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  1. S


    She's spouting complete garbage! Amazing actives - what the hell are they and silicone well we all know the horrors of that! To think she accused some of the Liz Earle fans of being holier than thou last year - another story but she had to apologise. Then she calls the police in because...
  2. S

    QVC Facebook "Angels" campaign agains't high P&P

    Not bitches? So having a pop at Catherine, Debbie F, Julia and anyone else who doesn't fit your criteria doesn't constitue as bitching! Oh and by the way My name is also Helen Martin which is primarily why I use a different name - wouldn't want to be mistaken for the other!!!! The initials...
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    QVC Facebook "Angels" campaign agains't high P&P

    I have no doubt that some "Angels" are wondeful, charitable, pleasant people, but most are bitchy, self opinionated and tend to gang up on individuals. Believe me I've friends who been on the receiving end of LL, TB, PAF, JMc, SS,JB to name a few who take great pleasure in stabbing with their...
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    QVC Facebook "Angels" campaign agains't high P&P

    Angels? Thats one for trade descriptions! [ To be honest imo the QVC Facebook page is becoming more tedious by the day , it certainly has been hijacked by these "Angels". :yawn::down: Couldn't agree more Dippy! Since when have Angels used broomsticks? On the rare occasion I have looked at...
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    Coping with life's tragedies

    In answer to the sceptics (or should that be septics) I live in London and not the IOW as implied by Amn, I have a boring and ordinary job in a legal firm not far off Sloane Street. However I do take time to research my skin care and have used LE for over 10 years. I was fortunate to be...
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    Coping with life's tragedies

    The Almond milk was removed because the supplier could not guarantee that the would use a certain process to remove the allergens from it - as it the amount used was only 0.5% or thereabouts it was decided to take it out completely rather than face any rants about allergies etc - the consistency...