GemCollector - Jim B - 3/10 See Me After School


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May 24, 2017
Ok. Got to be honest. Not a fan of Jim's Gems TV style of presenting on Gem Collector at all. Showcase of Teal Kyanite but it's 20.15 and he's been doing the Gems TV death by PowerPoint and only showing one gem at a time.

Sorry, Jim. The audience is quite, quite different. "Quite unique" (FGS!) and "historic"? Are you kidding? Gems has had this in stock before, years ago. Just load the hour, as Emily does, and let us a) choose - we know our stuff, really. Don't treat us like children and b) top up the hour with other goodies. 😬😬😬😬
Ok. Got to be honest. Not a fan of Jim's Gems TV style of presenting on Gem Collector at all. Showcase of Teal Kyanite but it's 20.15 and he's been doing the Gems TV death by PowerPoint and only showing one gem at a time.

Sorry, Jim. The audience is quite, quite different. "Quite unique" (FGS!) and "historic"? Are you kidding? Gems has had this in stock before, years ago. Just load the hour, as Emily does, and let us a) choose - we know our stuff, really. Don't treat us like children and b) top up the hour with other goodies. 😬😬😬😬

I agree. The people on Gem Collector are knowledgeable and know their stuff. They don't need lectures and waffle.

It's not just Jim though to be fair - Emily also did a showcase a few weeks ago and loaded them one-by-one instead of the full hour.

Gemporia are digging their own grave. They keep forcing what they THINK we want on their channels, instead of what people ACTUALLY want.

It's now almost three months since Steve returned - and I've seen no changes that are noticeable enough to turn the Company around - so my prediction still stands that they'll not be with us in 12 months time.
I agree. The people on Gem Collector are knowledgeable and know their stuff. They don't need lectures and waffle.

It's not just Jim though to be fair - Emily also did a showcase a few weeks ago and loaded them one-by-one instead of the full hour.

Gemporia are digging their own grave. They keep forcing what they THINK we want on their channels, instead of what people ACTUALLY want.

It's now almost three months since Steve returned - and I've seen no changes that are noticeable enough to turn the Company around - so my prediction still stands that they'll not be with us in 12 months time.
Ah, yes. I think I did catch one. My abiding impression is that Emily wasn't comfortable with that format either. Can't believe that it's a good sales technique.

If you load 50 items into an hour and fix the price of the last 30, it means collectors have a full hour to look, research and decide. Collector-specific items such as Chromite or Zincite get snapped up PDQ. Often these items are just sold with no requests to see them.

In my opinion, Matt Bennett has got a good 'un with Emily Fox. She knows her stuff or researches well before the show and, apart from showing the Star Buy item or the top ten themed items for the hour, she is always led by viewer requests. I also think that she curates her shows very well; a good mix of "must sell this" to unusual items to pretty but inexpensive stocking fillers. Yesterday I caught Jim actually counting down the last ten seconds of an hour - Emily would have crammed in two more requests and sneaked in a final one to leave up for a bit during the break at the top of the hour. Too much "check out your basket" from Jim (a bit of a telling silence filler).

I actually love the colour of the teal Kyanite but couldn't watch the painfully slow presentation. Others were messaging in asking where the listings were being shown. Bad decision on Gem Collector's part.
I like Emily - as I do Jim - but she also does the typical Gemporia presenter faux amazement at the prices - even though Gem Collector have hiked their prices considerably over the past 12 to 18 months and just aren't competitive any more. Her most annoying habit, in my opinion, is saying "You'd normally be paying £670 on the web - but today, you can have it for £20". Erm.... No Emily, most of those web prices are ludicrous and nobody in their right mind would EVER pay the web price. Stop making out we're getting a good deal - we're not. We're getting them at a 'normal' price.

The best presenter that Gem Collector had, in my opinion, was Nick Davies. Informative, no hard sell, no far-fetched life stories or over the top giggling. Just a nice blend of being informative without being patronising, making conversation without over-talking, etc. I used to like Alex - but it could often turn into the Alex McKay show with long drawn-out stories about him. The same repetitive jokes became tedious too.

As for the 'new' format of bringing it on, selling it, then loading the next item - the cynic in me suspects this is a decision by management.

If they load the whole hour, people can take a look through the stones, and choose a stone based on what they feel will be in their price range. Most regular buyers by now have an idea of where prices are going to pitch roughly - so you can usually scroll down to the smaller carat weights that will be within your price range or pick out the one with the best looking clarity in advance.

