Blimey !


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Apr 27, 2009
Seeing Kathy Taylor this morning, - the deepest tan ever ! cant see her getting that in her back garden, and she's not really a fake girl, so must have been abroad then ! as have a few other presenters who have a suspect deep tan.

I know its personal choice, but with other countries in similar positions to ourselves, I cant see the joy in going abroad - yet; unless of course its travelling by private jet (a la Beckhams) and relaxing on a private yacht with no possibility of mixing with the germ ridden plebs (again a la Beckhams) ;)
Seeing Kathy Taylor this morning, - the deepest tan ever ! cant see her getting that in her back garden, and she's not really a fake girl, so must have been abroad then ! as have a few other presenters who have a suspect deep tan.

I know its personal choice, but with other countries in similar positions to ourselves, I cant see the joy in going abroad - yet; unless of course its travelling by private jet (a la Beckhams) and relaxing on a private yacht with no possibility of mixing with the germ ridden plebs (again a la Beckhams) ;)
I so agree :) We had our May holiday to Granada in Spain cancelled and have just moved our Tenerife holiday (due in September) to May next year. Really not worth the risk at the moment. Not just the quarantine and against FCO advice, but we could get trapped there if this escalates and all flights are cancelled, and also if someone has the virus on the flight out, we would have to isolate the whole time! Along with the wearing the mask in the airports and on the 4 hour plus flight! We are going on a road trip to Devon and Cornwall instead, and I much less anxious and considerably more excited about that :love::D
Kathy and her husband have a motorhome, I think, so maybe they've been travelling in that without needing to fly anywhere for a bit of sun.
Chloe Everton did the same, went to Spain a couple of weeks ago....came back worked for two days....quarantine was brought in two days after she got back....then she went in to quarantine....I think this is her second week now. Call the girl thick, but doing two full days shift at work and then going in to quarantine is a bit like closing the stable door when the horse has bolted.
We've lost two holidays this year, one just for my Mr T & one for us. Being retired we could cope with having to quarantine but I can't imagine many things worse than being ill on holiday & knowing you've got to get home while feeling like that.
Chloe Everton did the same, went to Spain a couple of weeks ago....came back worked for two days....quarantine was brought in two days after she got back....then she went in to quarantine....I think this is her second week now. Call the girl thick, but doing two full days shift at work and then going in to quarantine is a bit like closing the stable door when the horse has bolted.
I'll call her thick, Shopps & I'll also call her selfish.
Perhaps there’s a fake tan TSV on the horizon, and they’ve all received their ‘sample’!
I had a look at her & then saw that there was one by Korres being sold on The Morning Show. Unfortunately it was Shouty Simon who was doing it as I hoped it would be her & that she'd say that she'd used it which was why she was so glowing...
Chloe Everton did the same, went to Spain a couple of weeks ago....came back worked for two days....quarantine was brought in two days after she got back....then she went in to quarantine....I think this is her second week now. Call the girl thick, but doing two full days shift at work and then going in to quarantine is a bit like closing the stable door when the horse has bolted.

Did we really expect anything different, from a lairy shoutygob ? Wouldn't be surprised if she was pictured holding a pint outside one of the non-social distancing pubs in London, screaming her head off with her mates ! And Spain ? eeee gods, you couldn't pay me to go anywhere in Europe at the moment.

I see everyone is heading for Devon and Cornwall, but what's wrong with the south coast of Kent and Sussex then ? Its got everything that D & C has, AND there is more than one road leading out of the area ! Oh yes, and unlike Cornwall, the Isle of Thanet has pavements - there's a novelty 🤭
When I was battling TUI a few weeks ago and waiting for our refund from a holiday which was cancelled I went onto their facebook page to complain about it taking almost 3 months to get said refund. Anyway one poor lass was on there and totally heartbroken. Her, her boyfriend and 2 sets of parents had paid almost £20k between them for a holiday plus their wedding in the Maldives. The whole thing had obviously been cancelled and she was battling them for their money back. It made my moans look petty.
Ditto T, couldn’t believe she came in to work knowing the situation but yes, very selfish. Hope you’re all well love ❤ xxx
Same back to you & yours. I'm on my own this week & started painting downstairs loo yesterday - right knee locked at one point & I thought I'd be stuck but managed to wiggle it back to normal ❤
Same back to you & yours. I'm on my own this week & started painting downstairs loo yesterday - right knee locked at one point & I thought I'd be stuck but managed to wiggle it back to normal ❤

Aw T watch those knees, us women of a certain age.......21 (ahem!)........have to watch our knees, back of my knee cap keeps popping, the husband reckons it’s cartilage, but knee locking, yeah I hear yeh 😂😂❤❤ xxx
Aw T watch those knees, us women of a certain age.......21 (ahem!)........have to watch our knees, back of my knee cap keeps popping, the husband reckons it’s cartilage, but knee locking, yeah I hear yeh 😂😂❤❤ xxx
There's no hope for us! I've had a snapping tendon on my right hip for years, it sounds like a piece of wooden being broken & one little lad looked at me with concern when this happened in class one day & then announced that it also happened a lot to his GREAT grandad ☹ I was still in my 40s!
When I was battling TUI a few weeks ago and waiting for our refund from a holiday which was cancelled I went onto their facebook page to complain about it taking almost 3 months to get said refund. Anyway one poor lass was on there and totally heartbroken. Her, her boyfriend and 2 sets of parents had paid almost £20k between them for a holiday plus their wedding in the Maldives. The whole thing had obviously been cancelled and she was battling them for their money back. It made my moans look petty.
Awwww, that's really disappointing for them. I've been to the Maldives and it would be a dream wedding/honeymoon. We managed to get our money back from both Ryanair and Easyjet but it was nowhere near £20K, more like £200 :rolleyes:


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