Judith Williams Makeup hour


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Feb 16, 2015
Must admit I had quite a surprise when I watched about 15 minutes of this hour; meCharlie had really picked up the pace, and was quite good, although I think he embarrassed the female guest presenter, as he pointed out that of the 2 identical tubes of makeup they were selling, one looked a bit taller than the other when they were stood up side by side! She muttered something about "does it?" and looked as though she wished he'd have kept quiet or a thunderbolt would descend on his head, but it passed off OK. I had to laugh when the guest said that the Judith Williams brand doesn't have celebrity endorsements of their products, and that's what keeps the costs down - meCharlie agreed with her (yeah, til the next celeb. endorsed brand appears!!). As for the demo, doing one side of the model's face with the product and leaving other side bare...afraid I couldn't tell the difference afterwards....
I didn't see it but I bought this years ago and you're right, makes absolutely no difference. She said when I bought it that it covers broken capillaries, it doesn't.
I know Mecharlie gets a fair bit of stick but I actually don't mind him and particularly when doing a show out of his normal remit as I find he does his research ( why do female presenters think just because they wear clothes/make up/jewellery they don't need to prepare - yes JK I'm looking right at you).

If only he would stop with the "and do WE wear this under or over OUR little summer strappy dress" grr
You're right, he had done his research, he mentioned a couple of things that showed he was well-prepared. What a difference it makes when a presenter is like this, instead of the usual platitudes "it's wonderful", "I use it all the time", same old same old.
I know Mecharlie gets a fair bit of stick but I actually don't mind him and particularly when doing a show out of his normal remit as I find he does his research ( why do female presenters think just because they wear clothes/make up/jewellery they don't need to prepare - yes JK I'm looking right at you).

If only he would stop with the "and do WE wear this under or over OUR little summer strappy dress" grr
He clearly was talking cobblers at one point. He asked whether Magic Makeup was the step before putting on Foundation. He then claimed that he regularly used MM on air ... Although I've seen him do the same schtick with Bare Minerals. Far from "doing his research" I think he was winging it.
She claimed you only needed moisturiser underneath it, and that it replaces primer and foundation, works to create even coverage and gives the skin a glow, but also said words to the effect that you can put other make up on top, so certainly seems you'd need a cover stick or similar to hide any tiny veins or marks. When I was watching she wasn't making any outrageous claims, but it's often more about what they don't say than what they do!

I didn't see it but I bought this years ago and you're right, makes absolutely no difference. She said when I bought it that it covers broken capillaries, it doesn't.
He clearly was talking cobblers at one point. He asked whether Magic Makeup was the step before putting on Foundation. He then claimed that he regularly used MM on air ... Although I've seen him do the same schtick with Bare Minerals. Far from "doing his research" I think he was winging it.

Knowing Charlie he probably does use it all as I can imagine him using whatever was lying about in anyone's dressing room.
I watched right at the beginning for about 15 mins, didn't watch the whole shebang, so I can't comment overall.
He clearly was talking cobblers at one point. He asked whether Magic Makeup was the step before putting on Foundation. He then claimed that he regularly used MM on air ... Although I've seen him do the same schtick with Bare Minerals. Far from "doing his research" I think he was winging it.
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