Alison Young


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QVC and Father’s Day is an oxymoron of grand proportions. Right, Dad..I brung yer this nail polish to paint your Airfix Lancaster Bomber with, this bra to store all your spanners in, and this huge dress for you to use as an awning for the camper van..
Who really cares any more what people choose to be? I certainly do not, their choice their life - get on with it and if it doesn’t pan out as planned tough luck …

Alison Young really ought to stop pandering to the woke community - as said before ‘suitable for everyone’ is sufficient.
Nurses have probably been told not to use gendered nouns, poor sods.
Descendant, offspring, progeny, mini-me...
TBF they can probably use MALE nouns and pronouns. The NHS have only changed the female related sections of their literature to avoid offending trans women and the non binary. The prostate stuff still refers to men.

The other day I read that the well respected Johns Hopkins University in the US has defined a lesbian as a “non man” attracted to other “non men”. It’s the obliteration of women, welcome to Gilead!
TBF they can probably use MALE nouns and pronouns. The NHS have only changed the female related sections of their literature to avoid offending trans women and the non binary. The prostate stuff still refers to men.

The other day I read that the well respected Johns Hopkins University in the US has defined a lesbian as a “non man” attracted to other “non men”. It’s the obliteration of women, welcome to Gilead!
How ridiculous. Lesbian women are physically 100 percent female unless they have had surgery, or, as AY says, gender reassignment, and even then, they have female chromosomes that cannot ever be changed to male chromosomes.
The world went mad. Some of us before the world went mad are still here to experience it. You are far better being only able to remember the world being mad and believing it is sane. Otherwise life can be difficult.
Sometimes, I think I'm the only sane person around. It's very lonely!
No you've got company on here.♥️

Definitely. Many are afraid to speak their minds IRL but sanity is still recognised here. And very much appreciated it is.

I am surprised she has not started aiming for those who identify as non-human by now.

This beauty product is suitable for those who ID as:

A hamster
A dog
A cat
A horse
and finally A.I.

Yes, AY, will be aiming at the Terminators.

Or a non-woman as Johns Hopkins tried calling us WOMEN.

We went to see him in Panto a few years back in Manchester with the Krankies.
One of the funniest shows I’ve seen for years.
Loads of complaints because it was very rude. 😂

Panto shouldn't be rude unless it's the subtle type of thing that goes over the children's heads.

That's just the type of entitled behaviour common to someone too big for their boots. It's funny until it goes that step too far and then gets uncomfortable for all but the Mr Big who never seems to notice the once howling laughter is now just embarrassed giggles.
Panto shouldn't be rude unless it's the subtle type of thing that goes over the children's heads.

That's just the type of entitled behaviour common to someone too big for their boots. It's funny until it goes that step too far and then gets uncomfortable for all but the Mr Big who never seems to notice the once howling laughter is now just embarrassed giggles.
No it did go over their heads like a lot of Panto does.
I so agree with all this. A tiny minority are having a moment in the sun and causing havoc. My hubby was having radiotherapy about 18 months ago and was asked whether he was pregnant. Forget that he was 77 at the time. I feel sorry for nhs staff - they must get an earful from a lot of patients over all this rubbish.
I’m confused with this trans malarkey.

Is a trans-man someone changing from a man to a woman or a woman to a man ? Ditto for trans-women.

A trans man is a man who was assigned female at birth and a trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth.

(Courtesy of Google because I had to double check 😳)
Basically it seems there are a hell of a lot of misogynists out there driving their version of inclusivity... which specifically excludes approximately 50% of the world's population...without which the human race would cease to exist.
Utter madness.
Absolutely right. My main issue with the whole trans rights thing, is that, if anything, it has led to an increase in misogyny. It seems it's fine to put biological women down, but not men who identify as women. As an older woman, and therefore in the often considered irrelevant group, menopausal/post menopausal, I become angrier and angrier at the erosion of rights my generation fought so hard for; at the same time as a minority, a very aggressive one, gets to define what being a woman means. The fact that JK Rowling, among others, receives death threats for actually pointing out the difference between being biologically female, and "identifying" as female, is beyond appalling. I don't care what people "identify" as, but don't erode my rights, and don't try to take away my voice. And ffs, let's have an end to the complete illogicality of the pronoun "they", which is self-indulgent rubbish.
It’s a license for misogynists and those profiting from the health care associated with it to ride the taking advantage train.

Unfortunately those with other issues which need alternative forms of care are also being swept up , many whose treatment has serious health consequences regardless of whether or not correct decisions were made.

While many Detransitioners are shouted down for speaking out afterwards.

The gender cult is a ticking time bomb in the making.

Absolutely right. My main issue with the whole trans rights thing, is that, if anything, it has led to an increase in misogyny. It seems it's fine to put biological women down, but not men who identify as women. As an older woman, and therefore in the often considered irrelevant group, menopausal/post menopausal, I become angrier and angrier at the erosion of rights my generation fought so hard for; at the same time as a minority, a very aggressive one, gets to define what being a woman means. The fact that JK Rowling, among others, receives death threats for actually pointing out the difference between being biologically female, and "identifying" as female, is beyond appalling. I don't care what people "identify" as, but don't erode my rights, and don't try to take away my voice. And ffs, let's have an end to the complete illogicality of the pronoun "they", which is self-indulgent rubbish.
I agree totally. You speak for me.

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