Shut up sara g


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Just happened to switch onto the 11am show with Lee Hohbein to be inflicted with Sara Griffiths' interruptions and machine-gun style presentation in a constant, boring, on-edge monotone. She has now officially overtaken Debbie Flint in my unpopularity stakes. The woman can't relax. Chill, Sara, chill. They won't fire you if you don't get all the words in that the gallery tell you to, for gawds sake.

I haven't even mentioned the eyebrows, which makes even more painful viewing.
She doesn't half spout a load of pretentious crap when she is on air and she just can't stop herself from rudely interrupting the guests. She is an absolute pain in the backside to watch and is always quickly turned off in my house. I won't go into any detail on those eyebrows or the hair for that matter apart from I don't think she can look in a mirror before she goes on air!
Please include Jill Franks and Debbie Flint. JF makes my head hurt so I just have to turn her off. One of her big irritations is hearing what the guest says and the repeating it back to us as though she is revealing hitherto unknown secrets! They're all as bad as each other. They all need to just let the expert guests do what they're being paid for.
Thatu, the exact same emotions erupted in me, when she started. I have read this before abouot her, but her interrupting is so rude. I got the impression that, when presenting the tsv, she couldn't have been less interested or bothered. It was yeah, yeah, yeah, etc.
These people are extremely fortunate to be in the employability position they are but, for goodness sakes, how do they get these jobs? I don't pretend it is easy; I would personally find it quite difficult having to talk about a product, for a specific length of time. When you look at presenters like Marverine, Chloe, Anne, among others who are still at the Q, and then look at who has been 'allowed to leave' - Debbie and Julian - you have to question the sagacity of the Q in it's staff relations. The negatives are mentioned repeatedly on this forum about certain presenters, yet they are still here. I can only assume it is down to sales figures.
The issue of presenters talking over guests and interrupting is raised repeatedly on the QVC Facebook page but nothing changes. I think that as long as people are still buying QVC just ignore viewers' comments.
No one can beat AY for interrupting Guests,she loves the sound of her own voice,she is rude beyond belief and yet people think she is funny,it beats me.
Lynn :mysmilie_7:

It was such a pleasure watching Julia Roberts presenting a few days ago. Calm, relaxed, informative. Made me want to know more and buy the product. Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't complain about the interrupting harpies - my bank balance certainly wouldn't!
We don't know how much someone in the gallery is spouting in a presenter's ear urging them to include this bit or that bit and don't forget to mention the other. Julia has been doing it a long time and she certainly has the knack of getting it right. I didn't see this particular presentation but have seen Sara before, and don't feel that comfortable watching and listening to her. There are not that many presenters I rate and I miss Debbie and Julian. Alison Young's voice gets higher and higher and it sounds daft but I can't stand the way she pronounces 'medium' as meejum. Charlie says his superlatives in threes 'wonderful, stunning, breathtaking'. Dale is OK, on a par with Julia. Pipa used to be so over the top drawing her words out really l o n g used to drive me mad but she seemed better the other day. I reckon the only reason they interrupt a guest is if the guest is taking too long for example. At the very least presenters should at least try and be genuinely interested in whatever product they are selling.
No one can beat AY for interrupting Guests,she loves the sound of her own voice,she is rude beyond belief and yet people think she is funny,it beats me.
Lynn :mysmilie_7:

I agree about AY with her shrieking voice, embarrassing innuendos about guests and fellow presenters! And constant reminders about how good she is :mysmilie_47: PS I'm VERY new to this forum and I'd just like to say how very entertaining it is:mysmilie_19: better than QVC!
I reckon the only reason they interrupt a guest is if the guest is taking too long for example.

This isn't the case at all. The guests aren't even allowed to make their points, let alone take too long, before they're interrupted. In any case, I'd much rather listen to an expert than a have-my-say-at-all-costs, this-is-my-space-so-I-own-it,-not-you, droning presenter.

But I wonder if Sara G's little boy is allowed to watch her? What sort of an example are the constant interruptions?
Well I don't know about them having to talk over guests who are taking too long as the worst example I ever saw with SG was with that lovely guy from Aurora and he certainly didn't need anyone to help him out.

Also how can a guest take too long when she starts at a machine gun pace before she even introduces them, in fact the exact opposite is true and I would dearly love to see a guest walking off stating they obviously thought they were surplus to requirements even though it will never happen.
I have noticed some guests talking at break neck speed, as if terrified that, should they just stop to draw breath, they will be interrupted!

I agree about AY with her shrieking voice, embarrassing innuendos about guests and fellow presenters! And constant reminders about how good she is :mysmilie_47: PS I'm VERY new to this forum and I'd just like to say how very entertaining it is:mysmilie_19: better than QVC!

Hi Annie and welcome! I missed your post earlier (I was still fuming about Sara G).
I agree about AY with her shrieking voice, embarrassing innuendos about guests and fellow presenters! And constant reminders about how good she is :mysmilie_47: PS I'm VERY new to this forum and I'd just like to say how very entertaining it is:mysmilie_19: better than QVC!

Welcome from me too. Keep posting as we love new opinions, even if we totally disagree at times!
I thought I'd give the presenters the benefit of the doubt and think that there is a reason why presenters interrupt the guests but on reflection, there is no excuse at all and I have to concede that other posters are right. It's just rude and annoying. Don't the presenters and production team think that these bad manners won't put viewers off?
I think we are all of the opinion that Q employees are under 20 and therefore only interested in tweeting and social media and not what, shall we say a more discerning, customer expects.
She always comes across as very rude. She seems to like the sounds of her own voice, she seems very aloof and seems to forget she isn't the only person there. I sometimes don't know what is worse, Sara's rudeness or Pippa's screeching and yelling? I don't understand why they let the lovely Debbie Greenwood go yet keep these two rude/loud women?

P/S Welcome Annie.
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I have the Q on in the background, and SG is on with Ken, and it occurred to me that she looks quite uncomfortable, as if presenting does not come naturally to her. Julia is not my favourite presenter, but she is a true professional, and always looks as if she is 'at home' on air. Some on this forum don't have an affinity for Debs Flint, like Jules, she is a natural shopping telly presenter. SG emanates indifference, a lack of interest.
Just my opinion, I'm sure others wonder where I get it from!

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