what I would have done without this wonderful site at times, and that's thanks to you as much as all the other brilliant people on here. Don't let the B'stards grind you down. Glad you're ok x
Graham please let us know how we can help you when you are feeling so sad. You are certainly not worthless. I have never met you but I know that you are kind and caring and you have made such a difference to peoples lives through this forum. Like many people on this forum I have gone ( still going ) through difficult times, this forum has been my escape and made more difference than you will ever know. x
Thank you again to everyone, I have only had a few hours sleep but am more angry now rather than being upset.

Emailed the QVC president in USA and if that doesnt work then will go to the parent company Liberty Media.

Thank you again to everyone.
I don't know how I could have missed this thread, but stay strong and as the others have said don't let the bar$$derds get you down.
I and LOTS and LOTS of other forum members would be lost with out this wonderful virtual support group to come to in times of crisis in our lives.
It has helped me through my fathers 3 months in a coma and eventual recovery, it was there when my dog Amber was so poorly , and it is still helping me to lose weight via the drop your weight thread.
It has made me laugh and made me cry but it is still one of the first places I come to when I need to let off steam , find the answer to a question, have a good old moan and to share the joys and excitements that occur in every day life.
So remember YOU ARE A VERY SPECIAL PERSON and I am ETERNALLY GREATFULL TO YOU for having the wisdom and inspiration to realize we needed a site like this.
Thanks a million take care and be kind to yourself

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