Dr Who


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Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I don't like the current Dr Who actor (too over the top acting) but the stories are much better than the previous series.

In one, they were in an alternate reality when the Beatles were at their height and recording at Abbey Road, but their melodies (and all other songs) were dire. The George Martin character looked so realistic it may have been AI.

But tonight, IMO, it was exceptional, but definitely not aimed at children, very psycholigical, tense, and not easy to follow. I don't think many children will understand it.

The best part for me was that The Doctor himself was only on for a very short time at the beginning.

I can't say too much (spoiler) in case anyone wants to watch it, but it was all based around his "companion" as the main person featured. I will watch it again to tie up some loose ends and make more sense of it.

Does anyone else on here watch Dr Who, and what do you think of it?
Hi @stratobuddy first time watched it in a long while and found this horror/spooky one, in the style of "Inside No. 9" more adult & engaging than the usual child-friendly and over-complicated mock sci-fi of the revamped series. Was never really a big fan of the original Dr. Who, or the revamp. The originals were a bit silly and the revamp overly woke/PC, too much cgi/effects and weird themes. I prefer my sci-fi hard, realistic and non-fantastical.
I watched Doctor Who with my Dad when I was little. The first Doctor I remember was Patrick Troughton (sp), never liked John Pertwee he spent too much time on earth which was boring. Tom Baker, I adored, even got my Mum to knit a giant scarf she got to a point of refusing to knit it any longer. I actually cried when he left. Peter Davison was okay, but I liked him as Tristan in All Creatures Great And Small. Colin Baker I liked, but the BBC got rid of him after only a year. Never took to Sylvester McCoy, and that is when I stopped watching.

New era Who, Chris Eccleston was brilliant, but he left after one season for personal reasons. David Tennant BRILLIANT, adored Matt Smith. Really thought I would love Peter Capaldi, but I still watched even though I did not like his Doctor. Jodie was okay, thought loads hated her. Ncuti is fun and I will give him more time to settle down.

People are complaining because Disney now own part of Doctor Who, and they say it is too much Disney compared to the BBC. They brought back RTD as writer and producer and the stories have improved. The thing is, Doctor Who was never a children's TV show, never. Children's TV was always before the news around 4-5 pm, Doctor was always early evening.

Oh, and favourite companion. Donna or Doctor Donna. :giggle:
Hi @stratobuddy first time watched it in a long while and found this horror/spooky one, in the style of "Inside No. 9" more adult & engaging than the usual child-friendly and over-complicated mock sci-fi of the revamped series. Was never really a big fan of the original Dr. Who, or the revamp. The originals were a bit silly and the revamp overly woke/PC, too much cgi/effects and weird themes. I prefer my sci-fi hard, realistic and non-fantastical.
I found it very dark, and hadn't thought of the "Inside Number 9" comparison.
But it did remind me of something else, which I didn't mention as it would be a spoiler.

Some of the No 9s can be comical (with just a dark ending) such as the girl with "mental health". If you blinked in the last second you wouldn't even notice her doll.

And one that was funny was the film actor, whose part got reduced and reduced (possibly even the same episode??).

Another hilarious ep of No 9 was when burglars were stealing a very valuable painting from a "Drand Design" type house. The painting was just a plain white canvas! It was only the last 2 seconds that became horrific.

But some eps were horrific.

There was a joke on one of the satirical BBC R4 radio programmes about why there would be no Daleks in the current Dr Who series. But I don't think I can repeat it here as it was very non-woke (and it was about wokeness lol)
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I watched Doctor Who with my Dad when I was little. The first Doctor I remember was Patrick Troughton (sp), never liked John Pertwee he spent too much time on earth which was boring. Tom Baker, I adored, even got my Mum to knit a giant scarf she got to a point of refusing to knit it any longer. I actually cried when he left. Peter Davison was okay, but I liked him as Tristan in All Creatures Great And Small. Colin Baker I liked, but the BBC got rid of him after only a year. Never took to Sylvester McCoy, and that is when I stopped watching.

New era Who, Chris Eccleston was brilliant, but he left after one season for personal reasons. David Tennant BRILLIANT, adored Matt Smith. Really thought I would love Peter Capaldi, but I still watched even though I did not like his Doctor. Jodie was okay, thought loads hated her. Ncuti is fun and I will give him more time to settle down.

People are complaining because Disney now own part of Doctor Who, and they say it is too much Disney compared to the BBC. They brought back RTD as writer and producer and the stories have improved. The thing is, Doctor Who was never a children's TV show, never. Children's TV was always before the news around 4-5 pm, Doctor was always early evening.

