The 'little' things :(


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I'll also hold my hand up to owning a few scarflaces and I do really like them. When I first saw them demonstrated many years ago...don't think it was IW I though they were really frumpy, she only seemed to do pastel/florals and they had those hideous filigree fastenings. Some years later I found one at a car boot sale, it was leopard print and "on trend" at the time, so I paid my 50p lol and thereafter was "sold". I've probably got about 7 including the bootsale one. One of them was a limited edition large one and it's fab.

What gets me is the t callers...boasting that the own in the hundreds of the things "Are you going for any from today's show?"...."Oooh you bet ya!, I can't quite decide which set I like best, so I'm going to buy them all!" ...."Well done, Mavis!" Obviously it's good for business, but really the poor woman probably needs one of them to say "stay on the line my love and we'll put you in touch with a counsellor, you obviously have a bit of a problem there!"
One of my personal faves that never used to get picked up on was when Debbie Paver would say something to the extent of...

''these are the best shoes in the world. fact.''

I used to shout at the screen ''how? how is that a fact''

yes, shouting at the tv while selly telly is on, is sad but I couldn't get over how she'd say it with a straight face.
One of my personal faves that never used to get picked up on was when Debbie Paver would say something to the extent of...

''these are the best shoes in the world. fact.''

I used to shout at the screen ''how? how is that a fact''

yes, shouting at the tv while selly telly is on, is sad but I couldn't get over how she'd say it with a straight face.

I hate to say it but I have been known (occasionally) to shout at the television, but I have also been called a grumpy middle aged woman (and that is just by my family!). It is not true, I am a cheerful lady, but occasionally, certain people or comments on television have been known to make me grumpy!
On the topic of Department Stores, you can imagine, Moira C have episode of Are you being Served based on her.

Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brhams could have had a sale day based on the Itsawrap, Scarflace, ChiChi etc.
I cannot understand the logic of the ChiChis, after all, we lose heat through our head (the myth says 40 to 50 % of our body heat, research says only about 7%)
but “The head and the neck and the upper torso are more sensitive to temperature changes so it feels as if we’re losing more heat but we’re actually not,” so isn't it logical to wear a full hat that covers the whole head? I am all for a proper neck warmer , let it be scarves or "fur" lace and also covers for my hands, let it be gloves, mittens ,or muffs on a cold and wintry day!
I sigh for the days of Itsawrap, when Moira used to fling herself around like a contortionist, grabbing that bit of fabric that she needed to make the trouser. Talk about watching Houdini get out of a tank of water.....priceless! And agree with you about Are You Being Served - she'd make a marvellous Mrs Slocombe..."Captain Peacock, are you free?" (I won't say her other catchphrase, to spare those of you with delicate sensibilities!!!:mysmilie_515::mysmilie_482::mysmilie_515:

On the topic of Department Stores, you can imagine, Moira C have episode of Are you being Served based on her.

Mrs Slocombe and Miss Brhams could have had a sale day based on the Itsawrap, Scarflace, ChiChi etc.
Muttley, She used to be even worse (if that's possible) and I once counted 5 occasions in one hour when she mentioned it! You're right, it doesn't come over well when someone is obviously doing a bit of a brag...good luck to her, she's no doubt worked hard and I admire her for that, but she shouldn't keep on about it. I did wonder if someone had "had a word", but it seems the windmill in Old Amsterdam is still being dropped into the conversation. Now that you know, I trust you will be rushing to your nearest Estate Agents and requesting particulars of the nearest windmill for sale - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, as they say!!:mysmilie_17:

I humbly apologise for not watching enough of her to know about her living in a windmill. I will increase my medication and then should be able to watch more than two minutes and I promise that I will listen carefully to what she says! By the way, do you think she wants a medal for living in a windmill? Or, as you say, is she bragging? Personally, it's not what I would choose if I had the money/opportunity to move wherever I want, but that's just me. And I don't know what her living arrangements have on the product she is selling, but I always get the impression when she is on that it is all about her, and she thinks we are interested. Maybe some people are...
Muttley, She used to be even worse (if that's possible) and I once counted 5 occasions in one hour when she mentioned it! You're right, it doesn't come over well when someone is obviously doing a bit of a brag...good luck to her, she's no doubt worked hard and I admire her for that, but she shouldn't keep on about it. I did wonder if someone had "had a word", but it seems the windmill in Old Amsterdam is still being dropped into the conversation. Now that you know, I trust you will be rushing to your nearest Estate Agents and requesting particulars of the nearest windmill for sale - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, as they say!!:mysmilie_17:

She seems to be getting her lovely daughters involved in the business now, I think she'll step back in a few years. I must admit I've grown quite fond of our Myra (as someone once called her)
Muttley, She used to be even worse (if that's possible) and I once counted 5 occasions in one hour when she mentioned it! You're right, it doesn't come over well when someone is obviously doing a bit of a brag...good luck to her, she's no doubt worked hard and I admire her for that, but she shouldn't keep on about it. I did wonder if someone had "had a word", but it seems the windmill in Old Amsterdam is still being dropped into the conversation. Now that you know, I trust you will be rushing to your nearest Estate Agents and requesting particulars of the nearest windmill for sale - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, as they say!!:mysmilie_17:

I did look in an estate agent's window in my local high street recently, but I didn't spot any windmills for sale. I like to look at the prices for a laugh!
I sigh for the days of Itsawrap, when Moira used to fling herself around like a contortionist, grabbing that bit of fabric that she needed to make the trouser. Talk about watching Houdini get out of a tank of water.....priceless! And agree with you about Are You Being Served - she'd make a marvellous Mrs Slocombe..."Captain Peacock, are you free?" (I won't say her other catchphrase, to spare those of you with delicate sensibilities!!!:mysmilie_515::mysmilie_482::mysmilie_515:

You are right about Mrs. Slocombe! All Moira C needs is the multi coloured hair and she would be a dead ringer! And we all remember her catchphrase! Can't believe they got away with that one even in the 1970s...
I also HATE the way she points out: "this is my daughter Primrose, my other daughter Florentina, and my step-daughter Nina", she often says "I've got 7 children, 3 of my own and 4 step" just feels wrong pointing it out, but maybe that's just me?!?! I also do frequently shout at the TV, but generally when Den is on and only two words usually...... :p
I sigh for the days of Itsawrap, when Moira used to fling herself around like a contortionist, grabbing that bit of fabric that she needed to make the trouser. Talk about watching Houdini get out of a tank of water.....priceless! And agree with you about Are You Being Served - she'd make a marvellous Mrs Slocombe..."Captain Peacock, are you free?" (I won't say her other catchphrase, to spare those of you with delicate sensibilities!!!:mysmilie_515::mysmilie_482::mysmilie_515:

Just think - Mrs slocombe to - Mr Humphries - Are you free?
Mr Humpfries (PP) I'm free - smacs lips - looks to camera - Just buy it! :mysmilie_17:
Hope Our Myra isn't setting herself up as a direct rival to Our Bet...there's only room for one "Our" on IW...
She seems to be getting her lovely daughters involved in the business now, I think she'll step back in a few years. I must admit I've grown quite fond of our Myra (as someone once called her)

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