Come On Who Bought the £800+ Charlie Bunny?


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Jun 24, 2008
I flicked over last night to catch Charlie, husband and Craig raving about it.

Definitely should be called Harvey for a start:mysmilie_59: and damn the Alison In Wonderland thing

I have two ordered to frighten any would be burglars trying to break in. In the dark it would frighten the crap out of them.:mysmilie_17:

Unfortunately the link is not working and the Q website has gone T!TS up.....again.
I live by Kelly Hoppen's everything in 3's philosophy so that's blown the budget for this month. I'm glad you posted about it, I had a vague feeling it was a bad dream I had...but it's real?!!
I also watched the presentation last night. That rabbit would give me ****** nightmares if I woke up and it was staring at me. How scary were it's eyes?
For the love of..........:mysmilie_13: And there's the reason why bed wetting in children has risen dramatically. :wink:
I've just watched the video clip - what a scary stare.
What a way to get rid of children coming around ! It might even scare the local heron form visiting my pond too !
I only bought mine to hold my diamond handbag.

Another Akimbo-justified purchase!

That is one ugly piece of stuffed polyester fur, not to mention the scary eyes modelled on Jack Nicholson`s mad eyed gaze in The Shining.
Someone has obviously lost their marbles and bought it to keep the poltergeists away.
It reminds me of the stupid craze in America where people dress as characters from horror movies and then prowl Public places in order to terrify members of the Public. They stage the scene with a few dead bodies, fake blood and as an unsuspecting person walks into the underground or carpark, a chainsaw wielding clown will chase them or Freddie from Friday the 13th will stare at them before frightening the life out of them. Meanwhile its all being filmed and will end up on You Tube.
I bet whoever bought this maniacal looking rabbit will do the same, can see it now, Grandad hiding under the stairs, Granny opens the door to welcome much loved grandkids with open arms, ushers them into the house and Grandad catches superb moment on his camera as kids come face to face with rabbit and scream for their lives whilst leaving wet patches on the hall carpet. Yep a great way to have fun with grandchildren !
Oh botheration I missed it, would it have kept my in-laws at bay? Would have been worth every penny.
I flicked over last night to catch Charlie, husband and Craig raving about it.

Definitely should be called Harvey for a start:mysmilie_59: and damn the Alison In Wonderland thing

I have two ordered to frighten any would be burglars trying to break in. In the dark it would frighten the crap out of them.:mysmilie_17:

Yes they would scare anyone, you may even be able to use them to bring your house insurance down (as they are as good as any burglar alarm), but please tell me you weren't serious with regards to 'forking out' that price for two, though saying that if it did bring the house insurance down, then they could actually be good investments.
That is one ugly piece of stuffed polyester fur, not to mention the scary eyes modelled on Jack Nicholson`s mad eyed gaze in The Shining.
Someone has obviously lost their marbles and bought it to keep the poltergeists away.
It reminds me of the stupid craze in America where people dress as characters from horror movies and then prowl Public places in order to terrify members of the Public. They stage the scene with a few dead bodies, fake blood and as an unsuspecting person walks into the underground or carpark, a chainsaw wielding clown will chase them or Freddie from Friday the 13th will stare at them before frightening the life out of them. Meanwhile its all being filmed and will end up on You Tube.
I bet whoever bought this maniacal looking rabbit will do the same, can see it now, Grandad hiding under the stairs, Granny opens the door to welcome much loved grandkids with open arms, ushers them into the house and Grandad catches superb moment on his camera as kids come face to face with rabbit and scream for their lives whilst leaving wet patches on the hall carpet. Yep a great way to have fun with grandchildren !

Can you imagine how many of those would be going back under Q's money back gurantee, I can imagine the conversation,

Phone call to CS centre - I want to return an item
Agent - Yes what is the item please
Customer - It is a stuffed white rabbit
I mean given the weight it would need to be collected, I don't reckon there will honestly that many to go around, I would have thought though that they would have tried to go down the 'affiliation' route as Steiff always do with the range of their bears (Paddington, Winnie the Pooh etc), guess they are not as highly regarded as Steiff.
I flicked over last night to catch Charlie, husband and Craig raving about it.

Definitely should be called Harvey for a start:mysmilie_59: and damn the Alison In Wonderland thing

I have two ordered to frighten any would be burglars trying to break in. In the dark it would frighten the crap out of them.:mysmilie_17:

Harvey, what a great name! Too creepy but then I find most of these CB's bit weird like :mysmilie_48:
I've just watched the video clip - what a scary stare.
What a way to get rid of children coming around ! It might even scare the local heron form visiting my pond too !
Now if seen it I think I might get one for the top dray just in case we get un unexpected visitor ove Christmas :mysmilie_12:
This takes 'bunny boiler' to a whole new level ! only I'd expect this bunny to be boiling humans in a saucepan !!!
I caught this part of the show while channel hopping. It would freak me out (why does the rabbit in Donnie Darko spring to mind?) and I like rabbits (real ones.) I'm also sure the P&P was only £5.95 so how can QVC justify the same P&P on tiddly little items when an enormous rabbit costs the same to post?

And I'd like to see the postman trying to shove that through a letterbox, or a courier throwing it over a gate.

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