Lyn Jinks' "Sundar"


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user 17461

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Jul 20, 2016
Looks like it hasn't taken Lyn long to monetise her crystal "healing" nonsense, as she's launching a new range called Sundar next week.

It might sound like a minor 80's He-Man villain, but it's apparently a "holistic wellbeing journey". Or a load of old toot to anyone with half a working brain. So it should go down a storm with the average Gemporia viewer.

I just hope that Lyn uses her training, along with her crystals, to remove negativity and poverty from the Gemporia studios. I recommend that she starts by energising Jade Troth's personality, along with rebooting Lindsey Carr's brain.

But if she really wants to do something helpful, perhaps Lyn could útilise her crystals to unblock her and her fellow presenters' consciences.

But I won't hold my breath.
She's been on again today pushing all her healing spiel.

Very rarely did she mention 'it is said that...." or "many people believe that......" - 95% of her spiel was quoting supposed healing properties as though its factual / proven.
Absolutely. But she wouldn't get many takers from the general public if she was up front and honest and said that there's as much evidence for crystal healing being real as there is for astrology. Or a caring Conservative Party.

Though true Gemporia aficionados would still throw their cash at her regardless. Some people really do have more money than sense.
Absolutely. But she wouldn't get many takers from the general public if she was up front and honest and said that there's as much evidence for crystal healing being real as there is for astrology. Or a caring Conservative Party.

Though true Gemporia aficionados would still throw their cash at her regardless. Some people really do have more money than sense.

Christine from Northamptonshire and Debs from (Lincolnshire?) seem to be the new Mirabelle in worshipping everything they do.

Constant messages in about how great prices are, how great the quality is, etc etc.
I don't do the poison that is TikTok but perhaps that's where the lead/demand for this nonsense has come from - their foray into that sales channel?
Christine from Northamptonshire and Debs from (Lincolnshire?) seem to be the new Mirabelle in worshipping everything they do.

Constant messages in about how great prices are, how great the quality is, etc etc.
There's no end to the number of people who will act like a*s*h*l*s if it means they can be pally with someone off the telly. Even if it is a glorified sales assistant/snake oil merchant with delusions of grandeur.

Unfortunately, it's not just limited to Gemporia. You see this sort of behaviour on QVC, too. Especially with Debbie Flint, who at one point had her own private FB group of select viewers who wanted to worship at the Great One's chunky ankles. Or something.
Why am I not surprised that Lynn Jinks has started her own range? Well I'm safe won't be watching can't stand her she is soo very false. She must be taking over from Janie so the next step will candles etc. What a nightmare! It's a shame this company has totally lost its way never to recover. Nobody seems to have a clue what to do next.
Adina is currently on with one of the guest designers from Jewellery Maker. They're flogging the 'Sundar' range of overpriced tumblestones.

She's talking as though all this spiritual / healing nonsense is proven. "This will help with X ailment" or "This helps you to feel........".

Considering Steve used to distance himself from all this years ago, saying it was unproven, Gemporia are now really pushing this whole "this stone will help you sleep" BS in a 'matter of fact' tone as though there is proven science behind it.

They really do have no morals or boundaries these days.

On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old. It's not a good advert when they're saying "this gemstone can make you look young". When they finally say "This stone makes you look as though you had a job doing a paper round in Chernobyl", then I might actually start believing these claims.
Adina is currently on with one of the guest designers from Jewellery Maker. They're flogging the 'Sundar' range of overpriced tumblestones.

She's talking as though all this spiritual / healing nonsense is proven. "This will help with X ailment" or "This helps you to feel........".

Considering Steve used to distance himself from all this years ago, saying it was unproven, Gemporia are now really pushing this whole "this stone will help you sleep" BS in a 'matter of fact' tone as though there is proven science behind it.

They really do have no morals or boundaries these days.

On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old. It's not a good advert when they're saying "this gemstone can make you look young". When they finally say "This stone makes you look as though you had a job doing a paper round in Chernobyl", then I might actually start believing these claims.
I caught a bit of the ad they were running for last nights show and the way that lady went on put me off completely, she's a strange one.
Adina is currently on with one of the guest designers from Jewellery Maker. They're flogging the 'Sundar' range of overpriced tumblestones.

She's talking as though all this spiritual / healing nonsense is proven. "This will help with X ailment" or "This helps you to feel........".

