huntley again


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Catherine Huntley is the mix of an animated Vileda supermop, rinsed tea bag, jar of Canderel and a telephone chatline operator!

And how would you know about telephone chatline operators :smirk::giggle:

And how would you know about telephone chatline operators :smirk::giggle:

lool just my imagination! She's got that sort of a voice. I actually quite like her voice in some ways. She is a hundred times more bearable than Claire Sutton!
lool just my imagination! She's got that sort of a voice. I actually quite like her voice in some ways. She is a hundred times more bearable than Claire Sutton!

Oh I believe you Julius even if nobody else does :wonder::smirk:
Not a fan. I have met her too. I didn't warm to her in person either. I just don't like her style of presenting. Having said that am sure she didn't warm to me!!
There aren't that many people on QVC that I warm to. The whole operation has a hollowness about it, covered by a thin shell-like veneer of professionalism and slickness. Back in the day it used to be so entertaining!
I think she looks nice most of the time, it's her smug partronizing presenting style that I can't stand. I hate how she always has to tell everyone that they should remember that qvc was the original shopping channel which has been going for 20 years and how they don't make any money off the txts people send in and how great their award winning call centre is with it's free phone number and how other channels charge for theirs. She always trashes the competition. And tells us we will "kick ourselves at midnight" if we don't go for the TSV.
She also always says how transparent they are with their p & p charges, what she fails to say though that even with that taken into consideration other outlets still work out cheaper than qvc and always arrive much quicker than qvc. she used the excuse about the warehouse, but other outlets use warehouses too and still they are way cheaper than qvc.

She was on with SBC recently and she read out a tweet from somoene telling her to basically shut up about bigging up qvc all the time and her reply to that person was that she is doing it for all the new customers and said "you were new once" to the person and said it in a very condescending tone like she was talking down to the person. But what a stupid excuse, the other presenters don't do that, they may mention those things briefly from time to time, but Chuntley goes in to great detail about all of this every time she is on.
Also begging "please save one for me" she did that on the JW show last week when something went Limited Stock.
I try my best to avoid her but she seems to present a lot of the shows I really want to see so I have no choice to put up with her.
Well I think she's lovely, one of my fave presenters in fact! Bit of a shame that people on here have to get so nasty and personal- slagging off the products is one thing, slagging off the channel is another... but calling someone a rinsed out old tea bag or whatever??? Would love to see what makes certain people on here so fantastic in their own lives! Apart from the fact they clearly spend hours on end not only watching QVC but then seemingly spend hours on end on a forum about QVC.....

Really? I think Jill Franks gets a much much harder time on here, what people said about CH isn't anywhere near as bad as the stuff that gets said about JF. But nobody thinks that is "nasty" or "personal" TBH I think they are all fair game when it comes to being critical about their presenting skills.
I don't mind CH, but she just doesn't come over as a personality. She's way too careful in what she says and I just get the impression all the time that she's being as bland as she can (and we're talking very bland here) in case she says something that might lose her her job. I know it's not an entertainment channel but anyone selling anything needs to show a little bit of personality and oomph. Sarah Griffiths is in the same mould. But I suppose it's horses for courses and at least they're all different.
Switched on the beauty channel to see an SBC show , Catherine was the presenter and she was reading out tweets and someone had tweeted her saying for her to stop praising Qvc and let the guest talk lol, credit to CH for actually reading it out and she did apologise and thanked the person that tweeted in. Im not sure many of the other presenters would have read that out.
I agree Autumn, but it is quite funny that she was reading out that tweet instead of letting the guest speak! :wink:
I liked her glasses but wondered if she was trying to look geeky to give herself more kudos and less of a bimbo.

Worked until she opened her mouth.
Actually when she was on with SBC she apologised in a very sarcastic tone, and then went on to say "you were new once" in a very condescending manner. I find her very insincere.
Caught her on the Yankee show. Utterly spoilt with her silly giggling and gushy over the top performance. I always get the impression she is a frustrated actress and needs to be on the stage! Was a very girly performance. Lesson learnt! Will promptly switch off next time.
Caught her on the Yankee show. Utterly spoilt with her silly giggling and gushy over the top performance. I always get the impression she is a frustrated actress and needs to be on the stage! Was a very girly performance. Lesson learnt! Will promptly switch off next time.

I saw that too. How many times did she need to remind us that she spent time in America?
Caught her on the Yankee show. Utterly spoilt with her silly giggling and gushy over the top performance. I always get the impression she is a frustrated actress and needs to be on the stage! Was a very girly performance. Lesson learnt! Will promptly switch off next time.

You could be right. A recent Tweet: @TheHuntley: Popping in to auditions to see some of my fellow cast members for the play I'm in at Barons Court Theatre in November! Exciting! More soon.
Well I think she's lovely, one of my fave presenters in fact! Bit of a shame that people on here have to get so nasty and personal- slagging off the products is one thing, slagging off the channel is another... but calling someone a rinsed out old tea bag or whatever???

Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. These people choose to pursue an extremely lucrative career in the world's most visual medium. They desperately want us to watch them. They thrive on adulation. It's not radio, it's television, and they more than anyone are aware that how they look and behave is central. When they've chosen to put themselves in this position I'm afraid they have to take the rough with the smooth, and with adulation comes criticism, it's just a fact of TV life. Their real product is themselves, and not everyone is going to be a fan. Clearly they're all quite happy to take it, because if they weren't they wouldn't keep coming back for more.
Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. These people choose to pursue an extremely lucrative career in the world's most visual medium. They desperately want us to watch them. They thrive on adulation. It's not radio, it's television, and they more than anyone are aware that how they look and behave is central. When they've chosen to put themselves in this position I'm afraid they have to take the rough with the smooth, and with adulation comes criticism, it's just a fact of TV life. Their real product is themselves, and not everyone is going to be a fan. Clearly they're all quite happy to take it, because if they weren't they wouldn't keep coming back for more.

You are right, except there is criticism and then there is this forum!!

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