Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss


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I keep forgetting about the 14 day thing. Though I do tend to try things first and, like you, have found the MBG on opened foundations and expensive skin care invaluable.

The last thing I returned was a set of Shokz bone conduction headphones. I must say I thought them great for me as I can't stand earbuds and full on headphones give me a headache. However, Mr. AE complained of noise leakage so back they went. (I'm always complaint of noise leakage from him but he won't let me send him back to his mother :ROFLMAO:) A shame really as if I still walked the dog they would have been ideal. They're excellent if you're out alone and need to be aware of your surroundings.
I loved my bone conduction headphones but somehow can't find them, they'll be in a pocket or handbag and will turn up eventually I'm sure. I use 1 earbud whilst gardening or walking the dog, that way I am still fully aware of my surroundings, but don't really like them and quite often drop one. I don't think there was noise leakage, but the dog doesn't really tell me :D.
Hope you managed to get a new Fanni.
I definitely need one :D

I loved my bone conduction headphones but somehow can't find them, they'll be in a pocket or handbag and will turn up eventually I'm sure. I use 1 earbud whilst gardening or walking the dog, that way I am still fully aware of my surroundings, but don't really like them and quite often drop one. I don't think there was noise leakage, but the dog doesn't really tell me :D.

That's the great thing about dogs. You can never do wrong in their eyes.

Mind you, ours tends to have copied Mr. AE with a form of deafness that only appears at certain times!
I really wouldn't worry about it. If a person chooses to flaunt themselves all over social media they should be able to accept all comments, good or bad with good grace and humour. Honestly, the ego of these people is off the scale.

Some of the comments left on her timeline are from seriously creepy men and are inapropriately sexual in nature. Yet not a word from her about those.
I'm so glad I grew out of needing male validation decades ago.

I can understand it in young women but I don't understand it at all when women are middle-aged. Like Chunts, my semi-SIL is posting all sorts of crap all over SM aimed at men with a strange need for their likes and 'complimentary' comments.

She's cost my semi-FIL thousands over the years, been married 5 times to the same type of man who is always very happy to be paid off by their FIL. Number 6 is currently on the hook. She's also lost thousands of her own money to romance scammers - we're up to three (scammers not thousands) so far. She's 60 FGS!

Oh, and she's also managed to get hold of Ozempic privately. She's very overweight but It was easier to pay than go to the GP for it. She's already had one 'mummy-makeover' (after threatening suicide to her dad who paid). I can see number 2 on the cards when the stones come off. Mr. AE, his brother and other sister have wondered more than once what she'll do after their parents are gone as they've all told her not to ask for money for men and fripperies from them.
Why are people congratulating Chuntley for losing weight? We've all seen this before, as others have mentioned. And she's never maintained the low weight for long, but piled it all back on before eventually embarking on yet another diet. Or mystery weight loss process/procedure this time around.

Chunts has proven over and over and over that she can lose weight. So it's no amazing achievement that she's done so again. She will deserve congratulations if she's actually broken the cycle of diet-weight gain-diet and stays at the lower weight for more than a few months.

Though if her new slimmer figure is as a result of Ozempic jabs or a cosmetic procedure, I wouldn't hold out much hope of that.
She is very secretive about her most recent weight loss, but was never in the past and we all know each time you lose weight by the yo-yo method next time you diet you need to lose five stone, not four, I don't care about her but if she is on Ozempic or Trulicity and is not a diabetic, I would urge great caution depending how much and how long she (and others) take it. It is not intended for losing weight alone long term and has serious side effects.
Talking about bums, I see Ophilia nearly has a skirt on this morning, but now I have to switch over, just cannot take to this girl, another diva sales assistant.
I wondered about that too. Someone gets Ozempic to lose weight off the internet (surely doctors won't just prescribe it for vanity?), loses stones and then what? If they stop taking it does the weight just go straight back on and if you keep taking it (forever?) does it damage organs or have other side effects? I'm assuming if you take it for diabetes then it's doing a job to lower blood sugar, however, if your blood sugar was normal to start with will the drug make it dangerously low? Could that eventually kill you? All genuine questions.

