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  1. D

    Do you have photos of your pets as babies?

    Oh the ferret!! *Heart melts* I cuddled a ferret at our local sanctuary, he enjoyed licking my chin and nibbling my nose!
  2. D

    Lord Drifter of Smellybutt, and Baron Wafflebottom say hello!

    That is his especial "grump" pose, one of my friends falls in love with him every time she sees a "grump" face photo!
  3. D

    Do you have photos of your pets as babies?

    They had a second puppyhood thanks to you though!
  4. D

    Do you have photos of your pets as babies?

    I've taken photos of my pair since they were tiny, it's good to look back on them and see how much they've grown. This is baby Drifter aged 6 weeks. I think he's finally grown into his ears now! Maine Coons grow very slowly, and he only stopped growing taller and longer when he hit 3. Then he...
  5. D

    Lord Drifter of Smellybutt, and Baron Wafflebottom say hello!

    Bless him! He does have a pixie face! He doesn't look terribly impressed, does he think that the camera will steal his soul? Here's one of a similarly impressed Drifter to compare faces, you can see his broader face. Drifter's head is huge, about 3 times the size of Waffles. In fact...
  6. D

    Evening all!

    Yep Sacha, that's my boy! Honestly, he has to be experienced to be believed. He's happily chasing a dot of cat litter around the kitchen floor now, it's the most energy he's expended all day! Milly, Diamond Diva, I am very sorry that you lost your fur-babies. They were all brilliant ages...
  7. D

    Evening all!

    Thank you everyone for the welcome, and Vienna, it sounds like Treacle has found her place in life - queen as she deserves to be!
  8. D

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    My two are indoor cats so don't wear collars, but Waffle goes outside in his smart blue harness! He says he can't walk in it, until he sees a bug then VROOOM he's off!
  9. D


    I get CPS in the winter when it's cold and damp, I think it must be at least part genetic because my mum had both her wrists operated on in the 80s. She's fine now but I have a friend who felt worse after the op. :thinking: I have splints, proper CPS ones with metal splint on both sides, and...
  10. D

    waxed, tinted and preened

    A friend of mine says that the MUA eyebrow pencils in Superdrug are really good, and they only cost £1!
  11. D

    What did you have for breakfast

    I had 2 bananas and a large chunk of double chocolate bread, oops, back to the diet tomorrow!
  12. D

    Lord Drifter of Smellybutt, and Baron Wafflebottom say hello!

    Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone! I am amazed, I go to bed and then there's three pages on my thread - I can see I am going to like it here, I talk LOADS too! :rock: I have many, many photos of the boys, having a smart phone makes these things so easy now! Tinkerbelle, I thought about...
  13. D

    Lord Drifter of Smellybutt, and Baron Wafflebottom say hello!

    My two boys would like to say hello to you. This is Drifter, he's a 4 year old Maine Coon. He's a beautiful cat, and I love him lots, despite the fact he's the thickest cat I've ever known - I guess not everyone can be stunning AND clever! :tongue: He forgets he's eating while there's food in...
  14. D

    Evening all!

    Will do! I've already spotted a fellow fluffball!
  15. D

    Evening all!

    Hi everyone! I found ST when I was looking for details on a Nails Inc TSV and I lurked for a bit. Then I read about this mysterious "The Drop" and thought it would be a nice place to make some new friends! I only buy nail products on shopping tv, but I shop online and on the high street. TK...
  16. D

    Leighton Denny and "all them top tips"

    Thank you Jude! The name is inspired by my very hairy cat. I will join the Drop soon and share a photo!
  17. D

    Leighton Denny and "all them top tips"

    Of the three, Nails Inc features the most in my collection - I like how they try new things. I am the most impressed with the formula and brush of OPI polishes, though I've heard that the cremes can be streaky at times so I don't tend to buy without seeing a review online first. I've not tried...