What should QVC's new years resolutions be?


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1. Stop the exorbitant p&p charges. Or if you're going to continue with them, send items out first class and make sure they bliddy well get there within the 5-7 working days

2. Stop the disgusting practice of sending out used items - and put in place a better system of checking items when they're sent back so stuff like this doesn't happen.

3. Ban that murdering bar steward Basso and his vile range of 'fashion'

4. Stop Alison Young from using the words 'literally', 'actually', 'for you', 'resident beauty expert with 5 bajillion years experience', 'utilitarian', 'seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-rum', 'meeeeeeeeeeeeeee-jum' et al.

5. Sort out their delivery services, and employ carriers who treat parcels with respect.

6. Get some frickin' decent fashion ranges instead of some of the nasty, expensive tat they flog. And also sort out and standardise their sizing across the board - making sure the presenters give out accurate details and measurements for all the garments.

7. Be a bit more honest with viewers if they're going to get shut of a beauty range - ie Prescriptives etc...

8. Stop using the word 'fabrication' in relation to material. It's not right, so stop it now.

9. Outright ban on presenters saying 'I bought one of these on the high street x months ago and wish I'd waited for this now' or 'I wish I'd ordered this before it came to air, please save me one..' or 'I've got one of these in every colour/size/shape/FABRICATION and wouldn't be without it/them'. Ditto re pulling faces and making stupid noises when they're eating/sampling food items - STOP IT NOW.

10. Permanent ban on T-callers. All of them. Either gushing and fawning over the presenters and being all round brown nosing b*ggers, or telling some incredibly long sob story about needing to have a head transplant or dying of an ingrown toenail which invites sympathy and faux sincerity from the quite obviously bored/not listening presenter. Only let them through if they're drunk and likely to say something hilarious.
:mysmilie_687:Cavegirl, that is one of the best posts i've ever read:mysmilie_696:
Nothing original in my list -

1. Lower P&P
2. Less polyester
3. No Basso

I quite like the T-callers, they remind me to count my blessings :mysmilie_17:

Happy New Year everyone, I look forward to more fun threads in 2010 :mysmilie_82:
To give us standard sizes on the clothes, my brain doesn't like thinking too far outside the size 10,12,14 box.

To bring decently priced food that tastes as good as it looks

Happy New Year to all.
Instead of cherry picking the 5 star reviews on their website, they should point out the honest feedback from the 5 star reviewers on Shopping telly.com. Now that would make it interesting.

My aim in 2010 is to shout obscenities to Basso on air.

Happy new year to all.
Another thought.

How about giving each member of staff a dictionary so that the likes of Jill Franks can finally find out what Kitsch means and stop saying it before she puts everyone off buying anything OR
giving each staff member sodium pentathol (truth drug) before they go on air so we get the truth the whole truth and nothing but...
Julia roberts to be more realistic when telling people her clothes size!! We can all see the spare tyre!!!

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