These drugs are intended for diabetics and work, among other things, to lessen a person's food appetite and sometimes to stop them enjoying alcohol. They can also lower the libido. To stop injecting them results in all these things returning. Non diabetics can buy them as well. They are expensive. Who knows if Huntley uses them? Maybe A. Young does too. You can't help but think that when you see such rapid weight loss. When I saw the Liz Earle BA, I was surprised how different she looked. Unfortunately, she has lost weight on her face, which, it seems, is quite common, and not a nice side effect. She is so pretty and wears the most beautiful dresses. I never thought she was unattractively "chubby."
Well the thing is for diabetic needs [ I am diabetic] it comes in various strengths. Losing weight but not in huge amounts is merely a side effect of Ozempic, last year I was on Trulicity, different pharmacy but same product. I lost a whole three pounds but it made a huge difference to my diabetic glucose readings. My pharmacy as well as others cannot access supplies until at the earliest December 2024. Trulicity is made by Eli lilly, while Ozempic is made by Novo Nordisk, a Danish Company, both drugs work in the same way. If these women are getting hold of it at the expense of diabetics who need it, that disgusts me. The best I can hope for is that one day they become diabetic then they will know what a deadly condition it is, and what it feels like not to get meds we need. As for doctors yes I think they will give to people privately who are not diabetic as well as slimming companies. I think AY is on sonething too. But I am a huge cynic. As far as the UK is concerned why have NICE not interfered.
What happened to the good old Tape Worm? It was used for years by celebs to lose weight, they swallow the eggs in a glass of water. They hatched, grew in your stomach, ate your food.

Someone I worked with also had a cleaning job in a pub and found a giant tape worm floating in the ladies toilets. She kept saying it was the size of an anaconda.
I too find it strange that she has lost all that weight, but is strangely silent on how she achieved the weight loss. Hmmmmm.......
Well look at it like this perhaps, the less of her the better! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If she could just stop giggling at her own comments, in fact just stop speaking altogether would be an improvement. I don’t watch when she’s on, she actually saves me a fortune!!!
I'm not overweight, nor am I a diabetic thank goodness, but I have needed to lose weight in the past. I just ate less, ate no sugary or fatty foods and walked a lot. I found I no longer wanted to eat sweet stuff and felt better for the exercise. Yes, popping a pill would be great and semaglutide now comes in tablet form. Interesting to see if these get scarce as well as they are much easier to take than an injection. Lets hope everyone that needs these drugs medically can get priority but it seems once again profits are more important than people for the manufacturers.

She is very secretive about her most recent weight loss, but was never in the past and we all know each time you lose weight by the yo-yo method next time you diet you need to lose five stone, not four, I don't care about her but if she is on Ozempic or Trulicity and is not a diabetic, I would urge great caution depending how much and how long she (and others) take it. It is not intended for losing weight alone long term and has serious side effects.
Talking about bums, I see Ophilia nearly has a skirt on this morning, but now I have to switch over, just cannot take to this girl, another diva sales assistant.
I saw,that could not get my head around it, so much leg on show! Natalie shows,more bra than marks and Spencer and lyndsy (gems) I'm just waiting for her good top to fall right down .
very not feminine other ways to get fit, her profile just said boxing. I have never understood why women want to play wrestling, football or generally male sports, I have no interests in such things.
Good job that we are all different. Lots of people enjoy boxing and wrestling.
What is a male sport? I am not aware any such thing existed in 2024.
very not feminine other ways to get fit, her profile just said boxing. I have never understood why women want to play wrestling, football or generally male sports, I have no interests in such things.
Thanks for replying I was genuinely interested!

Kicking-boxing classes are full of women - I would even say majority female.
Not sure what you mean exactly, but I for one took some classes to protect myself after an attack, and I’ve always been described as feminine (whatever is meant by that!)

Think women should be able to partake in any sport they so choose, and thankfully most, at least in the UK/West, have increasingly got access - whether or not I would want to!

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