Loading them one-by-one stops people from 'cherry picking' the stone they want. It creates a sense of urgency because people might think "I'm not sure if there will be another stone within this price range - so I best grab this one quick" - only to find that 4 stones later, there will be one that better suits their price range and / or looks less included than they one they just purchased.

In my opinion, Gem Collector has gone into rapid decline too - just like the main Gemporia channel. The website is awful - with each 'improved' website being worse than the previous, the prices are a LOT higher than they used to be, many of the stones that we used to be able to buy years ago in 'untreated' form are now only available in irradiated form (such as Goshenite, Yellow Beryl, etc). And typical 'entry level' stones that literally every Gem store sells cannot be obtained from Gem Collector any more. Where are the Tigers Eye stones? The untreated Quartz's such as Lemon Quartz or Rose Quartz? Moss Agates? Various Jaspers? These are easily accessible stones that most collectors begin with - yet Gem Collector no longer has them.

As for their claims of being 'The World's Largest Gem Store' - yes, they used to be. These days, there's barely any choice. Gem Select have way more stones in stock, their prices are better, their quality is better, and you actually get the stone you see in the photo - whereas Gem Collector use a 'one size fits all' photo - in fact, just recently, many of the stones haven't even had a photo at all.

They've already cut their hours over the years and gone from four presenters to two - and I have serious doubts as to whether Gem Collector will survive at reduced hours too, unless the channel has a overhaul.
I like Emily - as I do Jim - but she also does the typical Gemporia presenter faux amazement at the prices - even though Gem Collector have hiked their prices considerably over the past 12 to 18 months and just aren't competitive any more. Her most annoying habit, in my opinion, is saying "You'd normally be paying £670 on the web - but today, you can have it for £20". Erm.... No Emily, most of those web prices are ludicrous and nobody in their right mind would EVER pay the web price. Stop making out we're getting a good deal - we're not. We're getting them at a 'normal' price.

The best presenter that Gem Collector had, in my opinion, was Nick Davies. Informative, no hard sell, no far-fetched life stories or over the top giggling. Just a nice blend of being informative without being patronising, making conversation without over-talking, etc. I used to like Alex - but it could often turn into the Alex McKay show with long drawn-out stories about him. The same repetitive jokes became tedious too.

As for the 'new' format of bringing it on, selling it, then loading the next item - the cynic in me suspects this is a decision by management.

If they load the whole hour, people can take a look through the stones, and choose a stone based on what they feel will be in their price range. Most regular buyers by now have an idea of where prices are going to pitch roughly - so you can usually scroll down to the smaller carat weights that will be within your price range or pick out the one with the best looking clarity in advance.

Loading them one-by-one stops people from 'cherry picking' the stone they want. It creates a sense of urgency because people might think "I'm not sure if there will be another stone within this price range - so I best grab this one quick" - only to find that 4 stones later, there will be one that better suits their price range and / or looks less included than they one they just purchased.

In my opinion, Gem Collector has gone into rapid decline too - just like the main Gemporia channel. The website is awful - with each 'improved' website being worse than the previous, the prices are a LOT higher than they used to be, many of the stones that we used to be able to buy years ago in 'untreated' form are now only available in irradiated form (such as Goshenite, Yellow Beryl, etc). And typical 'entry level' stones that literally every Gem store sells cannot be obtained from Gem Collector any more. Where are the Tigers Eye stones? The untreated Quartz's such as Lemon Quartz or Rose Quartz? Moss Agates? Various Jaspers? These are easily accessible stones that most collectors begin with - yet Gem Collector no longer has them.

As for their claims of being 'The World's Largest Gem Store' - yes, they used to be. These days, there's barely any choice. Gem Select have way more stones in stock, their prices are better, their quality is better, and you actually get the stone you see in the photo - whereas Gem Collector use a 'one size fits all' photo - in fact, just recently, many of the stones haven't even had a photo at all.

They've already cut their hours over the years and gone from four presenters to two - and I have serious doubts as to whether Gem Collector will survive at reduced hours too, unless the channel has a overhaul.
I became irritated with Gem Collector's Alex McKay too; there were too many long-winded and probably highly exaggerated stories (Little Brian, anyone?) and I think he started to believe his own publicity, forgetting that those who watch Gem Collector are pretty knowledgeable already and are primarily there for the STONES, not the stories. In the light of what's going on - and I can't watch it now for longer than 5 minutes - I do wonder if Alex went over the wall because he could see what was happening. I think he's now done a Brooklyn Beckham and re-invented himself as a cooking guru. Good luck with that.

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