Gemporia's Biggest Problem


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Feb 22, 2021
If you could only pick one.....

What is the single most important reason you have either stopped shopping with Gemporia or now buy less from them?

It can be for a personal reason like having less money and not because Gemporia have done anything you dislike.
Gemporia raised prices, then lowered them, but started giving poorer discounts.

It's probably because of the international financial crisis.
I have little money for frivolous stuff at the moment. And while a tiny amount of Gemporia's stuff like the Cavills' range look worth buying if I had the money, the rest simply doesn't.

Neverending jade of possibly dubious origin and quality, gold "tone" everywhere, and when you actually get real gold it's in comically minuscule amounts.

I have said more than enough about this on other threads, but I just don't trust the company. So many lies and falsehoods, blatant or by omission. So much waffle and obfuscation instead of straightforward information about the items for sale. So much emphasis now on implying that every piece of jewellery is an investment piece, or good enough to be a family heirloom. Despite Gemporia's current financial situation being common knowledge, which calls into question how, if true, the company can have such a collection of high end pieces in their vaults but still need to beg the Bennetts to return and pour millions into the company to keep it afloat.

And what's changed since the Bennetts' return? Refunds are now happening as quickly as they should be, but all the other changes and improvements Steve promised to look at? Absolutely nothing. Except for decent presenters amongst others being let go while the worst ones were kept on.

So as the company currently stands, there's no incentive for me to shop with them. Even if I had more of a disposable income. Shopping telly needs the viewers to trust the company involved. Gemporia's doing nothing to convince me otherwise that all they want to do is flog me tat at inflated prices that won't be worth what I paid for them today, never mind be worth much more in the future.

ETA: I know that this isn't just one reason for not shopping with Gemporia. But I can't just pick one reason out of the multitude I have. They're all equal in weight for me. Though having less money for splurging on decorative stuff stops me buying jewellery from anyone 😏
for me its simply that the designs are awful, they seen to think that shoving as many different stones on is good, but in whatever metal it just looks cheap IMO
For me, the most important consideration for purchasing jewellery, or any product, is trust in the brand. Trust and consumer confidence is built essentially on a company delivering consistently what it promises. Therefore my biggest turn off is the hard sell references to heirloom and legacy, especially for very ordinary items, which can imply and encourage customers to feel they are 'investing'. Unethical and damaging if it leads to customers accruing debt believing the hype. This line of selling is particularly prevalent in the MD Jake Thompson's presentations so it is clearly seen as a core Gemporia selling technique.

Keeping Jess & Hattie and getting rid of Jeff, Ruth etc didn't show them in a good light IMO.
I am struggling with which presenters I actually enjoying watching now and ironically, I think Kati, head of makeup, is possibly the best as she has a great personality, is knowledgeable and does not shout at me. With her Visage shows, I can also see Kati growing in confidence, she is articulate and genuinely believes in the product. Jess's amateur dramatics I cannot watch as she always seems like she is auditioning for a pantomime. Hattie is so loud and fast in her delivery that can leave me exhausted, but she does seem to be quite genuine and I would hazard a guess that her sales figures are very good as there is an audience that will like her approach.
These replies are really interesting and varied.

Loss of trust is the main gist, then:

1. Loss of trust in the company's claims by using dodgy sales tactics that rely on implied 'legacy' value.
2. Loss of trust in the company's judgement in who they chose as the faces of the brand when people had to go, or what that implies.
3. Loss of trust that you're paying a fair price.

A combination of 1) and 3) has made me think twice. For 2), I am surprised if some of the shoutier presenters sold more than the people who left. Maybe they did.

3) they could fix by rolling their pledge back to what it was.
1) is such a habit now they'll need patches to cope with the withdrawals.
2) I think they've always been. See
These replies are really interesting and varied.

Loss of trust is the main gist, then:

1. Loss of trust in the company's claims by using dodgy sales tactics that rely on implied 'legacy' value.
2. Loss of trust in the company's judgement in who they chose as the faces of the brand when people had to go, or what that implies.
3. Loss of trust that you're paying a fair price.

A combination of 1) and 3) has made me think twice. For 2), I am surprised if some of the shoutier presenters sold more than the people who left. Maybe they did.