Considering Steve used to distance himself from all this years ago, saying it was unproven, Gemporia are now really pushing this whole "this stone will help you sleep" BS in a 'matter of fact' tone as though there is proven science behind it.

They really do have no morals or boundaries these days.

On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old. It's not a good advert when they're saying "this gemstone can make you look young". When they finally say "This stone makes you look as though you had a job doing a paper round in Chernobyl", then I might actually start believing these claims.
Wished I had seen this!!
Adina is currently on with one of the guest designers from Jewellery Maker. They're flogging the 'Sundar' range of overpriced tumblestones.
Didn't know that she was from JM but, after watching 5 minutes of a show she did recently as a new, exciting Guest Designer, I now understand. The range they had on was very JM.

I caught a few moments of the Adina show. I was curious because I'd incorrectly assumed that Sundar had gone when Lynn J left. The discussion was about mixing different chakra coloured tea lights, sat on a bronze-d Indian Buddha, to fix the conflict in Gaza (not really but that's the idea). A few moments was enough.

There we have it from "the home of genuine gemstones".
Adina is currently on with one of the guest designers from Jewellery Maker. They're flogging the 'Sundar' range of overpriced tumblestones.

She's talking as though all this spiritual / healing nonsense is proven. "This will help with X ailment" or "This helps you to feel........".

Considering Steve used to distance himself from all this years ago, saying it was unproven, Gemporia are now really pushing this whole "this stone will help you sleep" BS in a 'matter of fact' tone as though there is proven science behind it.

They really do have no morals or boundaries these days.

On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old. It's not a good advert when they're saying "this gemstone can make you look young". When they finally say "This stone makes you look as though you had a job doing a paper round in Chernobyl", then I might actually start believing these claims.
On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old.

I laughed my head off at your apt summary of the nonsense that goes on at Gemporia these days. If you're going to make wild claims, you surely have to see the pitfalls of shoving someone in front of a screen who obviously hasn't been using the elixir of youth, or whatever? Does this not occur to anyone who works there?
On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old. It's not a good advert when they're saying "this gemstone can make you look young". When they finally say "This stone makes you look as though you had a job doing a paper round in Chernobyl", then I might actually start believing these claims.
Shouldn't laugh: but I did :p And I was wondering when she'd be back. She was on a while ago with a 'designed by her' pearl strand. Think it was a necklace bracelet set. But don't quote me, I watched with one eye :p

They're flogging the 'Sundar' range
PS. I thought that range would have left with Lynn, as it was her 'baby'.

Didn't know that she was from JM but, after watching 5 minutes of a show she did recently as a new, exciting Guest Designer, I now understand. The range they had on was very JM.
Dragging out the old memory now. Gemporia went through a phase of JM guest designers 'selling' on their channel. Mark with a kit, the older woman, who, embarrassingly, I can't remember her name, but she and or the other (relatives of the Bennett gang, started JM as a channel), did a kit and now this one.
On a side note, this woman is an odd looking woman. She could be anything from 50 to 80 years old.

I laughed my head off at your apt summary of the nonsense that goes on at Gemporia these days. If you're going to make wild claims, you surely have to see the pitfalls of shoving someone in front of a screen who obviously hasn't been using the elixir of youth, or whatever? Does this not occur to anyone who works there?

Well, to add salt into the wounds - Ellis raves on about how good Steve Primal supplements are. Whenever they do a Primal hour, you can guarantee that Ellis will chip in saying that she's had them.

She's currently off sick.............

Between Steve's amazing health supplements, and healing palm stones that can cure the world, it amazes me that anyone can get ill at Gemporia.

Unless of course they're lying to us. But I'm sure they wouldn't do that..............
Well, to add salt into the wounds - Ellis raves on about how good Steve Primal supplements are. Whenever they do a Primal hour, you can guarantee that Ellis will chip in saying that she's had them.

She's currently off sick.............

Between Steve's amazing health supplements, and healing palm stones that can cure the world, it amazes me that anyone can get ill at Gemporia.

Unless of course they're lying to us. But I'm sure they wouldn't do that..............
Pretty sure she is on holiday
It just shows how they make things up on-air. Just had it confirmed that it was definitely Lyndsey Carr that said it, and she said "I'm covering for Ellis because she's a bit poorly. Bless her".

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