Amazon Kindle Paperwhite with Case TSV 26/06/16


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I have had 2 Kindles both presents both going strong, I love my Kindle, mine have always come with chargers! I use mine to take to Appointments to read whilst waiting, better than taking a book! Also took on holiday and no heavy books to carry!
I have got an older model Kindle which I love but I do like the idea of a paperwhite because I struggle with reading mine in the evenings when the light fades. However I have read on Amazon that newer Kindles seem to have ads appear on the screen now which puts me off. Does anyone have a Kindle with this issue and if so, is it very annoying?
I have got an older model Kindle which I love but I do like the idea of a paperwhite because I struggle with reading mine in the evenings when the light fades. However I have read on Amazon that newer Kindles seem to have ads appear on the screen now which puts me off. Does anyone have a Kindle with this issue and if so, is it very annoying?
I thought you could pay more to get the ad free kindle
I have got an older model Kindle which I love but I do like the idea of a paperwhite because I struggle with reading mine in the evenings when the light fades. However I have read on Amazon that newer Kindles seem to have ads appear on the screen now which puts me off. Does anyone have a Kindle with this issue and if so, is it very annoying?

yep you can pay an extra £10 to have it ad-free but there is cheaper ways too
I have got an older model Kindle which I love but I do like the idea of a paperwhite because I struggle with reading mine in the evenings when the light fades. However I have read on Amazon that newer Kindles seem to have ads appear on the screen now which puts me off. Does anyone have a Kindle with this issue and if so, is it very annoying?

The ads only appear at the first screen when you switch on from standby... I don't mind the ads as they do give offers that I like... new books, games etc.

You switch on and the welcome screen is an ad, one sweep of a finger and it disappears... no hassle at all. I don't even really think about it now.
This has the same date as the Kipling TSV. I'm assuming it should be tonight (25th) instead?

I was wondering about pre-ordering the white one from Amazon only this morning. This seems to be good value with the case (not that I would really want one). But I definitely want the ad free version and can't see anything that mentioned this either way...
This has the same date as the Kipling TSV. I'm assuming it should be tonight (25th) instead?

I was wondering about pre-ordering the white one from Amazon only this morning. This seems to be good value with the case (not that I would really want one). But I definitely want the ad free version and can't see anything that mentioned this either way...

Just googled and found an answer to my second question myself. Thought I would post here in case someone else wonders too. You can pay £10 more for the Kindle Paperwhite direct from Amazon to have one without adverts. But if you have bought one WITH adverts you can go into the settings and remove adverts by paying a one off fee of £10. So that is good that you always have that option if you wish/need it.

I am guessing it will be the version with adverts that QVC will sell but at least then we have the option to pay and remove them afterwards.
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Just googled and found an answer to my second question myself. Thought I would post here in case someone else wonders too. You can pay £10 more for the Kindle Paperwhite direct from Amazon to have one without adverts. But if you have bought one WITH adverts you can go into the settings and remove adverts by paying a one off fee of £10. So that is good that you always have that option if you wish/need it.

I am guessing it will be the version with adverts that QVC will sell but at least then we have the option to pay and remove them afterwards.

