TV ads that really annoy & insult my intelligence!


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Yes I was just going to say that everyone can sit together but you have to do one thing - pay for it. Always the entitled "do you know who I am" people who think they should get things free that the plebs have to pay for. No way would I have moved for her. She would have had to sit with me and I would have chucked a glass of red wine over her nice white dress. Accidentally of course . . . .

Yes I was just going to say that everyone can sit together but you have to do one thing - pay for it. Always the entitled "do you know who I am" people who think they should get things free that the plebs have to pay for. No way would I have moved for her. She would have had to sit with me and I would have chucked a glass of red wine over her nice white dress. Accidentally of course . . . .

I've got a chronic health condition and like to have a bit more leg room despite only being 5'2". I've been paying a bit extra for an extra legroom seat, if I book it early enough can pick the aisle seat before they fill up. It's not hugely expensive and worth it for the 4 hour journeys I've had in the last 3 years. I don't begrudge it because it makes a difference to my overall wellbeing.

So if I encountered a "do you know who I am?" I wouldn't be impressed. I would possibly be naughty and ask if she was the cleaner in the Clacton branch of Wetherspoons😝

And I wouldn't change seats...
The woman sucking the Pot Noddle needs to be put down. It would be a mercy killing.

Yes, Pure Cremation. Reading at the weekend, a number of these style of funeral plans have gone out of business.

The Andrex one with the woman walking up the office carrying her own toilet roll. WTH. Shouting out, I am going to have a crap.
:ROFLMAO: - laughing out loud at your first and last comments - I'd carry out the execution myself on the Pot Noodle woman and dispose of the whizz kid person who thought up the advert too, just for good measure.

I'm not surprised at what you say about the funeral plans - I think few people have trust in any funeral directors anymore, just dreadful. But, I have to say I'm pleased that the adverts for these will slacken off. They seem to think that anyone watching TV during the daytime has one leg down the hole and the Sun Life man with his ****** cheese and tomato sandwich.....relentlessly cheerful he is (so he's got to go, too - I'm still planning how I'll do it, but it won't be pretty).

Now, all I need to do is get rid of Carol Vorderman and her chainsaw, when she advertises equity release. The husband and wife in the advert are possibly (I say possibly) the worst actors in the world, both looking as though (a) they have a broom handle stuck somewhere on their bodies (no prizes for guessing where) and (b) they have just suffered an 'accident' on their way to the bathroom (probably to try to extricate the broom handle).
I've been saying this for years - They just don't know how to do adverts any more, especially funny ones, they're all weird, non-sensical and miss the mark every time. The last decent ad campaign I can remember is the "should've gone to specsavers" and the old "purple bricks" ones we're pretty funny too but these were about 10 years ago. What do we get these days? leaky pee pants, people yodelling for pizza and some woman telling the back of her head to shoosh! Bliddy dreadful!
Absolutely agree, all the ones you mentioned get on my nerves too. Humour is everything if you are trying to sell something, it holds the viewers attention because everyone wants to laugh.

I've got a chronic health condition and like to have a bit more leg room despite only being 5'2". I've been paying a bit extra for an extra legroom seat, if I book it early enough can pick the aisle seat before they fill up. It's not hugely expensive and worth it for the 4 hour journeys I've had in the last 3 years. I don't begrudge it because it makes a difference to my overall wellbeing.

So if I encountered a "do you know who I am?" I wouldn't be impressed. I would possibly be naughty and ask if she was the cleaner in the Clacton branch of Wetherspoons😝

And I wouldn't change seats...
Why should you change seats. I admire your pluck and your courage xxxxxx wonderful!
Absolutely agree, all the ones you mentioned get on my nerves too. Humour is everything if you are trying to sell something, it holds the viewers attention because everyone wants to laugh.
Yes, in the old days ads were for the most part better. And when you got the 'story' ads. Says he thinking of Nescafe, and BT aka Beatie aka Maureen Lipman, you got an ology? And thereafter wotsisname from Death in Paradise. And finally the OXO ads. All held your attention and almost made you want to watch them to see what would happen next. Nowadays, unless they dig out the old ads, two to mind, the Fairy ad with the rocket. And the usually at Christmas Hellmans, most leave a lot to be desired. Those last two ads though. So old, the kid's a grandfather now and the mayo is rancid :p
I loved this advert but it got pulled because it scared people :LOL: Of course we all get chased down the dairy aisle in Sainsburys by a T rex.

I loved this advert but it got pulled because it scared people :LOL: Of course we all get chased down the dairy aisle in Sainsburys by a T rex.

I've always been fond of the advert for Cadbury's Flake where she's laid in the middle of the room in a bath and the water is overflowing.
I loved this advert but it got pulled because it scared people :LOL: Of course we all get chased down the dairy aisle in Sainsburys by a T rex.

The nearest one we get at present is the Twix ad. Twins sitting in the woods discussing Twix oblivious to the two bears behind them discussing the twins. Funny and sinister at the same time.
A new one, or the old ones with the large orange man assaulting people?
No a new one where the prison governor is searching a cell and uncovers a can of tango the prisoner has hidden. He takes a sip and then crawls on the floor and gyrates on the prison bars. I don't know if it's supposed to show Tango is sexy but I found it disturbing,not a bit funny.
If you look on You Tube Tango The Warden ad,I tried to copy it but couldn't.
Took me at least two watches to 'get' that ad. Quite amusing when you do understand it.
Ahh, just posted the Twix bears ad above.
The nearest one we get at present is the Twix ad. Twins sitting in the woods discussing Twix oblivious to the two bears behind them discussing the twins. Funny and sinister at the same time.
I've just seen an advert that I've decided is not good. I'm definitely paraphrasing, but a security company (verisure?) and the woman says, if they target his house, we have to get alarmed. Meaning, if they target his 'rubbish' they'd definitely go for our stuff. (WE are better than he). I could look up the ad for a better description, but cba. :p

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