THE letter has cured me!!


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Registered Shopper
Jul 7, 2008
British Forces Germany
Just wondered if QVC towers are still sending out loads of those tactless you have sent too much stuff back letters telling us to stop or they will send us to the naughty corner!, well I had mine last December, I was furious, rang them up and went through it pointing out that the majority were sent back as they had faults or looked used and pointed out why would I bother to even tell them about the faults if I wasn't being genuine as of course we are supposed to be able to test items and send them back should we like without any reason other than we don't want it, he then said they would monitor my outgoing items at dispatch as I had such a high numbers of faults..grhhh this is without the major hassle of returning an item ,struggling for your postage back, they never send a replacement until you have put yourself out returning it because of a fault their end.Anyway I was so mad I didn't do a large amount of shopping with them over christmas and after that I have only given them a quick glance for the TSV's which were my main weakness and not only have they been so off the mark for months now, I mean todays is a prime example but is it me or are they just not the terrific buys they used to be especially the makeup.I have spent literally thousands over the years and probably got carried away but got sucked in and to my banks relief I don't have to have Molton Brown , L'occitane, shower products as I can honestly say the supermarket higher end specials really are just as good these days, same with make-up, and lets not even start with face cream, I have practically all Decleors range and have realised it gives me spots,coupled with the fact the media keep reporting the cheaper ones really do compare very well, so cheers you helpful letter writers at QVC, I for one am quids in.
What i don't understand is they encourage you to buy everything they are selling.With the words you can send it back if you don't like it more so with skincare its great value etc.Maybe they shouldn't keep saying this as they don't seem to like people sending items back.
I was furious, rang them up and went through it pointing out that the majority were sent back as they had faults or looked used and pointed out why would I bother to even tell them about the faults if I wasn't being genuine as of course we are supposed to be able to test items and send them back should we like without any reason other than we don't want it...<object width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="0" height="0" allowScriptAccess="always"></object>

Nice one!:1:
Good for you! QVC can take a running jump frankly. When something we want shows up on QVC now the first thing I do is go to look on ebay. 9 times out of 10 I can find the same thing for less money, less postage and it'll get to me much more quickly. I know there isn't the same returns policy but that doesn't matter if you feel scared to send something back to them anyway. Not that there's anything to buy anymore, unless you're a crafter or a gardener perhaps. But the whole range is stale. Unless QVC do more to make customers happy I can see them having the same sorts of problems as IW. I'm amazed the amount of faulty items QVC are sending out too. We have loads here. What happened to all that schpiel about being hot on quality control?
I found this site has cured me of a lot of QVC spending, seeing what other people think it makes you realise the fashion is rubbish (along with other things) and the patter is just sales talk. I do have a look at the TSV's and at the end of the day you don't need a cupboard full of beauty products. I still love Molton Brown so buy from there website now and get things direct from Liz Earle because she charges one postage fee and always throws in a complimentary item.

Also I found last year and this so much gardening stuff which is an instant turn-off for me so you just get used to not having it on and miss other shows where you may have bought something. So that's what did it for me - Richard Jackson
I too look at the TSV every day as the main temptation - but I don't buy many. I also agree that this site can certainly bring you back to reality LOL.

I am using Boots protect and perfect (bought at the time of all the hype) and my skin is beautiful and soft and far better than when I used Gatineau at 3 times the price.
I am sure QVC bang on about their returns policy, as a lot of people can't be bothered with all the hassle of returning products. Especially with all the local post offices that are closing down.:58:
I am using Boots protect and perfect (bought at the time of all the hype) and my skin is beautiful and soft and far better than when I used Gatineau at 3 times the price.
I used to use some of the QVC beauty products, and they did nothing for my skin. I get far better results using Loreal products, at a fraction of the price. I was very disappointed with Gatineau and Clientele, as they did absolutely sod all for my skin!!!:mad: Anti ageing benefits my a*se!:23::58:
I am using Boots protect and perfect (bought at the time of all the hype) and my skin is beautiful and soft and far better than when I used Gatineau at 3 times the price.

I am using up the Clientele stuff at night but also use Protect & Perfect during the day & I love it! I particularly love the Beauty Serum & tbh, don't always bother with the moisturiser if I'm not going out anywhere!

Have you tried the Body Serum too Molly? It's lovely, sinks in instantly & smells really nice! Must be doing something as I seem to be using half the amount after a bath/shower as I was when I started with it!
I used to use some of the QVC beauty products, and they did nothing for my skin. I get far better results using Loreal products, at a fraction of the price. I was very disappointed with Gatineau and Clientele, as they did absolutely sod all for my skin!!!:mad: Anti ageing benefits my a*se!:23::58:

The only skincare I'm using from QVC is LE Skin Tonic (love it love it!) but I can get that cheaper elsewhere. I use M Asam from IW and RoC from Boots. I think in the end you just use 1- what you can afford, and 2- what suits your skin. Gatineau didn't do much for me either and it's too expensive despite the hype.
Gatineau does far more for me than Protect and Perfect ever did, guess it's what works for each individual.
Gatineau does far more for me than Protect and Perfect ever did, guess it's what works for each individual.

Hence QVC banging on about trying something and returning it if it doesn't suit you.
Then they send you nasty letters when you do!
it's amazing how much one of those letters focuses a purrson and then the clarity of mind which brings with it a change of shopping channel! QVC's loss was Ideal World's gain, but that was in the days of the great Steve.
I found this site has cured me of a lot of QVC spending, seeing what other people think it makes you realise the fashion is rubbish (along with other things) and the patter is just sales talk. I do have a look at the TSV's and at the end of the day you don't need a cupboard full of beauty products. I still love Molton Brown so buy from there website now and get things direct from Liz Earle because she charges one postage fee and always throws in a complimentary item.

Also I found last year and this so much gardening stuff which is an instant turn-off for me so you just get used to not having it on and miss other shows where you may have bought something. So that's what did it for me - Richard Jackson

Absolutely agree Xstamper! I now look at QVC in a totally different light and can see through all the hype. I also do an internet search when I really do see something I want and can invariable find it cheaper. My bank balance is a lot healthier since joining this forum. Thank you everyone.

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