Julia's Children


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In her beauty hour, AY said that JR had her family in to help her pack and then unpack. Putting on my old HR bonnet, grrr. There are companies who move large organisations for efficiency, security, legal reasons and health and safety. Her family would need to be signed in and out at security at both sites, issued visitor badges and accompanied by a member of staff. Q would not be covered if something went astray, they hurt themselves or others. I certainly hope they didn't transport the boxes, too. Yikes! Okay, HR bonnet off now and sleeping cap on! lol
We don't really know for sure that it is only Julia's children who have been employed. Children of other members of staff may well have been employed but we wouldn't know one way or the other if Fred in accounts had got his son a job as a stylist.

When I tried to get my son work experience (whilst he was still at school so not a proper job) I was told by EA Games and Sony that work experience opportunities were given to staff family members first and that they always had more than enough applicants each year from staff family members so never offered it to anyone else. That obviously doesn't apply to entry level jobs but often the kids who do work experience get a foot in the door that way.

To some degree it's the way of the world these days. Who you know can open a door but it's hard work and effort that keeps that door open. I pushed whatever doors I could for my son but he's the one who pushed it from work experience to part-time work whilst at college, to a full time job and a promotion after 18 months.
Way back Paul Lavers' son worked at QVC, he was behind the camera. In the beauty hours Paul did with AY(ah, those where the best beauty shows ever. Well apart from the ones she did with Julian), he always got a shout out. I may be wrong but I believe he is still working there.
Way back Paul Lavers' son worked at QVC, he was behind the camera. In the beauty hours Paul did with AY(ah, those where the best beauty shows ever. Well apart from the ones she did with Julian), he always got a shout out. I may be wrong but I believe he is still working there.

He's a tech guest sometimes. Handsome chunky blonde fella.
From QVC's job page:

QVC UK is committed to diversity and all applicants will be treated equally regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, race, colour, disability or age.

It should also say 'however, if you are Julia Roberts children you can just slip in the back door'.
I'm sure they would still have to go through some sort of interview/training.

A few years ago someone told me that our local council advertised all of its jobs in-house first so that any family/friends of staff had first opportunity to apply. I was mad at the time cos it meant there was no chance of outsiders getting in. But I supposed it saved on advertising costs etc. Maybe they thought a personal recommendation from a current employee would mean that the new person would work harder to justify it? Think discipline could be a problem though, especially parents/children.

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