For the 2nd Time in 24 years, Q Miss me.


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Registered Shopper
Oct 8, 2008
Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire
Wow have just had a card through the door telling me they miss me and I can have £5 off my next purchase. (as long as it is over £20.01). I was actually thinking of getting the SBC tsv, only for the skincare, the gel can go on Ebay. So, I may actually use it. Be better if it had been a tenner off though, a fiver int that much to lure someone back is it?.

But I guess it is something. I used to buy a lot from Q, but nothing this year so far. Got to watch the pennies these days. Husband says he supposes I will just have to buy something just to spend the fiver. He has no faith in me whatsoever. :ROFLMAO:
I became a customer a few weeks after the Q launched in the UK & remained one until last autumn, during that time I bought a fair bit. I never received any acknowledgement of my loyalty, not even one of their tacky Christmas cards & they didn't even ask the reason why I was closing my account.
I have been exactly the same Twilight. Been with them from the start, bought loads, but not bought anything since just before Christmas. It's a long time since I had the Christmas card as well. They probably get new customers all the time, so don't bother about the ones they have had for years. I guess loyalty doesn't mean much to them. LOTI, Yep I suppose it will cover the postage if I go for the SBC TSV.

Wish they did stuff like hedgehog houses, need another as my original is occupied and we have another 3 coming now, but OH says where the hell are we putting another 3 hedgie houses, terrible attitude he has, :ROFLMAO:so talked him into at least another one. Now that is something I really need. 🥰 (actually if they did stuff like that, it would probably cost an arm and a leg anyway).
Wish they did stuff like hedgehog houses, need another as my original is occupied and we have another 3 coming now, but OH says where the hell are we putting another 3 hedgie houses, terrible attitude he has, :ROFLMAO:so talked him into at least another one. Now that is something I really need. 🥰 (actually if they did stuff like that, it would probably cost an arm and a leg anyway).
Oh, for goodness sake, after reading this I have just spent time perusing cute little hedgehog houses on Amazon. Which I now want. I don’t even have a garden…🙂
We have birds, squirrels, frogs and hedgehogs come to ours and we feed them all. And of course our 4 cats. :rolleyes: Looks like you need an garden madaunty. The little houses are so sweet. We sit on the step out back at night watching the comings and goings. Hedgies not bothered by us now, if the dishes are empty they sit and wait for me to fill them. Next door gets a fox as well, but it doesn't seem to be able to get into ours, the hole in the fence is not big enough.

At the moment the hedgehogs are courting again, (well the boys are trying) the noises they make are ridiculous. Our girlie is having none of it, tells the lads to beggar off. You go girl!!! You tell them! :LOL:
We have birds, squirrels, frogs and hedgehogs come to ours and we feed them all. And of course our 4 cats. :rolleyes: Looks like you need an garden madaunty. The little houses are so sweet. We sit on the step out back at night watching the comings and goings. Hedgies not bothered by us now, if the dishes are empty they sit and wait for me to fill them. Next door gets a fox as well, but it doesn't seem to be able to get into ours, the hole in the fence is not big enough.

At the moment the hedgehogs are courting again, (well the boys are trying) the noises they make are ridiculous. Our girlie is having none of it, tells the lads to beggar off. You go girl!!! You tell them! :LOL:
You're so lovely ❤️🦔 Is there a house that you recommend? I'm now going to get one to put out in a couple of months - have looked at Eco-plate.
You're so lovely ❤️🦔 Is there a house that you recommend? I'm now going to get one to put out in a couple of months - have looked at Eco-plate.
Some of them are silly prices, I got mine from a fella on ebay that makes them himself. Am at the moment bidding on another of his. My last one 5 years ago was £20, am going to be about £30 now. So not that bad., we'll see if I win it. The one he sold yesterday went up to a daft price, but it looked like a house and was superb. There are a few who make them and sell them, but they need a waterproof roof and need to be a decent size. There are a lot at Buy It Now prices, but not what I want.

I love nature and wildlife, especially delighted to have hedgies, I have registered them on Hedgehog Street and Yorkshire Wildlife. They like to know how they are doing. So few of them left I am glad they are protected and am happy to give them a helping hand. 🥰
Some of them are silly prices, I got mine from a fella on ebay that makes them himself. Am at the moment bidding on another of his. My last one 5 years ago was £20, am going to be about £30 now. So not that bad., we'll see if I win it. The one he sold yesterday went up to a daft price, but it looked like a house and was superb. There are a few who make them and sell them, but they need a waterproof roof and need to be a decent size. There are a lot at Buy It Now prices, but not what I want.

