buyer con on e-bay


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Registered Shopper
Jul 9, 2008
maybe i am being suspicious but i am sure someone on here will put it in context. sold a lola rose bracelet on e-bay for £2.47 plus postage costs. i think the buyer got a good deal as it was worth around £35. nearly a week later she claims through paypal that the charm was bent and the item is not as sold. the charm was very well wrapped in tissue, then bubble wrap and then in a jiffy bag. paypal said they will reimburse her and not take back the money from me. i am fuming though as to why she did not just contact me and arrange for the bracelet to be returned. she went straight to paypal. i feel that she knew what the outcome would be. i bet she tries to relist it. what a con.

mind you i was warned that e-bay has its pitfalls for a seller but nothing prepared me for this. i dont like the fact that she got something i sold of a higher value than she paid for nothing..grrrr!! RANT OVER!!!!:puke::puke:
Ebay is an absolute minefield for sellers lately.

Maybe you should have tried to sell it here first, you might have got a decent price for it too without the astronomical charges that Ebay and Paypal charge.

There's also another forum where you can buy and sell without charges, it's
I've been outbid on a few Lola Rose bracelets on ebay. They all went for near brand new prices so that buyer should just be grateful she got such an amazing bargain! What a cheek ~ I would be fuming if I was you. I agree with MOMAD ~ try selling on here!
it very annoying. i am not a business just trying to help with my daughters wedding to buy some flowers that she cannot afford herself. i dont see the point of leaving feedback as it will just turn out badly for me. it took her nearly a week to complain to pay paypal and oddly she first tried to claim she did not get it but i send all jewellery signed for so she tried the paypal trick instead. i think i will ask her to return it to me bent indeed. oh well. tahnks for your replies by the way its helped getting it out of my system

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