More faux OCD...


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Unfortunately we are living in an era where the politically correct and the killjoys stamp there feet and make a lot of noise when something is said or written in a way that does not meet their agenda. The presenters and management at QVC are not dumb animals that need protection from evil vivisectionists and furriers, they are real people with real foibles, often out to dupe the public. I don't like seeing Alison Keenan touting and extolling the virtues of Decleor and Gatineau, banging on about how she uses the products etc. If she does use them, maybe she should send them back, 'cos they ain't working! I think she's a very eloquent lady who's been through a lot, but her tambourine-taut visage looks decidedly at odds with the tortoise-like neck immediately below it. She HAS had control over this. She's chosen to bask in the sun and make her skin look like a leathery lizard. She has chosen to have work done on her face. And then there's Tova, another eloquent lady who has also been through a lot. She too has the clingfilm-over-a-bowl face that no septagenarian would naturally possess. Are we really to believe that she owes this to her magic cactus juice?!!! She certainly has control over hr hairstyles, the latest effort looks like a striped cottage loaf! Worst of all there's Lulu who in my view has almost no redeeming features whatsoever. Her appearance can only be the result of extensive elective surgery and treatments. Do any of these people mention this? NO THEY DON'T! They are flogging jars of hope, they are touting an image, a lifestyle they want you to buy into. Then there's Diane Gilman with her stretchy jeans. She look's like Diana Ross's grandmother! QVC should be renamed "Facelift Central."

And what of Julia Roberts mentioning that she a size 12 / small etc! That's just a blatant lie! I know she too has her health concerns, but why she persists in lying about something we can all see not to be true I will never know.

Of course there will be those accusing me of hating women, as all the above is about women. I don't hate women and I don't hate older women. Look at Jan Springer, she doesn't seen to go in for the extreme vanity. She is as she is, and she speaks calmly and knowledgeably about the products. Why can't the Q crowd be more like her? They are all hanging on by their fingernails to their moribund youth. The QVC men on the other hand don't seem to have had that much done. Charlie Brook has a few flecks of grey, Dale Franklin has gone white-haired. The men, apart from the ubiquitous Tipp-Ex white gnashers, seem to have aged more naturally.

yes, we have noticed
as you have called your thread 'more faux OCD'
what about yours ?
real OCD or faux OCD ?
real rage or faux rage ?

p.s. in my world, i can only change myself, i can't change other people ....
Why can't we write things at someone's expense? There is much fun to be had from doing so...well that's what I believe anyway, as do many don't have to read can go polish your halo with a spray can of Pledge and a yellow duster! I don't claim to be anything marvellous or to take myself too seriously - I'm just a cheap hack that likes redtops with pics of tits in! I believe society has much to learn from looking at the little foibles of others, particularly politicians, royalty and those in the public eye. I don't recall having found any of your posts entertaining, in fact quite the contrary - they seem decidedly whingey. Please feel free to put your money where your mouth is and write something entertaining for us all. I shan't wait with baited breath, though. Maybe you identify more closely with the QVC demographic and the issues they face, and therefore feel in some way that my comments are some sort of slight on you? This forum would be very dry if we all presented dry facts. It's about opinions, too. Sorry if I've offended anybody's holier-than-thou, worthy and patronising middle-class sensibilities. Actually I lie, I'm not sorry. I don't give a jot for all that.

Why am I not surprised you are a cheap hack that probably reads the Sun,Star etc owned by tax avoiding billionaires.
Well I never touch handrails and use tissues to open toilet doors. Too many people either don't wash their hands after using the toilet or,as my gran used to say, just show them the water.

I am astounded by the amount of people who I see who don't wash their hands after using the toilet, but will then preen in front of the mirror, touching their face, hair and lips with those dirty hands. Yuck.

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