Oh, and favourite companion. Donna or Doctor Donna. :giggle:

I pretty much agree with everything you’ve written Donna but I do think Jodie was let down with absolutely woeful scripts. Okay, she’s not the strongest actor in the world but even Maggie Smith and Helen Mirren would have struggled with what she had to work with. It’s hard to believe that the man who wrote the fabulous Broadchurch was the same man who wrote the majority of Jodie’s tenure. Such a shame because I was all for a female Doctor but nothing would make me go back and watch her episodes again.
I am loving Ncuti though, he’s a wonderful mix of David T and Matt S with just a splash of Chris E IMO and although I haven’t quite taken to Ruby yet I do think Millie will improve as we go on and I though she was excellent last night.
The Whisper episode actually has a lot in common with the ghost story Whistle And I Will Come the Victorian by P G James sorry mind blanc. A figure in the distance starts following a man who digs something up whilst on holiday. It gets closer as time goes on. I won't spoil the ending.

On BBC IPlayer they have all episodes of Doctor Who going all the way back. Now parts are missing, so what they did was illustrate missing scenes with just the voices of the actors. Actually very well done.
I watched Doctor Who with my Dad when I was little. The first Doctor I remember was Patrick Troughton (sp), never liked John Pertwee he spent too much time on earth which was boring. Tom Baker, I adored, even got my Mum to knit a giant scarf she got to a point of refusing to knit it any longer. I actually cried when he left. Peter Davison was okay, but I liked him as Tristan in All Creatures Great And Small. Colin Baker I liked, but the BBC got rid of him after only a year. Never took to Sylvester McCoy, and that is when I stopped watching.

New era Who, Chris Eccleston was brilliant, but he left after one season for personal reasons. David Tennant BRILLIANT, adored Matt Smith. Really thought I would love Peter Capaldi, but I still watched even though I did not like his Doctor. Jodie was okay, thought loads hated her. Ncuti is fun and I will give him more time to settle down.

People are complaining because Disney now own part of Doctor Who, and they say it is too much Disney compared to the BBC. They brought back RTD as writer and producer and the stories have improved. The thing is, Doctor Who was never a children's TV show, never. Children's TV was always before the news around 4-5 pm, Doctor was always early evening.

Oh, and favourite companion. Donna or Doctor Donna. :giggle:
My favourite Doctor was/is David Tennant. Loved him. My favourite companion is Donna as well. Great fun.
I watched Doctor Who with my Dad when I was little. The first Doctor I remember was Patrick Troughton (sp), never liked John Pertwee he spent too much time on earth which was boring. Tom Baker, I adored, even got my Mum to knit a giant scarf she got to a point of refusing to knit it any longer. I actually cried when he left.

Tom Baker was my Dr. Who era.

When I was a kid at that time, we used to go to Heathrow airport to go plane spotting from the old Queen's Building and then go round the check-in desks and terminals and collect free baggage labels, booklets, and stuff they'd give us. Not sure why now... collectibles, interest in aviation... brand loyal BA stuff, badges, lanyards, etc. Dunno' if they'd do the same now, probably do us for loitering or security... Nothing free now!

Anyway, while going around the Terminal, the old 1 or 2 it was possibly, who should be walking across the concourse but Tom Baker, luggage in tow. So we all ran up to him, he signed our baggage labels/ticket wallets and was very friendly, considering

I remember when he first saw us he said something like "we're all doing it these days, aren't we?". A nice man, who appreciated his opportunity and what came with it.

Considering the number of pesky kids/adults who must have approached/annoyed him whilst going about his life at that time, during his fame as the then current Doctor, he was very accommodating and approachable.

I think I read somewhere that as an actor you appreciate the massive boost or luck a role like that gives you, pays the mortgage, and changed his career, so was grateful for the attention and opportunity it brought.

Somewhere on this forum, there are YouTube videos posted of Tom Baker on QVC/old Ideal World (?) selling Doctor Who memorabilia. His anecdotes are interesting but a toe-curling interview with a presenter, sat in chairs, reminiscing.
My first Dr was No.4, aka Tom Baker. I saw the earlier ones, but in reruns. My first Dr of the new set, was Tennant. Never watched the previous one. Never took to him. Everyone seems to complain about Jodie, and granted I only saw one of her series (the first), coz the others were always on when I was at work. I liked her as the Dr. I can't really see why 'everyone' seem to have it in for Ncuti. I have enjoyed his series, so far. And regarding companions, of old, I liked Sarah Jane and Ace. Of late, Donna, and Clara. Still getting used to Ruby, but seems promising ;)
My first Dr was No.4, aka Tom Baker. I saw the earlier ones, but in reruns. My first Dr of the new set, was Tennant. Never watched the previous one. Never took to him. Everyone seems to complain about Jodie, and granted I only saw one of her series (the first), coz the others were always on when I was at work. I liked her as the Dr. I can't really see why 'everyone' seem to have it in for Ncuti. I have enjoyed his series, so far. And regarding companions, of old, I liked Sarah Jane and Ace. Of late, Donna, and Clara. Still getting used to Ruby, but seems promising ;)
Jodie seemed to have a speech defect as Dr Who, making her difficult to understand.

But I don't know if she really did, or just put it on as part of the character.

And Ruby is one of the most attractive companions (am I allowed to say that these days?).
Jodie seemed to have a speech defect as Dr Who, making her difficult to understand.

