Eeeeeee Gods !


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Apr 27, 2009
I've just caught sight of the model Natasha in the gold & velvet Trinny & Susannah dress ! the poor girl, she's plus size and the dress was easily a size too small. It must have been plain to the Stylists that the dress didn't fit. It was too short, and on a girl who's legs are not the skinniest, it was a crime to send her on the catwalk. I don't know if Natasha is new at the modelling game or if she felt embarrassed at the way she looked, but her posing skills left a lot to be desired. She didn't know how to stand or where to put her arms, and looked for the most part very awkward.
Have to agree, she looked dreadful and very uncomfortable. Surely the QVC programme planners could ensure the correct sizes are available for the models booked for the various fashion hours? I appreciate there must be last minute changes but T&S's "large squeezed into an extra small" mistake was awful.
I think she looks awkward whatever she is wearing to be honest! She must be new. She is very attractive though.
I didn't see the show, but there is a new Natasha on QVC, she is a little larger than the usual models, she used to model on IW. She seems a really nice lady....
To be honest, I was more distracted by Trinny's huge new lips. How she manages to eat with those stuck to her face is beyond me. (Although that could be the plan of course).
I can't decide if she looked thinner or if it's just an optical illusion due to the size of her trout pout.
Jeez been trying to comment on the Trinny lip thing and say I really can't understand why anyone would have it done. But everytime I've written a comment and read it back it has sounded rude and so I had to delete.

Basically I really don't understand.
My theory is that all these fillers may look alright whilst you are perfectly static, face on, in the mirror. The minute you actually have to move or be seen from another angle the game is up. It just says: fake face.
Have just read this post and checked out the video for it. Eugh.....poor girl..... they have just said that Natasha is a size 16 and in a size 16..... so if we want to get this it will be best to go up 2 sizes I think........I really do not know how people are supposed to purchase fashion from QVC, their sizes are terrible and then they put the models in sizes much too small yet expect us to think it looks great and then buy.... I have given up buying any fashion from QVC now - have tried all different ranges and even in the same range, their sizing changes depending on what you buy. Got fed up paying P&P and then the grief of returning once I found I could not even get it over my shoulders
I never order clothes from Q as getting the right size would be like trying to hit a moving target. Trinny & Susannah items never look a good fit on the models there is something very dated about their 'styles' (even for an oldie like me) Their range looks to me as though they go round some wholesalers & put items together.
Off track-- I have just ordered a top from John Lewis & was unsure which size to go for so ordered 2 sizes using my account. They were here in a couple of days ( free delivery)I have selected the best & decided to return the other to store.Can you imagine the cost of doing that with QVC?-- 2 lots of P&P & cost of returning one, probably about £15.
How I envy you actually buying something from John Lewis ! Several years ago for some unknown reason, they decided not to do any sizes larger than a 16/18, and have gone down the 'designer' route in their fashion department. When I questioned a member of staff about this - she said 'try writing to the powers that be, we get asked all the time for larger sizes, but the buyers don't want to entertain anyone over a size 18'. So I've given up trying now.
Back to Trinny. The lips were mesmerising, but has she also had some work on her face because she just looked a bit strange?
They're complete opposites really aren't they? Susannah lives in the country and says she rarely dresses up, then you have Trinny living in the City, always dolled up and on 'the scene'. Also, in terms of their appearance, Susannah is a bit unkempt and carefree, and Trinny is groomed to within an inch of her life! Susannah is, shall we say 'au natrel', when it comes to her face/body and Trinny, well....

I get the impression that Susannah is slightly fed up with it all. Trinny does most of the talking and S just appears bored.

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