QVC Presenters' Wages


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Aug 18, 2009
North Cornwall.
I know this very nosey of me, but does anyone know what sort of pay the QVC presenters receive? Is it a lot? And also, do they all get paid the same, or does it vary depending on hours on screen/sales percentage/how long they've been with the channel? My mother thinks they are paid by the word hehe!

Any ideas? Or is it none of my business? I'm just curious....... :cheeky:
Must be a fairly good salary because...they have to live near London and that can be expensive and also a few of them are from presenting backgrounds on main stream telly. IMHO
I believe they are freelance and don't have to work exclusively for QVC. I have always wondered about pay levels and think they have to negotiate their contracts with QVC so there will be some differences based on what value QVC puts on their services and the hours of work etc. There must be a structure with people on different rates which would be very interesting, ie is JR really "Queen" of QVC or is that just in her own estimation? The other thing I wonder is whether the taxman can track the freebies as some presenters are so blatant at trying to score them it would amount to a reasonable sum, especially expensive skincare and make-up.
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I wouldn't have thought they would be on any sort of comission as although they are selling items they are more like a general presenter showing off the items.

I expect Julia Roberts would be one of the better paid presenters as she has been with QVC so long and is one of the more senior presenters.

Not really anything to do with us though what they get paid.

I have no idea but i'm guessing Queen Julia of Buxom would be on about 50-75 grand a year and someone like Catherine Huntley on 30 grand.

Again,I havn't a Scooby Doo,this is pure conjecture on my part.
I always thought that they were self employed - some of them have huge amounts of time off - and would have to negotiate contracts and salary
If you look down the programme chart, a lot of them do only 8 - 10 hours per week so if they are getting 30 - 50 - 70 grand a year, it aint bad dough for what amounts to a days work per week ! I have often wondered what the likes of Charlie, Dale, Julian etc do to supplement their income, as there can only be so many "corporate videos and voiceovers" to be made; and I have never seen them anywhere else.

I swear I saw the model "Goody" minus her long hair in a catalogue advertising "mens" products - it must have been her masculine face wot did it.
I was once told (4years ago) by Glenn "the fashion expert"s best friend that he was getting something like £100 per hour, but how true that was I couldn't say....
i would love to know this too. i think we have to remember that QVC is a multimillion pound company and as the face of that company and largley responsible for sales they must be on a pretty good whack. they used to mention quite often "i'm not on commission" but i've not heard that lately. even if its still true thats possibly just clever use of words becuase you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be on a sales-based bonus of some sort. i bet there are also other incentives such as selling large percentages of the TSV or maybe being the presenter to sell it out... you cant fail to notice how they go into overdrive when it starts moving towards limited.

i'd be amazed if they werent on 6 figures even for a few hours a week.
I read your thread title as QVC presenter's WAGS and was looking forward to some juicy gossip................:sad::sad:
I read somewhere that a shopping tv presenter earns about £30 000 pa. Don't know how true that is and there's probably quite a difference between someone like Julia Roberts and a Speed Auction presenter. Wish I did know.......I'm very curious (or nosey as OH says)
If you look down the programme chart, a lot of them do only 8 - 10 hours per week so if they are getting 30 - 50 - 70 grand a year, it aint bad dough for what amounts to a days work per week ! I have often wondered what the likes of Charlie, Dale, Julian etc do to supplement their income, as there can only be so many "corporate videos and voiceovers" to be made; and I have never seen them anywhere else.

Eight or ten hours presenting doesn't mean eight or ten hours work, I'm sure there's a lot of preparation as well, though sometimes it doesn't look like it! They must familiarise themselves with the products and have meetings with buyers and guests.

I wouldn't have thought they were paid commission, it would make it even more annoying when a colleague got the launch of a Liz Earle TSV to present and you got an hour that contained something like the infamous pink flamingo! I would have thought that their performance would be appraised to some extent based on sales though, but bearing in mind the times of shows and the products they present.

I would imagine there's a "pecking order" and probably the likes of JR would be near the top.

Someone said that it's not really our business but that doesn't stop me from being a nosey cow and wondering!
If you look down the programme chart, a lot of them do only 8 - 10 hours per week so if they are getting 30 - 50 - 70 grand a year, it aint bad dough for what amounts to a days work per week ! I have often wondered what the likes of Charlie, Dale, Julian etc do to supplement their income, as there can only be so many "corporate videos and voiceovers" to be made; and I have never seen them anywhere else.

I swear I saw the model "Goody" minus her long hair in a catalogue advertising "mens" products - it must have been her masculine face wot did it.

Even if they're only presenting 8-10 hours a week, you could probably at least double that to take account of preparation - meeting the guests/swotting up on the products/dressing/make-up etc. Dawn Bibby mentions in her own blog that she also attends many meetings when she is down in London, so you also add things like that. I have no idea of their income though!!
It'll definitely be good money, or they wouldn't do it.

It depends what the alternative is though. I wouldn't imagine they have turned down mainstream television jobs for QVC. I wonder what skills they have that would make them employable in other jobs. I don't mean that in a nasty way, I genuinely don't know what their other options are.
I read somewhere that a shopping tv presenter earns about £30 000 pa. Don't know how true that is and there's probably quite a difference between someone like Julia Roberts and a Speed Auction presenter. Wish I did know.......I'm very curious (or nosey as OH says)

I'm sure someone posted on here an advert for a bid-tv like presenter and the salary was 25K.

I'd reckon a QVC presenter gets about 60k, beacuse they are qualified, experienced presenters. Behind the scenes I reckon there is meetings, product research etc..

I too don't think there is commission per show, maybe for guests, but not the presenters themselves. I know they are pushy, but commission based show would be hell!

I reckon there is incentives, I mean, presenting items and finding stuff to talk about all the time about the same old things would be really boring.