This is a doozy of a lie


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Hmm, surely if you were sick you wouldn't feel like joking on Twitter??!!
Mind you, Lisa Brash was a real trooper tonight, she threw up on air and carried on to finish her shift!

Was this the new Roman Shower One Day Special? :puke:
Good to see the morals of yesterday are still apparent at Sit-up.

They may have been bought out and saved during the recent CVA, but some of the bad eggs remain who love to hoodwink and rip folk off.

When will they learn? It's about time Mason et al were removed from television and declared not fit to work in any capacity (no, not even delivering newspapers as that involves the elderly and vulnerable).

Ofcom and the ASA had plenty of opportunity to clamp down and shut down the channels but they are as much a shower as! Just goes to show, money talks (and then some).
Good to see the morals of yesterday are still apparent at Sit-up.

They may have been bought out and saved during the recent CVA, but some of the bad eggs remain who love to hoodwink and rip folk off.

When will they learn? It's about time Mason et al were removed from television and declared not fit to work in any capacity (no, not even delivering newspapers as that involves the elderly and vulnerable).

Ofcom and the ASA had plenty of opportunity to clamp down and shut down the channels but they are as much a shower as! Just goes to show, money talks (and then some).

I agree money does talk - mine always say's "Goodbye":mysmilie_17:
The other day when she had to ditch her shift cos she was "poorly" she was laughing and joking on twitter if you're ill surely you'd be resting just saying :)

I would have thought that if you were "sick" you would be discreet (whether real or exaggerated), you wouldn't be seen joking about on social network sites. I would have thought that in this day and age you would not potentially give your employer any reason to sack you. Personally I get crippling headaches and as much as I love this forum avoid even reading it when I am at my worst.
I would have thought that if you were "sick" you would be discreet (whether real or exaggerated), you wouldn't be seen joking about on social network sites.

True, though if only more people actually recognise the fact that you can feel better but still be infectious so it's best to stay at home regardless. Sadly, many employers these days don't seem to care about that sort of thing (or if at all, ever).
True, though if only more people actually recognise the fact that you can feel better but still be infectious so it's best to stay at home regardless. Sadly, many employers these days don't seem to care about that sort of thing (or if at all, ever).

I know exactly what you're saying PP but even if you're feeling better and not able to return to work yet surely you don't give an employer any ammunition or any reason to doubt your integrity?
We live in tough times as far as employment is concerned and employers can be ruthless - I don't think caring comes into it too much as long as they act within employment law.
True, though if only more people actually recognise the fact that you can feel better but still be infectious so it's best to stay at home regardless. Sadly, many employers these days don't seem to care about that sort of thing (or if at all, ever).

That is a very good point! But knowing how employers don't need much excuse to get rid of you I wouldn't give them any ammunition.
That is a very good point! But knowing how employers don't need much excuse to get rid of you I wouldn't give them any ammunition.

Come to think of it, this depends on how much they're liked by management in the first place. Or more importantly, to what degree the presenter thinks they're liked by management.

Two different things and not mutually exclusive :wink:
I received an email today from the ASA.

They said they will look at the complaint and email me within ten days to let me know whether they have decided to pursue it.

If they don't decide to pursue it then you have to think there is something fishy going on. What Bid did is absolutely blatant.
This is really weird.

Just had a reply from the ASA saying that I am wrong and the \Actifry on argos was the same one.

I checked and double checked it when I made the complaint and the argos website clearly stated it was 1.2Kg

Just checked now and the £169.99 model says 1Kg. It has changed since I made the complaint.
Get yours before someone get yours just shut up mason. And STOP being 'TIGHT' never known a bunch of tight people in my life.
This is really weird.

Just had a reply from the ASA saying that I am wrong and the \Actifry on argos was the same one.

I checked and double checked it when I made the complaint and the argos website clearly stated it was 1.2Kg

Just checked now and the £169.99 model says 1Kg. It has changed since I made the complaint.

Weird, but Argos also made a mistake with a product I bought only two days ago (a broadband SIM card); the catalogue number was listed in the catalogue for one type of card but Argos sold me another type of card which had the same catalogue number printed on it. After a friendly argument with a sales assistant (including having to fetch one of their own catalogues to prove to him that a different product had the same catalogue number!), he spoke to his manager and they finally agreed that there had been an error.

So Argos have made at least one mistake with their catalogue numbers recently.
Weird, but Argos also made a mistake with a product I bought only two days ago (a broadband SIM card); the catalogue number was listed in the catalogue for one type of card but Argos sold me another type of card which had the same catalogue number printed on it. After a friendly argument with a sales assistant (including having to fetch one of their own catalogues to prove to him that a different product had the same catalogue number!), he spoke to his manager and they finally agreed that there had been an error.

So Argos have made at least one mistake with their catalogue numbers recently.

How embarassing. It looks like argos has made the mistake and I have blamed bid.

Having said that though, I find it very odd that Argos is flogging the basic actifry for £169.99 when you can get it so much cheaper, even on bid. Argos are generally cheaper or price things in line with other retailers.
All credit to you for taking the time and trouble to notice and report the discrepancy, haribo. I've been following this thread with interest to see the outcome. How frustrating to have it end this way :(