Coping with life's tragedies


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Can we all expect to see Her Graciousness LE in the new years honours list ? :puke::puke:
Being a mere man, I'm bemused at how a make-up remover is supposed to help you through life's tragedies.

Are you supposed to drink it?
I must confess to being one of the thousands of people who 'bought' into the whole LE story and ethos at the beginning.

However a few things have been niggling me about them for a while now mainly:

The whole C&P Almond milk debate - yes its been taken out, and yes its obviously made a difference to people. She can say its been taken out because of allergies until she's blue in the face but it was good enough for nearly 15 years. In her book I'm sure she says that the Almond Milk in the C&P is an extract, or something like that, therefore doesn't cause allergies. And at least tell people you're taking it out and don't trot the standard customer blurb, that its been phased out slowly since 2008, customer service are at the heart of the brand etc, etc....

Avon - Sorry Liz, but it was a buy out as reported in the business press, not a flowery partnership you said it was in your flowery press release. A business woman like you should know the difference. And for a company that is BUAV approved to team up with a company who may not test their products on animals, but are not against hiring companies that do to come up with new ingredients on 'medical grounds' is a bit iffy.

Launching new products shampoo and the fragrance, and not sending out samples to customers, expecting them to fork out for the full sizes. Ok I know they could send them back but that's not the point.

There rant over, hope you don't mind but feel better now. Wanted to do that for ages.

The Almond milk was removed because the supplier could not guarantee that the would use a certain process to remove the allergens from it - as it the amount used was only 0.5% or thereabouts it was decided to take it out completely rather than face any rants about allergies etc - the consistency of C&P changes depending on the harvest of the ingredients anyway so you can't gripe about it being different without the almond milk, because it is always going to be slightly different.
To be honest I think Caroline was saying that whatever life throws at you C&P will help you through the effect the stress has on your skin.
Done it But I'm having to put another post down as I didn't put something along the lines of "To whom it may concern" at the start. Now all I have to do is wait for all the LE fanatics to start slagging off my post.

I've just had a look at the FB page. To quote a lovely lady on there
"Jeeze the moron who started that is an idiot and my guess is its taken out of context. Now there are morons saying C+P didnt help them thorugh the death of people." Jealous morons... that simple.

What, exactly am i jealous of i wonder. could it be her ability to argue her point so well or could it be her sensitivity.
Well done dippy one for posting your comments on there and this LE fan won't give you any abuse for it.
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Wow someone needs to take a chill pill!

I wouldn't let it bother you, the LE fans on FB seem to be somewhat fanatical, on the QVC page every second reference under any of the beauty day posts are frantically asking if there'll be any LE on today....again and again and AGAIN!! Evidently LE is the new Messiah. I'm glad I've seen through her crap. Don't get me wrong, I still use and enjoy some of the products but because I've made an informed choice, not because of the beatific Liz who frankly, is too sweet to be wholesome...
Wow someone needs to take a chill pill!

I wouldn't let it bother you, the LE fans on FB seem to be somewhat fanatical, on the QVC page every second reference under any of the beauty day posts are frantically asking if there'll be any LE on today....again and again and AGAIN!! Evidently LE is the new Messiah. I'm glad I've seen through her crap. Don't get me wrong, I still use and enjoy some of the products but because I've made an informed choice, not because of the beatific Liz who frankly, is too sweet to be wholesome...

probably get slated for this but here is my opinion:
same of these things could be applied here.
I appreciate that some people have bad periods in their life's ( me included, trust me), but I think the presenter meant that everything has an effect on their skin - and the cleanser is suppose to deal with it.
Of course she is going to say that: she is selling it. I really do not think for one moment that she was out to upset people on purpose, or try and deminish the real horrible times some people go through. BUT she was on TV, time was ticking, they have to say things to fill the time AND sell the goods. It came into her head and you do not have time on life TV to sit and think about what you are going to say with every sentence you say.
Seems that some people are as fanatical about LE on here too, and no I have no especial view of the women or her products, I use what suits my skin and change to other brands when I have to.
probably get slated for this but here is my opinion:
same of these things could be applied here.
I appreciate that some people have bad periods in their life's ( me included, trust me), but I think the presenter meant that everything has an effect on their skin - and the cleanser is suppose to deal with it.
Of course she is going to say that: she is selling it. I really do not think for one moment that she was out to upset people on purpose, or try and deminish the real horrible times some people go through. BUT she was on TV, time was ticking, they have to say things to fill the time AND sell the goods. It came into her head and you do not have time on life TV to sit and think about what you are going to say with every sentence you say.
Seems that some people are as fanatical about LE on here too, and no I have no especial view of the women or her products, I use what suits my skin and change to other brands when I have to.

I completely agree with you. Of course the presenter didn't mean that Cleanse and Polish is going to cure the lame and bring about world peace.
The poster who put the comments on facebook was obviously looking for a reaction and sure enough got one.
Perhaps the presenters should stand in front of the cameras and hold up the item without saying a word.
probably get slated for this but here is my opinion:
same of these things could be applied here.
I appreciate that some people have bad periods in their life's ( me included, trust me), but I think the presenter meant that everything has an effect on their skin - and the cleanser is suppose to deal with it.
Of course she is going to say that: she is selling it. I really do not think for one moment that she was out to upset people on purpose, or try and deminish the real horrible times some people go through. BUT she was on TV, time was ticking, they have to say things to fill the time AND sell the goods. It came into her head and you do not have time on life TV to sit and think about what you are going to say with every sentence you say.
Seems that some people are as fanatical about LE on here too, and no I have no especial view of the women or her products, I use what suits my skin and change to other brands when I have to.

