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  1. M

    Do you remember the first time?

    I discovered bid about 18 months ago when I was in bed with flu. I never watch shopping channels but I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like watching real life market trader con men in action. It was bizarrely fascinating. Not only the presenters selling antics and lies or the...
  2. M

    The Shopping Telly Bid Shopping fans Facebook Group

    I feel like such a fraud. I've just joined your group but used a fake fb profile that I never use. Really sorry :( I joined as Dave Thomas but Im not really Dave and Im not really Thomas so I changed the FB name to Mipsy Thomas but I'm not really mipsy either. I can't bring myself to join as the...
  3. M

    Before we disappear - Last thoughts - What's your bid experience?

    I'd love not only in the here, not only in the now to send you one of the greater of the replies megadrop .......... but I'm lost for words ..... lol.
  4. M

    What's Going On?

    I'm glad bid and price drop have gone. Now all I need is for this forum to go and then my secret unhealthy fascination with the shysters will be over. I can't believe I know who Gollum, Schlock, Dirty Peter, Bod, Forest Gump, Split Ends, Gasper, Frump, Lord Kean, Dockyard Doris and Neil are...
  5. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Now Ive got bid back on freeview I've been looking at it to see how its changed. 'Bids normal shopping price' and 'get in quick because we've already sold 50% of the current stock' - what a load of shysters. Same old shyster tricks but now even more shyster like :mysmilie_51:
  6. M

    All new price drop

    Aw .... I can't see price drop anymore so I can't see any of this new format. Ive got bid back now but its on 37 where price drop use to be (although the freeview program title still says pricedrop - what a mess lol).
  7. M

    Blimey - 1/2 decent jewellery on best of bid

    Best of bid are currently showing solid sterling silver amber jewellery. Also the rings have a range of sizes to choose from and the price is not too bad either. A big step up from the god awful gold tone opal and crystal jewellery tat they normally sell.
  8. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Also one lady complaining that sherlock has unfriended her. Aw poor thing :mysmilie_17: She was a loyal customer who often posted on bids facebook page (albeit in a hard to understand illiterate way) of how much she loved bid and particularly sherlocks stinks.
  9. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Perhaps only me and a couple of people in the care home down the road watch bid in wales so they've switched off transmission to save some money. They don't seem to be moderating their facebook page anymore. Lots of comments saying don't buy from bid because they are going into liquidation and...
  10. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Hey I just found out why I can't get bid anymore on freeview 23. Its not my aerial after all. On bids facebook page people from wales are saying they don't receive bid anymore. It disappeared a week ago. Bids response is: We are working towards resolving the service outage which is effecting...
  11. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Tried retuning. Still bid (and only bid) is blank. Channel 23 says it should be bid and what the current theme is e.g. 'For the Home' but the picture is blank. Maybe someone up above :mysmilie_50: has decided enough is enough and made sure I do not spend any more of my precious time on this...
  12. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I don't have bid on freeview anymore (23). v strange. Its the only channel that's now just blank. Guess it must just be my ariel or something as no-one else is reporting a problem.
  13. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Gollum, when introducing the silver tone irish watches made a Freudian slip and said 'tat' instead of 'that' :mysmilie_483:.
  14. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    jeeze - if my friends and family knew ive been waiting for 10pm they'd think there was something wrong with me. my guilty secret lol
  15. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    The Hotel Inspector also uses the same background music as bid (sometimes).
  16. M

    What do you expect to see 10/03/14 at 10 p.m.?

    I know - it looks like its going to be even worse than it is now!
  17. M

    Poundworld Now Deliver - Check This Out & Save A Fortune on Bid Ripoffs!

    Judging by the people who post on bid's facebook page you have described them exactly. Well done bingowings.
  18. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    A while ago someone on facebook had said that the label on the Boom limescale remover said 'do not use on Chrome'. They didn't notice this until after they'd sprayed it all over their chrome taps which subsequently ruined them. The comment was removed. Someone else on facebook said the...
  19. M

    Aviator DOTD

    I just watched bid briefly and saw james russel say a few times that the dotd Aviator watch was a Volmax Aviator watch. Dirty Peter last night kept saying over and over that its a Russian watch. However that gift set looks like an in-flight gift set (no doubt discontinued) in which case it is...
  20. M

    That whiskers vacuum thing is rubbish!

    Yes the whiskers demo was laughable because of the utter crapness of it, but you know, on amazon there are loads of good reviews for it! Mind you many of the people reviewing it say they normally hoover 2 or 3 times a day (wot????) so obviously there isn't anything for it to clean up!