julias diddy feet


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Jul 9, 2008
julia says the slippers are perfect on her feet as they are small and diddy as she is a size 4. i suppose the statuesque models feet are huge and ugly in the larger sizes.
sam the emu presenter looks like she has the border cross sheepskin as her hair.:devil:
Julia has got her favourite trews on :grin: I like Sam the emu guest, to think we could have had her as a presenter instead of that annoying little goblin Craig.
I am sorry but to make an issue about Julia saying she has size 4 feet and implying that she thinks the taller models have big feet and don't suit the slippers is just mean.
No it isn't, she's full of herself and doesn't waste any opportunity, however tenuous, to make snide comments or innuendos about other women in comparison to her own attributes. Imho these are pathetic tactics employed by a once very attractive woman who can't come to terms with middle age and her fading looks.
julia says the slippers are perfect on her feet as they are small and diddy as she is a size 4. i suppose the statuesque models feet are huge and ugly in the larger sizes.
sam the emu presenter looks like she has the border cross sheepskin as her hair.:devil:

I thought she was trying to "sell" the slippers! Since most of the adult population in this country are size 5+ (You've only got so see all the size 4's when there's a shoe sale anywhere!) I can't see the point in her mentioning this, unless it's to mention that there are smaller sizes available for those who want them.....not just to remind the viewers how "petite" she is. At least it was only slippers she was selling this time, as I don't suppose people are that bothered how they look, as they're going to be bought for comfort and not worn outside....If it was a pair of shoes/boots, then she could have easily put off a few customers who are self conscious about having larger feet, and don't want to draw attention to them!
I am sorry but to make an issue about Julia saying she has size 4 feet and implying that she thinks the taller models have big feet and don't suit the slippers is just mean.

no its not mean. she has been quoted as saying that the models have huge feet in the past. its obvious that if you are five foot eight/ten etc you will have longer feet. julia is just trying to impress the world that she has small feet. but julia is shorter than average so will have short feet.

odlly i do like julia but she is really annoying re her ultra cutesy self. she is a grown woman in her fifties not a teenager!
No it isn't, she's full of herself and doesn't waste any opportunity, however tenuous, to make snide comments or innuendos about other women in comparison to her own attributes. Imho these are pathetic tactics employed by a once very attractive woman who can't come to terms with middle age and her fading looks.

I used to like JR but she is insufferable lately. She must feel very insecure about herself to keep reminding everyone of her size, whether it's her wrists, height, shoe size, dress size!
It amuses me that she thinks anyone is remotely interested any way.....................

She constantly goes on about how unbelievably weeny she is, and why the bliddy hell are the slippers 'perfect' for diddy feet. :taphead:
I. Dont. Care.
What size she is.
I flicked on just before 9 this morning to see what delights were in store today and caught Julia and the Emu boots...the pair she had in front of her were over £200 - now I've never paid that ruddy much for a coat never mind a pair of boots! Anyways...she was saying that she wanted to treat herself to a pair of these, but, her size, SIZE 4, had sold out. OK Ju, you've got small feet, no doubt perfectly formed and they never ever stink even just a tiny bit, but are we interested, no we are not - and does she seriously think that we believe that she wouldn't have ordered the ****** boots before she came on air if she really wanted them? Doh!:headbang:

PS and I think my money's safe again today, nothing I'm remotely interested in!
emu quality is not as good as it used to be.like the sliipers but i cook and clean and pop into my garden with my slippers so they will be all messed up in no time. plus i dont feel justified spending the best part of £40 on slippers. i need the money to buy some new uggs to replace my 3 week old pair of emus that are going back.:sad:
Quick Question Please

I think I caught something Julia said whilst watching the repeat this morning.
Which if I heard correctly, I don't think I believe.
I think she said something about going into a shop three weeks ago, and seeing a pair of the Emu slippers which were priced a lot more, which may have been the case.
She then came home and said to her family that she'd just seen her Christmas present.
Now I find it so hard to believe that presenting the Emu Christmas Slippers TSV last night she was unaware whilst out shopping they were not to be sold on QVC.

emu quality is not as good as it used to be.like the sliipers but i cook and clean and pop into my garden with my slippers so they will be all messed up in no time. plus i dont feel justified spending the best part of £40 on slippers. i need the money to buy some new uggs to replace my 3 week old pair of emus that are going back.:sad:

I'm the same Boffy...I stick to my Flyflot clogs for use as slippers and then I'm in and out and even go shopping in them when weather permits..and I can buy them at a local Pavers concession so not even any of the dreaded P & P to pay..!:clapping:
No it isn't, she's full of herself and doesn't waste any opportunity, however tenuous, to make snide comments or innuendos about other women in comparison to her own attributes. Imho these are pathetic tactics employed by a once very attractive woman who can't come to terms with middle age and her fading looks.

That is your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it. I can see that lots of other forum members agree with you and can't wait to jump on every utterance that comes out of Julia's mouth. So what if she is a size 4, so what if she has said models have big feet, they are tall and would have big feet. What if she saw something she wanted for christmas whlist out shopping.
I watch some shows that she presents and have not found any of the traits that you mention. Some of her comments may not be to your liking or to my liking but it doesn't matter to me what she says, why should it?
I think what get on everyones nerves is the fact that she points out at every available opportunity how small this that and the other about her is ,when clearly it isn't! She is abviously trying to convince herself!
I think what get on everyones nerves is the fact that she points out at every available opportunity how small this that and the other about her is ,when clearly it isn't! She is abviously trying to convince herself!

Well she certainly isn't large. It doesn't even register with me what the presenters gabble on about half the time. I am interested in the products and care not a jot what else they come out with.
Well she certainly isn't large. It doesn't even register with me what the presenters gabble on about half the time. I am interested in the products and care not a jot what else they come out with.

Yeah! Me too but, it is very wearing when you hear her say the same old things on every presentation she does! Like I said before, I used to like JR but lately thats all she ever goes on about. Believe me I COULDN'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT SIZE she is!!! Or isn't!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
That is your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it. I can see that lots of other forum members agree with you and can't wait to jump on every utterance that comes out of Julia's mouth. So what if she is a size 4, so what if she has said models have big feet, they are tall and would have big feet. What if she saw something she wanted for christmas whlist out shopping.
I watch some shows that she presents and have not found any of the traits that you mention. Some of her comments may not be to your liking or to my liking but it doesn't matter to me what she says, why should it?

Oh dear, just what if she did it doesn't matter to me, more worrying things to bother me.
I though however have my own opinion as to what I think of the story.
Since TSV'S are planned in advance, and that a most senior presenter wouldn't be aware of her pending schedule.
What I would have been more easily prepared to believe would be a look in the high to check them out prior to a sample being prepared in the correct size.

Some of her comments may not be to your liking or to my liking but it doesn't matter to me what she says, why should it?
More to the point, why does it bother you so much what fms say about her??
More to the point, why does it bother you so much what fms say about her??

You have asked m this before PPC, and it doesn't both me one iota. I just want to air my opinion. Whereas someone has said that Julia was saying she was a size 4 and it obviously meant that she looked better than the larger footed models, I simply stated that I didn't get that inference from her comment.

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