Ann Dawson


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Has Ann been ill recently,? I was quite surprised how she looked during various hours last night and either l haven't seen her lately or have missed shows she has been on.
I saw her presenting the nail clippers tsv. Her hair looked a funny, rusty colour, so obviously from a bottle. Her face looked longer, but it may be due to my TV. Or gravity ? Everything goes south eventually. She was shouting, too, as if her life depended on getting the sales figures as high as she could.
I remember a few years ago just before COVID everyone was saying how well she looked. Her hair was a blond shade, and it made it look thicker. I did catch a bit of a show she was doing the other day and thought she did not look too well, very drawn as the saying goes.
You are dead right Donna, she seems to find her “look” and spoke more softly and was a pleasure to watch. Unfortunately that orange colour would look awful on anyone and the last few times she was in full camo gear (eat your heart out Ruthless) and didn’t look at all well.
Yes, 'orange' seems to be favoured by a lot of older ladies who were perhaps auburn in their younger years, but now the hair is grey so they bang on the colour that they hope will bring back their former locks. If Paul McCartney can't get it right then no-one can.

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