3) they could fix by rolling their pledge back to what it was.
1) is such a habit now they'll need patches to cope with the withdrawals.
2) I think they've always been. See
As regards shouty presenters v those who have left, I guess it depends on their sales stats and what the audiences at certain times of the day want. Hattie is a bit too full on for me, but her enthusiasm and cheerfulness will appeal to a lot of people, plus when she smiles it reaches the eyes unlike Angeline and Lynn who are both slightly cold and scary underneath the smiles. Adina I cannot watch for her hand mannerisms, struggling to get a sentence out and messing with hair.
As regards shouty presenters v those who have left, I guess it depends on their sales stats and what the audiences at certain times of the day want. Hattie is a bit too full on for me, but her enthusiasm and cheerfulness will appeal to a lot of people, plus when she smiles it reaches the eyes unlike Angeline and Lynn who are both slightly cold and scary underneath the smiles. Adina I cannot watch for her hand mannerisms, struggling to get a sentence out and messing with hair.

I don't find Hattie that shouty and I agree she comes across more genuine. But if the louder and pushier presenters sell more than the more reserved and professional ones such as Jeff who could sell pieces without theatrics then the viewing public have got what they asked for. If sincerity doesn't sell we'll get closer to the dippy banshee wailing side of the spectrum.
I don't find Hattie that shouty and I agree she comes across more genuine. But if the louder and pushier presenters sell more than the more reserved and professional ones such as Jeff who could sell pieces without theatrics then the viewing public have got what they asked for. If sincerity doesn't sell we'll get closer to the dippy banshee wailing side of the spectrum.
Or the more professional people saw which way the wind was blowing and decided to jump before the whole ship tanked.

Not all loud and mouthy presenters were kept: Claire Cummins was let go, and she had a voice made for silent movies. I don't think she needed a microphone.

The trouble with this decision is that, unless Gemporia gets new, diverse, and really good value stock in sharpish, even the die hard Gemporia fans will stop buying after returning load after load of the current tat after being egged on by fibby presenters. Gemporia is currently relying on their past reputation and the goodwill from long term viewers to see them through.

That can only go so far.
Therefore my biggest turn off is the hard sell references to heirloom and legacy, especially for very ordinary items, which can imply and encourage customers to feel they are 'investing'. Unethical and damaging if it leads to customers accruing debt believing the hype. This line of selling is particularly prevalent in the MD Jake Thompson's presentations so it is clearly seen as a core Gemporia selling technique.
Fun fact: Gemporia Polska (Gemporia Poland) wasn't about investing in jewels. The presenters used to say things like "Cubic zirconias are worthless on the secondary market. Genuine gemstones always keep value. In some cases they gain even more value over time. It's better to buy natural stones. Gemporia makes them affordable for you. As you see, fine jewellery pieces with natural gems don't have to be expensive".

This is why many Poles (like me) fell in love with Gemporia. The Polish-language TV channel was closed in September 2021, but there are Poles who stay loyal to the company. :cool:
Keeping Jess & Hattie and getting rid of Jeff, Ruth etc didn't show them in a good light IMO.
I think getting ‘getting rid of’ may be more like taking voluntary redundancy. I’m sure this would have been offered well before the drama of the last few months. I remember being shocked at the departure of Hayleygig and her Wheel of Wonders to be a Dog Groomer. On reflection that may have been helped be a redundancy payout. Lots of the more popular staff had other jobs, ie Jeff and Derek so were probably quite happy to go. I think how it is now is the new business model going forward, the Presenters are those who’ve kept their jobs, and no amount of complaining on this Forum will change things. I don’t buy so much simply because I don’t see much that interests me. I’m not influenced by tall tales, comparison’s to high end jewellers, mine closures or Jade.
Fun fact: Gemporia Polska (Gemporia Poland) wasn't about investing in jewels. The presenters used to say things like "Cubic zirconias are worthless on the secondary market. Genuine gemstones always keep value. In some cases they gain even more value over time. It's better to buy natural stones. Gemporia makes them affordable for you. As you see, fine jewellery pieces with natural gems don't have to be expensive".

This is why many Poles (like me) fell in love with Gemporia. The Polish-language TV channel was closed in September 2021, but there are Poles who stay loyal to the company. :cool:
Same reason I got interested in Gemporia and for me there is still something magical about wearing a genuine gemstone, regardless of market value, and knowing where it was mined etc.
Not all loud and mouthy presenters were kept: Claire Cummins was let go, and she had a voice made for silent movies. I don't think she needed a microphone.
She was a freelancer - so she was only brought in 'as and when' they needed cover.
As regards shouty presenters v those who have left, I guess it depends on their sales stats and what the audiences at certain times of the day want.

