Amazon Kindle Paperwhite with Case TSV 26/06/16


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I use my kindle paperlight every day and won't ever be without it
I bought this Amazon Fire tablet and returned it
It was very slow , the battery life was astonishingly rubbish ( my kindle battery last easily a month with daily use ) and I would never use this sort of thing as a book replacement as the light is very bad for your eyes.
Needless to say it was returned.
I have one of the older Kindles, before the paper white, so have it in a leather case that has a flip out light for reading in the dark. The light recharges with the Kindle. A charge last about three weeks of nightly use.
I use it every day, or night I should say.
I still buy lots of books but the Kindle is brilliant for taking lots of books around in your bag or on a trip without the weight.
I love my Kindle and I take it with me to Dr., Dentist, Chiropractor, and any other appointment's! Great for carrying lots of books for holidays!
Would not buy off QVC though!
I have a Kindle but much prefer the look, feel and smell of a book so it is used rarely.

I know what you mean, it is definitely more clinical, and it is so much easier to refer back, if needs be, in a real book. I like reading books when they first come out, though, and my paperwhite is much lighter than humping a hardback around. I like it a lot more than the early Kindle I had, as that didn't have a touch screen, which feels like a completely alien concept these days.
I have a Kindle but much prefer the look, feel and smell of a book so it is used rarely.

I've got an old one with a keyboard and really haven't used it that much. I can see they are great for commuting or holidays but I only read in bed. If I see a book I especially want to read I order it from the library for 50p which is much cheaper than buying and I can reserve books before they are released. I also like the ability to flick back in a physical book if I've missed something. I guess it all depends on your circumstances.
I love my Kindle too. Took it away abroad on holiday - glad I did as I was tempted to take some books instead. I love reading - I use my Kindle and buy books too. I agree it is far easier to go back in a book for reference though. Mine is not a touch screen but I don't mind at all. I can't imagine not reading.

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