I love nature and wildlife, especially delighted to have hedgies, I have registered them on Hedgehog Street and Yorkshire Wildlife. They like to know how they are doing. So few of them left I am glad they are protected and am happy to give them a helping hand. 🥰
Any tips on how to encourage hedgies ?
Any tips on how to encourage hedgies ?
Fences that have gaps or hedgehog size holes, Kitten biscuits, meat cat food and water. I was actually putting food out for the stray cat when the hedgehogs arrived, no idea where from. That was 6 years ago. We have got to love them dearly. Cats don't go near them at all. Our housie is occupied by Daisy and a couple of months ago she had 3 hedgehogs fighting over her. One big one was circling her and the noises were amazing, but we think she got scared when the big one was attacking a much smaller one, and pushed him across the garden (put his nose under the little one's belly and shoved him) and she ran back into her house.

Anyway, because I am an interfering article, I got husband to hold the torch and I put my big gloves on and picked up the big one, he didn't half grunt at me, and put him at the bottom of the garden, picked the little one up and he didn't curl up so I got to check him over and he was ok. Put him under a bush at the top of the garden. Kept a watchful eye on the proceedings and it was fine. Anyway, with courtings going on again, we are hoping for some babies. That would be just wonderful. I am in a group on FB that is very informative.
Wow have just had a card through the door telling me they miss me and I can have £5 off my next purchase. (as long as it is over £20.01). I was actually thinking of getting the SBC tsv, only for the skincare, the gel can go on Ebay. So, I may actually use it. Be better if it had been a tenner off though, a fiver int that much to lure someone back is it?.

But I guess it is something. I used to buy a lot from Q, but nothing this year so far. Got to watch the pennies these days. Husband says he supposes I will just have to buy something just to spend the fiver. He has no faith in me whatsoever. :ROFLMAO:

Hi. Can you tell me when your voucher is valid from and when it expires please?
I also received one of these cards/offers through the post but I don't know where I've put it now ☹️

I want to buy one of the "Big Deals" this week which ends at 11:59pm tonight but I think the voucher is only valid from the 16th August.
My card says from 16.08.21 - 13.09.21. actually hadn't noticed that, so no fiver off the SBC tsv which I was thinking of buying this afternoon. :( Sorry about your big deal, it's no good for that either.
My card says from 16.08.21 - 13.09.21. actually hadn't noticed that, so no fiver off the SBC tsv which I was thinking of buying this afternoon. :( Sorry about your big deal, it's no good for that either.

Aww no, that's a shame. The SBC TSV and BIG DEAL I wanted are both discounted already so there is that.
It just would have been nice to get a further £5 off. Oh well, I'm still going to buy the Big Deal anyway :)

I want to buy the Laura Geller TSV on the 12th September so I'll use the voucher on that instead.

I think you should buy the SBC TSV anyway, treat yourself. :)

You can save a bit of money if you buy your QVC purchase by going through

It's easy to open an account. You just need an email address.

Once you've opened an account, search for QVC. It takes you through to the QVC website and you shop as normal... but receive a little bit of cash back for it. Win win!
I gave up using TCB when buying from QVC because the majority of my purchases didn’t track and the ones that did took over a year before I got the cash back. I only got that money back because I contacted TCB and they kindly paid on QVC’s behalf.

Everything else that I’ve bought via TCB has always paid out irrespective of the company. It’s just QVC that doesn’t which is another reason why I don’t buy much from them any more. If I do ever buy something from them I don’t bother logging into TCB for that purchase.
I gave up using TCB when buying from QVC because the majority of my purchases didn’t track and the ones that did took over a year before I got the cash back. I only got that money back because I contacted TCB and they kindly paid on QVC’s behalf.

Everything else that I’ve bought via TCB has always paid out irrespective of the company. It’s just QVC that doesn’t which is another reason why I don’t buy much from them any more. If I do ever buy something from them I don’t bother logging into TCB for that purchase.

I had a few problems with QVC purchases not tracking and then they seemed to disappear from the TCB website altogether.
I think they've recently become available on Topcashback again and the last few items I've bought this year have tracked and paid out.

I still go through Topcashback with most purchases, hoping they'll track ok. If they don't, it's easy enough to do a 'missing cashback claim'
I gave up using TCB when buying from QVC because the majority of my purchases didn’t track and the ones that did took over a year before I got the cash back. I only got that money back because I contacted TCB and they kindly paid on QVC’s behalf.

Everything else that I’ve bought via TCB has always paid out irrespective of the company. It’s just QVC that doesn’t which is another reason why I don’t buy much from them any more. If I do ever buy something from them I don’t bother logging into TCB for that purchase.

I had the same problem. Quidco was better but neither even show up if I've used an EZ pay.

We have a boot tray from Ikea that we keep filled with water. It's shallow so even the little birds love a good wallow in it. Hedgehogs love splashing around in it before they stop to drink.

A wildlife camera has provided more entertainment than Sky this summer.

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