But I don't know if she really did, or just put it on as part of the character.

And Ruby is one of the most attractive companions (am I allowed to say that these days?).
You could always search for other roles of Jodie, or as herself, to 'check' that ;)

Be that as it may, probably not to the current Dr. I didn't say that did I?
Tom Baker was my Dr. Who era.

When I was a kid at that time, we used to go to Heathrow airport to go plane spotting from the old Queen's Building and then go round the check-in desks and terminals and collect free baggage labels, booklets, and stuff they'd give us. Not sure why now... collectibles, interest in aviation... brand loyal BA stuff, badges, lanyards, etc. Dunno' if they'd do the same now, probably do us for loitering or security... Nothing free now!

Anyway, while going around the Terminal, the old 1 or 2 it was possibly, who should be walking across the concourse but Tom Baker, luggage in tow. So we all ran up to him, he signed our baggage labels/ticket wallets and was very friendly, considering

I remember when he first saw us he said something like "we're all doing it these days, aren't we?". A nice man, who appreciated his opportunity and what came with it.

Considering the number of pesky kids/adults who must have approached/annoyed him whilst going about his life at that time, during his fame as the then current Doctor, he was very accommodating and approachable.

I think I read somewhere that as an actor you appreciate the massive boost or luck a role like that gives you, pays the mortgage, and changed his career, so was grateful for the attention and opportunity it brought.

Somewhere on this forum, there are YouTube videos posted of Tom Baker on QVC/old Ideal World (?) selling Doctor Who memorabilia. His anecdotes are interesting but a toe-curling interview with a presenter, sat in chairs, reminiscing.

I didn't enjoy last night's at all, with everyone dancing in about 1800, as I couldn't understand it, and who was the other man with powers?

I don't really like men dancing together, but the last straw was the Dr and the other man having a long passionate French kiss. I knew the actor was gay, but I didn't know until yesterday that the Dr's character was also gay, now there is no doubt about it.

It also made it clear (over the last few eps) that Ruby was falling in love with him, and she looked devastated when she realised he was gay, after the passionate kiss with another man.
I didn't enjoy last night's at all, with everyone dancing in about 1800, as I couldn't understand it, and who was the other man with powers?

I don't really like men dancing together, but the last straw was the Dr and the other man having a long passionate French kiss. I knew the actor was gay, but I didn't know until yesterday that the Dr's character was also gay, now there is no doubt about it.

It also made it clear (over the last few eps) that Ruby was falling in love with him, and she looked devastated when she realised he was gay, after the passionate kiss with another man.
The other man was a bounty hunter. And to be honest, that was one episode I thought was enjoyable. (I like history). And I don't really think the Dr is 'gay' in the literal sense. Last life 'he' was a white woman who, I 'think' had a female admirer (granted I didn't see that series) so I think he / she / mainly he, adapts. Not sure Ruby has fallen in love with him either. You don't have to fall in love to 'love' someone.
The other man was a bounty hunter. And to be honest, that was one episode I thought was enjoyable. (I like history). And I don't really think the Dr is 'gay' in the literal sense. Last life 'he' was a white woman who, I 'think' had a female admirer (granted I didn't see that series) so I think he / she / mainly he, adapts. Not sure Ruby has fallen in love with him either. You don't have to fall in love to 'love' someone.
As you know, each Doctor has his/her own characteristics, and it seems that this one is now confirmed as gay (he has always been camp).

The actor is gay, of course.
As you know, each Doctor has his/her own characteristics, and it seems that this one is now confirmed as gay (he has always been camp).

The actor is gay, of course.
Dr Who has always been an 'individual' and yes, this is the gayest version yet, as far as I know: can't really comment on Jodie's version, as I didn't see if she reciprocated to the other woman: see prior comment. Can you visualise though, Dr. #1 William Hartnell with a grand daughter ending up as #15. Quite a jump, regardless of whether you like the notion or otherwise.
I did watch the one again where Ruby gets older and older and eventually dies. By far my favourite so far.

This is heavily based on the ending of 2001.
I did watch the one again where Ruby gets older and older and eventually dies. By far my favourite so far.

This is heavily based on the ending of 2001.
That was a good one too. Then there's also the ongoing 'Susan Twist' 'thing' (actor name, not character). She's cameo'd in virtually every episode this series so far. And forgot, that this one is 15 and the female version was 13. So, not the last Dr :p Didn't count Tennant as he was both 10 and 14 and 14 was a very short run.
That was a good one too. Then there's also the ongoing 'Susan Twist' 'thing' (actor name, not character). She's cameo'd in virtually every episode this series so far. And forgot, that this one is 15 and the female version was 13. So, not the last Dr :p Didn't count Tennant as he was both 10 and 14 and 14 was a very short run.
I hadn't noticed that
My memories were of William Hartnell as Dr Who, Patrick Troughton,Tom Baker were good but I wasn't keen on any until Christopher Eccleston,David Tennant ,Matt Smith and not watched it since.

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