Yankee Candles TSV 14/7/08


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If I'm truthful I probably don't need any more Yankee products but I do love a bargain...........!!! ;)

Yeah, I also have piles in my kitchen drawer BUT hubby said if this credit crunch thing really starts to kick in then I should stock up now :D
Do you think YankeeDoodle are testing the water for regular TSV-type offers?!! ;)

QVc negotiate a price for a specific mega order whereas Yankeedoodle need to empty the warehouse for the new stuff arriving from the US.

I could be wrong (probably am!) but I imagine that the Christmas Mega pack will be all the Christmas stuff left over from last year to make room for this year's supplies.

Just hope the lovely smell is still there! I will certainly be looking...perhaps even buying!
Thanks for that SCW. I shall not hesitate to buy then if I like the look of the Christmas Mega pack.

As Siren's hubby says, if we are all going to be tightening our belts, we need to have a few treats in the cupboard.

Memo - buy wine and choocolate!
Well, I stayed up specially to have first peeps at the Christmas Mega Pack but it isn't there yet!

How do I tell them that it is now Sunday and they should jollywell let us open that enticing looking parcel?

I bet I will miss it now and all the early birds will get it before I wake up!:(
Seen it and don't want it.

Me either molly. I suspect it's a load of last year's stock and I'm trying to avoid jumping on every 'bargain bandwagon'

I'm prepared to wait for the TSV as I don't mind if all the candles are the same fragrance.
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Well, talk about a whole load of hype over nothing. What a disappointment.

I think the best value for Christmas is the six small jars for £22.
Same here, it's just leftover stuff. I'm not interested in only 16% off deals. If it's not at least 50% I don't want it
Another disappointed Yankee Candle fan......definitely won't be buying! :(

Still, let's focus on the positives - we've saved our money.....!!!! :)
Another disappointed Yankee Candle fan......definitely won't be buying! :(

Still, let's focus on the positives - we've saved our money.....!!!! :)

And there's the TSV and maybe some OTOs to look forward to. :D

No teasing, mind . (That means you, BusyLizzie!! ;)
if you fancy a change from Yankee, the body shop do a range of oils and burners.

burners are a tenner, several designs. oils are £3.25 and lots of different fragrances.
I must say I was disappointed with the Christmas mega pack I was hoping for a great value tart set or something, not tempted at all by the ceramic bits. fingers crossed the tsv will tempt me