there is ways of doing it cheaper than £10 but it depends if you wanna do that or not
I have a kindle that was non-touch (2012 version), that I am selling and have upgraded to a touch. To be fair to Q this is actually a fairly good deal, I mean the kindle for some reason does take ages to charge (even though I have a fast charging station), so the plug is a good idea and the case also seems 'bona fida', the one thing I will say though is that (and quelle surprise this wasn't mentioned on the 'midnight hour' show), is that this is the kindle that comes 'with offers', which is a little 'banner advert' at the bottom of the screen and whilst in standby. Now apart from running down the battery this should't really be a problem, but it would have been good (and honest and upfront), had they mentioned it and stated that it cost £10 to have these removed. To be fair it is on the information screen on the website, and Lee 'eluded' to it by stating that they were £10 cheaper than Amazon for the actual kindle, so if someone did do 'their research' (as they are always telling us to do (what do they think we are students!)), then they would have found this out. Though saying that every Amazon product they have sold comes 'with offers', I wonder if it is a 'registration' thing with Amazon.
So if you are thinking of purchasing and whilst I don't read as much as I used to, I still think they are a good 'gadget' to have, as they do allow to read naturally in all scenarios and even my ex-librarian' mother who swore blind she was never going read books electronically has a little app called 'kindle' on her 'fruity tablet'!
I noticed Lee was a bit economical with the truth regarding the cost of Kindle books. He said they tend to be cheaper than buying the physical book. I'm currently reading Career of Evil and on Amazon it's £3.00 in paperback and £4.99 for Kindle. I know that's totally unscientific and you might pay p and p for the book (though you would get p and p free if you spend £10). When I used my kindle I did find downloads can be dearer than buying the actual book and I believe you pay vat on downloads which could explain this. I do think this is a good deal and Kindles are great if they suit your reading habits but it still annoys me when QVC aren't entirely honest.
I love paper books and e books equally and I buy both. I`m on my second kindle ( a fire ) and my first Kindle was the very first Kindle Touch which came out. Both have pros and cons. I found an old phone charger which fitted my Kindle Touch perfectly so I could plug in anywhere there was a socket. The Kindle Fire is more of a tablet so needs charging more frequently but if you turn off the wi fi and simply use it as an e reader the charge lasts longer. Some people say you get glare from the Fire but I find if I change the background colour when reading it helps and my son who has the exact same model had an anti glare screen protector fitted at a phone accessory shop which works well too. I got my Kindle Fire brand new from Amazon for the special offer price of £39.99 so its certainly value for money. I should imagine when the tsv has passed then Amazon will bring out an even better deal on their own website, they usually do.
Well I know nothing about Kindles!!

But was going to ask hubby to get me one for my birthday....

Is this a good one?

If its not, what do I need to look out for?

I just want to be able to read in any sorts of light including bright sunshine.

Kindle Fire is cheaper......but whats the difference?

Any ideas?
Well I know nothing about Kindles!!

But was going to ask hubby to get me one for my birthday....

Is this a good one?

If its not, what do I need to look out for?

I just want to be able to read in any sorts of light including bright sunshine.

Kindle Fire is cheaper......but whats the difference?

Any ideas?

Don't get Kindle Fire if you want to read in sunlight.
The kindle fire is a tablet and made for surfing the net, the kindle is just for reading and screen is made for reading like a book whereas you will get the glare from the kindle fire.. I have had my paperwhite since the first one came out and it is still going strong and I read most days. Amazon have lots of offers on books that are free to read and if you are on facebook I would recommend joining a few of the bookclub groups as they post on the sites when there are free books which is most days
A few months ago I discovered Kindle books which I had not bought were being charged to my Amazon account. Amazon were extremely helpful as usual and traced it back to my husband's Kindle Fire which had been switched off and not used for months as he was extremely ill in hospital. They had never come across this before and could not explain how it could have been done but they recommended deregistering it and they monitored my account for a while afterwards. It never happened again (touch wood) but I would never access the internet on the Kindle Fire again because of what happened.
Well I know nothing about Kindles!!

But was going to ask hubby to get me one for my birthday....

Is this a good one?

If its not, what do I need to look out for?

I just want to be able to read in any sorts of light including bright sunshine.

Kindle Fire is cheaper......but whats the difference?

Any ideas?

If you just want to use it for reading SallyMc go for the Paperwhite. I love mine and would never go back to paper books now. It's especially good if you are an insomniac like me and want to read at 2.00am without disturbing a partner cos you can turn the light right down in a dark room, then turn up again for sunlight. It's perfect for reading in bed which is where I do almost all my reading, much easier and lighter to hold in one hand while lying on your side than a big book. I also read a couple of books a week so solves the storage problem of where to keep them all!
I've talked myself into this, my ancient original kindle with the keyboard is still going strong, but it's a little outdated now and slow by today's standards. It will be nice to have one a bit smaller and lighter.

A rare good deal from QVC. (Although I have to say the video of presentation of the TSV wouldn't have persuaded me, 15 minutes of Lee flipping Holbein talking about how much he reads now, oh do be quiet.... I had to do my own research online to actually get the necessary info to decide whether I would buy it or not. If Lee talked more about the product and less about his lifestyle he might get a few more sales)