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Jun 26, 2008
When I worked in a bank women were not allowed to wear sleeveless tops/dresses as it was considered "not professional" to have your armpits on view.

I've just been watching Lori Greiner and JR showing their pits at every opportunity. There is no getting away from the crepey, yellowish skin that most middle aged women have under their (our) arms even if, like JR we have well toned upper arms.
I remember that as a small child I would not put my hand up in class, because it had been drummed into me that it was 'rude' to show your armpits :blush:
At least they're not presenting in bikinis like the women I saw in the supermarket yesterday. I guess anything goes these days. Put me right off the sausages though, they weren't little. I guess standards have just fallen and I'm surprised the supermarket allow it for hygiene reasons frankly. Their gaggle of kids were annoyingly loud too.
I don't think there's anything remotely rude, unseemly or untoward about armpits! I'm amazed what people find offensive! :bandit:
I do not really get why women over 50 should not wear sleeveless tops if they want to. I do think there are worse things then armpits
Sorry for the mental image this is going to give you, but the thread title immediately made me think of the hair accessory called Bumpits.

That's spooky SueG because I spotted those for the first time yesterday, wherever I was. Think it might have been Asda. What sort of name is that for a hair product?! :rolleyes:

Incidentally, you can get products to improve the look of your pits, well, lighten them:
Just to clarify :

I'm not offended by a/pits
I don't hold the view that 50+ women should not wear sleeveless tops.

I just don't like to see them in close up on the telly.
It's good to be able to have a discussion how much flesh is decent to have on show, TV or everyday life... I guess it's all relative. People in UK are very fortunate to have the freedom of choice (and may it long remain so!), on everything including how to present themselves as well.
I live in Saudi Arabia, where freedom of choice may not even exist as a phrase in the vocabulary, let alone being a given right. Us females here, all walk in our only choice: black from top to bottom - Darth Vader uniforms :bandit: (although, as a foreign lady I am allowed to show my face and hair only -hey, lucky me:smirk: !) Imagine the comfort factor in the 50 C heat, too! I tell you, I can't wait coming back to UK next month to get my annual 'armpits on show' fix! :mysmilie_500::mysmilie_14::mysmilie_59:

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