I can't say how I know this, because it might give away my identity - and I'd rather not have my buying account blocked simply because I like to refer back to the app now and again to remind myself what I've bought in the past and look at the details of the items.

However, I've heard from two sources (one ex-employee and one current employee), that sales stats don't really come into it - it's more to do with their 'face fitting' at Gemporia and also how 'flexible' / 'helpful' they are. I was told that there is a 'clique' - an if you're part of that 'clique', you're basically safe. If you're not part of the 'clique', and your 'face doesn't fit', you're not so safe. I've no idea how true it is - however, both sources have said similar things and I have no reason not to believe what I've been told.

From what I was told, Jim Brooman is VERY popular with viewers - but his sales stats are lower than most presenters.
Adina divides opinion - but her sales stats are one of the highest, if not the highest, out of all the presenters.
Vicki Carr was, allegedly, disliked by quite a few of the other presenters (past and current).

We know from the ITV documentary years ago that Scott Worsfold and Adina Stubbs had the highest sales figures at the time - yet their presenting style is fairly calm, knowledgeable and FAR FAR away from the constant shouting and faux surprise that we see from presenters now (Scott in particular was very genuine, honest, calm and likeable, without any hard sell) - so if that documentary is true, it would appear that it's actually the calmer presenting styles that get more sales.

I would be amazed if Jess Foley gets high sales figures. She's completely out of her depth as a presenter, she tells us NOTHING about the gemstones she's selling, and every sale is described using the same old tired lines - "I've just gotta let you know", "Absolutely", "Good luck to each and every one of you, well done".

The same applies to Cheralene. Zero knowledge shared - just constant repetition of "It's big, it's bold", "The light is dancing out of this", "In this design we can see here" and "we've taken every penny and every pound out of this". Awful presenter.

However, I've noticed that Jess Foley and Cheralene are ALWAYS covering for presenters that are on annual leave or sick. Cheralene always seemed to be daily on either Lifestyle, Jewellery Maker or Hobby Maker. So maybe this is why they were retained? (which perhaps backs-up what I was told about 'face fitting' and 'flexible' / 'helpful' presenters are 'safe' from redundancy).

Amelia rarely covered for other presenters - yet she was one of those to go, despite being popular with viewers, knowledgeable and one of the more tolerable presenters to watch. Not 'flexible' enough or not part of the alleged 'clique' perhaps?

I think getting ‘getting rid of’ may be more like taking voluntary redundancy. I’m sure this would have been offered well before the drama of the last few months. I remember being shocked at the departure of Hayleygig and her Wheel of Wonders to be a Dog Groomer. On reflection that may have been helped be a redundancy payout. Lots of the more popular staff had other jobs, ie Jeff and Derek so were probably quite happy to go. I think how it is now is the new business model going forward, the Presenters are those who’ve kept their jobs, and no amount of complaining on this Forum will change things.
I suspect you're right about voluntary redundancy because Alex McKay always used to say how much he loved doing Gem Collector and was still talking about the long-term fairly recently - but then suddenly, he announced that he was leaving (by choice), which came completely out of the blue. After ten years of service, he would have been entitled to a decent redundancy - so I suspect he took that to start his new business venture that he's in the process of setting up.

Hayley also left and set up her own business, as you say, and I'm fairly sure there was someone else that left and started a business around the same time too.

Some of the redundancies and presenters leaving were quite sensible choices. Derek for example hasn't been there long as a permanent presenter - and under UK employment law, employees with less than two years service are not entitled to redundancy payments - so Derek would have made sense from a financial perspective because they could take him off the payroll without needing to pay him off. He may have even offered to go because he does a lot of freelance work on other channels too. I suspect that this is why Todd the Cameraman also appears to have vanished too. He's fairly new - so wouldn't have been entitled to redundancy.

Some redundancies didn't make sense though. Jeff for example. He's been with Gemporia for years in various roles - he would have been entitled to a hefty redundancy payout. Satnam the cameraman - he's also been there for years and would have been entitled to a hefty redundancy.
Steph the channel manager (ex presenter) - again, been there for years and would have been entitled to a decent redundancy - whereas Cherry Cavill, who has only been there for 3 or 4 years (but I believe is also channel manager), remains - despite her being relatively 'cheap' to pay off compared to Steph.

