How did QVC handle the bad news


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. . . . Whether it will be different at the passing of her Majesty and will go off air who knows . . . .

I certainly hope not. Her death will mean nothing at all to me and I will be very miffed if non-news channels make a hoo-ha about it. I and the millions who share my opinion of that ghastly family will have a hard enough time dealing with the waste of public money and avoiding all the sycophantic rubbish the news channels and papers will no doubt publish, without QVC joining in.
I agree with most on here, it is not QVC's place to comment. If anything, they remind us that, in the midst of this, life in all its splendour and mundane-ness goes on. If it doesn't then the terrorists win.

It is interesting to see if Lulu changes the name of her product....
I saw Simon Biagi and the "bombs" comment. Words often come out of our mouths during general conversation without the intention that others see, can any of you honestly say you go most days without saying something that in retrospect you would've perhaps phrased differently?

When I heard it I didn't take it as him referring to the bombs in Belgium and being insensitive, I took it as him referring to bombs as in Lulu's Time Bomb range. Yes in retrospect he wouldn't have said it, but again - we all do this every day, it doesn't mean we are purposely being insensitive. Anyone who says they haven't had a 'foot in mouth' moment is a liar, they happen to all of us.

I'm not defending him (I think he's a bit of a wally in general), I'm just writing this as I saw it.

No I didn't take it as meaning the bombings in Brussles either, I took it as a seasoned presenter who didn't think before he spoke and being totally insensitive to something that he probably seen/read/heard that very same morning. Wonder what his reason was for not apologising though.
I certainly hope not. Her death will mean nothing at all to me and I will be very miffed if non-news channels make a hoo-ha about it. I and the millions who share my opinion of that ghastly family will have a hard enough time dealing with the waste of public money and avoiding all the sycophantic rubbish the news channels and papers will no doubt publish, without QVC joining in.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Scout, however I think there will indeed be quite a fuss made when she goes. She's reigned for 6 decades now. During that time so much has changed about this country - trends, politics, ethnic diversity, population demographics, yet little Queenie pops has remained through it all. I'm not a fan of royalty and don't like the idea of her subjects being somehow expected to have a kneejerk respect for someone because of their status and position. I've never really fully understood the very deferential culture we have in this country. Royalty inspire nothing in me apart from a wistful nostalgia - a touch of grieving for an era well before my time - the England of Enid Blyton novels - so quaint, yet so charming. I'd love to have been alive in the 60s with all the music and culture. I'm sure there were problems then of course but I bet it was a simpler, nicer time. What to we have today that's so special? Mobile 'phones? We live in an era where many don't know how to communicate, how to hold a conversation or even how to write a letter. I find that very sad.

I learned some things as a child - firstly that the aristocracy do have problems. Their lives are fractured by vice, beset by quarrels, hindered by constraints. For all the finery and opulence they are a troubled lot. I'd love to see what goes on behind closed doors. I bet it's like Dynasty. Just imagine Kate Middleton and Sarah Ferguson thrashing around in a lilly pond! Poor old Fergie has her money worries - mind you I'd be worried too if I had an overdraft like hers! Toffs have to be seen to be graceful and elegant. It's all about sophistication and being above the common denominators. At Eton self-belief is at the heart of everything they do.
I know QVC are not a rolling news channel, however it does seem silly of them to be so divorced from the real world. When something major happens they should reference it discreetly and respectfully by way of courtesy. I don't know how many people believe in the "QVC land" image they peddle, but it can't be many. Surely I can't be the only one that buys my Smart Price sponges from Asda actually frequents the dreaded "High Street?" I wonder what the demographic profile would be for the "QVC Woman." I bet she's called Pauline, is 55 years of age and lives in a large detached house with a big white kitchen with a central island worktop (made of granite) with Peony fllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs in a vase, a bespoke water filter tap, Smeg fridge / freezer full of Green Seasons prime cuts, a juice machine and a Kitchen Aid with a dough hook, she drives a Porsche Cayenne (transports dogs in a basket in the back) and when she goes to the dreaded High Street she shops in Marks & Spencer, Waitrose and John Lewis. She holds onto the escalator handrail with a face wipe, seemingly floating up the staircase in her lavender trouser suit, offset with a lovely scarf and a nice brooch.
Well I for one would rather be "the subject" of the Queen rather than a jumped up prime minister of any political party or even worse the likes of Bill Clinton, George Bush or Donald Trump.
Did they not come very late to the Paris tribute? I remember it was quite some time before the put the banner up and it was so hidden we couldn't find it and it came down pronto. Meanwhile Amazon, Google etc all had prominent tributes.