What this thread has proven is that the mere mention of LE opens up a hornets nest of disquiet. Rightly so. If this comment had been on a Gat. or Elem. or Dec. hour it still would have been ridiculous and upsetting. The amount of times the LE entourage have appeared on QVC they should have a barrage of stock phrases by now. And not ridiculous ones that can be misinterpreted, if this one was!
probably get slated for this but here is my opinion:
same of these things could be applied here.
I appreciate that some people have bad periods in their life's ( me included, trust me), but I think the presenter meant that everything has an effect on their skin - and the cleanser is suppose to deal with it.
Of course she is going to say that: she is selling it. I really do not think for one moment that she was out to upset people on purpose, or try and deminish the real horrible times some people go through. BUT she was on TV, time was ticking, they have to say things to fill the time AND sell the goods. It came into her head and you do not have time on life TV to sit and think about what you are going to say with every sentence you say.
Seems that some people are as fanatical about LE on here too, and no I have no especial view of the women or her products, I use what suits my skin and change to other brands when I have to.

I'm not slating you. Although i don't agree I can see what you're saying. I didn't like her comment at all but i won't be losing any sleep over it.
I don't think it was said on purpose but in the hall of fame of ridiculous claims it was up there with the best. If,as i'm sure it was, a claim that it will help your skin through the tough times and when you're stressed, I can honestly say it made my skin worse and i've been using it for years and I'm sure i'm not the only one, So those claims were without foundation.
She was on TV and therefore should have had a pretty good idea of what she was going to say beforehand. If i went into John Lewis and the assistant told me this would help my skin whatever life threw at me i'd laugh and ask her what evidence she had of this, but unfortunately none of us phoned into Caroline and asked her.
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You'd really think they'd take a nano-second to think before they open their mouths, especially Caroline when she's the customer expert according to her job description.
I didn't see the show so didn't hear her say this but I was watching at one point when she was on and she talks so quickly that everything seems to merge into one mega long sentence (along the GC fashion tips school of product description).

I too think I know what she was trying to say and can see how it would upset people. Like evryone else, I've had crises and did actually find that LE products helped my skin at times of stress and the fragrances in the products did calm me. This time last year, I had my dad in hospital having an emergency quadruple bypass, my partner rushed in to hospital with heart problems and my aunt also rushed to a hospital near her home after a collapse with heart issues - all on the same day. This came after I'd had weeks of worry about test results for cancer for my mum (clear fortunately). And I've had/got secondary cancer for the last 3 years and the side effects mean I have to take prozac before I murder someone !!! Anyway, I came through all that rubbish but have to say it was lovely to have a relaxing bath in orange body wash and chill for a while.

I would put a response on fb but can't cope with being on fb generally - it freaks me out!!! Moan over.....
As I said I made the mistake of not addressing it to whoever at LE but I expected the reaction off the LE fanatics on fb. I started using c&p over 2 weeks ago and I'm getting spots. Like another poster said c&p I can live without but skin tonic I can't as it helps on my C-section scar which can get sore sometimes. Weird I know
I don't believe Caroline meant to upset either, but I do think the reaction on FB was a bit much.

Also, presenters on TV are paid to be able to rabbit on and on under pressure but abide by all the legal regulations, trading standards etc etc and still make a sale. If they can't do that without being ridiculous/insensitive/inaccurate then they shouldn't be on tv!

And yes, of course people have products/presenters they love and some they loathe. But the LE fans on FB strike me as cultish...just my opinion.
ooo its getting a bit bitchy over there on FB :sun:

I should say I do go on there to have a browse as despite not using most of the range I find it quite interesting to find out about offers etc and most peeps are usually lovely but that post on there re Ms Archer seems to have hit a nerve.

I don't she meant anything by what she said. However, if it caused any upset or concern then that's how it made someone feel and that's just the way it is. I think to poo poo someone's feelings if if you don't agree with them is a bit mean and no one on here has done that.
Well I did not hear her comment ...that is because I either turn the sound down or turn over when that irritating saleswoman,:angry: with her 100 mile an hour voice and Liz Earle doopleganger looks appears on my telly!!!!!!
ooo its getting a bit bitchy over there on FB :sun:

I think to poo poo someone's feelings if if you don't agree with them is a bit mean and no one on here has done that.

Yes I agree. We are all entitled to our own opinion.
[I am very disappointed that Elemis have not got a show today.Would love to see their Pro Radiance on a 4 pay.[/QUOTE]

Keeley's Birthday is probably why she isn't on.
[I am very disappointed that Elemis have not got a show today.Would love to see their Pro Radiance on a 4 pay.

Keeley's Birthday is probably why she isn't on.[/QUOTE]

According to Keeley on FB Elemis weren't even asked to be on Beauty day:confused: . Thinking of deleting my post on the LE FB wall cos I aint going to win the argument!

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