Perhaps the alleged 'clique' played a part in that decision too? Who knows.
She was a freelancer - so she was only brought in 'as and when' they needed cover.

I can't say how I know this, because it might give away my identity - and I'd rather not have my buying account blocked simply because I like to refer back to the app now and again to remind myself what I've bought in the past and look at the details of the items.

However, I've heard from two sources (one ex-employee and one current employee), that sales stats don't really come into it - it's more to do with their 'face fitting' at Gemporia and also how 'flexible' / 'helpful' they are. I was told that there is a 'clique' - an if you're part of that 'clique', you're basically safe. If you're not part of the 'clique', and your 'face doesn't fit', you're not so safe. I've no idea how true it is - however, both sources have said similar things and I have no reason not to believe what I've been told.

From what I was told, Jim Brooman is VERY popular with viewers - but his sales stats are lower than most presenters.
Adina divides opinion - but her sales stats are one of the highest, if not the highest, out of all the presenters.
Vicki Carr was, allegedly, disliked by quite a few of the other presenters (past and current).

We know from the ITV documentary years ago that Scott Worsfold and Adina Stubbs had the highest sales figures at the time - yet their presenting style is fairly calm, knowledgeable and FAR FAR away from the constant shouting and faux surprise that we see from presenters now (Scott in particular was very genuine, honest, calm and likeable, without any hard sell) - so if that documentary is true, it would appear that it's actually the calmer presenting styles that get more sales.

I would be amazed if Jess Foley gets high sales figures. She's completely out of her depth as a presenter, she tells us NOTHING about the gemstones she's selling, and every sale is described using the same old tired lines - "I've just gotta let you know", "Absolutely", "Good luck to each and every one of you, well done".

The same applies to Cheralene. Zero knowledge shared - just constant repetition of "It's big, it's bold", "The light is dancing out of this", "In this design we can see here" and "we've taken every penny and every pound out of this". Awful presenter.

However, I've noticed that Jess Foley and Cheralene are ALWAYS covering for presenters that are on annual leave or sick. Cheralene always seemed to be daily on either Lifestyle, Jewellery Maker or Hobby Maker. So maybe this is why they were retained? (which perhaps backs-up what I was told about 'face fitting' and 'flexible' / 'helpful' presenters are 'safe' from redundancy).

Amelia rarely covered for other presenters - yet she was one of those to go, despite being popular with viewers, knowledgeable and one of the more tolerable presenters to watch. Not 'flexible' enough or not part of the alleged 'clique' perhaps?

I suspect you're right about voluntary redundancy because Alex McKay always used to say how much he loved doing Gem Collector and was still talking about the long-term fairly recently - but then suddenly, he announced that he was leaving (by choice), which came completely out of the blue. After ten years of service, he would have been entitled to a decent redundancy - so I suspect he took that to start his new business venture that he's in the process of setting up.

Hayley also left and set up her own business, as you say, and I'm fairly sure there was someone else that left and started a business around the same time too.

Some of the redundancies and presenters leaving were quite sensible choices. Derek for example hasn't been there long as a permanent presenter - and under UK employment law, employees with less than two years service are not entitled to redundancy payments - so Derek would have made sense from a financial perspective because they could take him off the payroll without needing to pay him off. He may have even offered to go because he does a lot of freelance work on other channels too. I suspect that this is why Todd the Cameraman also appears to have vanished too. He's fairly new - so wouldn't have been entitled to redundancy.

Some redundancies didn't make sense though. Jeff for example. He's been with Gemporia for years in various roles - he would have been entitled to a hefty redundancy payout. Satnam the cameraman - he's also been there for years and would have been entitled to a hefty redundancy.
Steph the channel manager (ex presenter) - again, been there for years and would have been entitled to a decent redundancy - whereas Cherry Cavill, who has only been there for 3 or 4 years (but I believe is also channel manager), remains - despite her being relatively 'cheap' to pay off compared to Steph.

Perhaps the alleged 'clique' played a part in that decision too? Who knows.
A very interesting insight, thanks so much for sharing. There has been a significant shift hasn't there in style from relying on knowledge rather than sheer volume since when Scott was presenting. And if I remember correctly, when Steve / Sarah were regular presenters, they were much more focussed on the rarity and beauty of gemstones, than the v tall stories and extraordinary comparisons coming nowadays from Jake, Dave etc. I don't recall having to turn down the volume either.

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