Very few sites have put banners up this time.
I know QVC are not a rolling news channel, however it does seem silly of them to be so divorced from the real world. When something major happens they should reference it discreetly and respectfully by way of courtesy. I don't know how many people believe in the "QVC land" image they peddle, but it can't be many. Surely I can't be the only one that buys my Smart Price sponges from Asda actually frequents the dreaded "High Street?" I wonder what the demographic profile would be for the "QVC Woman." I bet she's called Pauline, is 55 years of age and lives in a large detached house with a big white kitchen with a central island worktop (made of granite) with Peony fllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs in a vase, a bespoke water filter tap, Smeg fridge / freezer full of Green Seasons prime cuts, a juice machine and a Kitchen Aid with a dough hook, she drives a Porsche Cayenne (transports dogs in a basket in the back) and when she goes to the dreaded High Street she shops in Marks & Spencer, Waitrose and John Lewis. She holds onto the escalator handrail with a face wipe, seemingly floating up the staircase in her lavender trouser suit, offset with a lovely scarf and a nice brooch.

I think you need to get out into the real world of normal households. I think each of us have several of the above mentioned but it hardly makes us a Stepford wife.
I think you need to get out into the real world of normal households. I think each of us have several of the above mentioned but it hardly makes us a Stepford wife.

Well that type are fairly ubiquitous. They just tend not to frequent Lidl or Asda. QVC presents a very aspirational image.
I don't give much thought to them either way, BUT like I said in my earlier post, I get really hacked off with the British public and their ****** obsession to photograph everything on their sodding Smartphones, so when there is a solemn occasion good old Joe public can be relied upon to put a bit of square plastic up to their face. Must be really odd for those performing - royalty and otherwise to see a bank of oblongs in front of you. We are such a pathetic nation.
Well I for one would rather be "the subject" of the Queen rather than a jumped up prime minister of any political party or even worse the likes of Bill Clinton, George Bush or Donald Trump.

Personally I have far too much self respect to be anybody's "subject", particularly some arrogant woman who is only in her position because of an accident of birth and who won't shake hands with me without wearing gloves because she doesn't consider my skin worthy to touch her freeloading flesh. The great thing about having an elected head of state is that you can get rid of them if they don't earn their keep, unlike the ****** royals.
I don't give much thought to them either way, BUT like I said in my earlier post, I get really hacked off with the British public and their ****** obsession to photograph everything on their sodding Smartphones, so when there is a solemn occasion good old Joe public can be relied upon to put a bit of square plastic up to their face. Must be really odd for those performing - royalty and otherwise to see a bank of oblongs in front of you. We are such a pathetic nation.

I don't think it's anything to do with us as a nation, it's universal nowadays. They said on the news today that photos and videos were being posted online yesterday within two minutes of the bombs going off. People who had been blown off their feet were filming the bodies around them before they even got up off the floor. And they weren't British. That's the world we now live in.
I don't read the papers, any papers but my husband pointed out a txt someone one had sent the Star, it said "The Royal Family should be on Benefit Street, they have several generations of the same family that have never worked" which of course apart from being funny, is actually true.
I don't read the papers, any papers but my husband pointed out a txt someone one had sent the Star, it said "The Royal Family should be on Benefit Street, they have several generations of the same family that have never worked" which of course apart from being funny, is actually true.

Not quite true if you consider they are ambassadors for this country and bring in a LOT of money. I may not be their biggest fan but the fact that they make Americans envious of us is enough!
Not quite true if you consider they are ambassadors for this country and bring in a LOT of money. I may not be their biggest fan but the fact that they make Americans envious of us is enough!

As far as I'm aware I can't even remember the last Royal Engagemeant Edward or Andrew went on, but I know Prince William has been criticised lately for his lack of Public Engagements come to think of it, can't remember what Anne's done lately or the rest of them on the civil list, when was the last time they worked? So I'm afraid I'll have to agree with comment on the lack of working Royals, which is different to tourists coming just to look at Buckngham Palace.
I am not a royalist i will not go on about how much i dislike them and as far as the americans being envious of us is concerned thats hardly a recommendation given the state we are in but i have to say i hate the social media thing twitter twatter facebook etc ****** mobile phones everyone walking along streets looking down at their damn phones instead of paying attention god knows what the future holds.
I know QVC are not a rolling news channel, however it does seem silly of them to be so divorced from the real world. When something major happens they should reference it discreetly and respectfully by way of courtesy. I don't know how many people believe in the "QVC land" image they peddle, but it can't be many. Surely I can't be the only one that buys my Smart Price sponges from Asda actually frequents the dreaded "High Street?" I wonder what the demographic profile would be for the "QVC Woman." I bet she's called Pauline, is 55 years of age and lives in a large detached house with a big white kitchen with a central island worktop (made of granite) with Peony fllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs in a vase, a bespoke water filter tap, Smeg fridge / freezer full of Green Seasons prime cuts, a juice machine and a Kitchen Aid with a dough hook, she drives a Porsche Cayenne (transports dogs in a basket in the back) and when she goes to the dreaded High Street she shops in Marks & Spencer, Waitrose and John Lewis. She holds onto the escalator handrail with a face wipe, seemingly floating up the staircase in her lavender trouser suit, offset with a lovely scarf and a nice brooch.

"Hey "how do you know so much about me:wonder:

Kidding nothing like me although I do say flaaze
not fllaaaaahs but then I was born near the east end
They do sometimes mention current affairs, as they happen good or bad. It's really their decision if they do or not, personally it's nice to say kind words and show some empathy! At the same time, that's what the News Channels are for!

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