Catherine Huntley being honest selling shoes….


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Dream Girl

Registered Shopper
Jun 5, 2017
Catherine just on with a pair of Moda ballet shoes says being honest.
So there are brands here at QVC and their shoes I would only be able to wear for a couple of hours, but not with these Moda shoes.
Then went on to say there are shoes in this hour that Katie I wouldn’t necessarily go for.
But as you are talking about the shoes, you are actually temping me to go for them.
I maybe wrong but I did think it was perhaps Jamie that introduced Catherine to a vegan diet. Her friend Kate Green who guests at QVCUK from Royal British Legion was definitely last I knew vegan.
my feet would be on the slightly wide side and I have a pair which fit fine but I find they are very stiff and for some reason after 2 years they have started to squeak!

That was my impression when KP starts stretching them wide - particularly those that she doesn't fold in half to show how 'soft' the leather is. Years before they arrived on QVC I bought a pair of flats and (like always) they fitted well in the shop, but at home the toes were tight - not much depth between the inside sole and the inside top of the shoe.

My usual trick when shoes are a bit tight is to wear them on the wrong feet around the house until I can't bear it any longer, and then when I put them on the right feet they fit perfectly. This time it didn't work, so I hardly wore them.
Actually I recently heard her say to someone she was presenting with that she "wasn't a vegan at the moment!" :LOL::LOL::LOL:FFS, you're either a vegan or you're not. You can't chop and change from day to day depending on whether or not you want a cream cake 🍰🍰

In that case I will add vegan to my LinkedIn and other profiles. I am vegan all the time, apart from when I have eggs and bacon for breakfast. Whilst vegetarianism is a diet, being a vegan is/should be a way of life.
The way that Katy Knuckles pulls apart the shoes when presenting Moda, makes me feel that they are quite a tight fit, and with my delicate heels, I would have blisters the size of golf balls !
She stretches the sides of the shoes so strongly that I want to tell her to stop making them go out of shape and baggy. Shoes too narrow/short or too wide/long are unwearable for any length of time. I wish they would give advice on the TV screen on how to buy the exact fit, not just casually remark on 'up or down' a size. Enthusing over colours and styles should come second to reliable info on length and width of the shoes.
Yeah I caught that, she probably says the same for all the blinking shoes she's selling. I wouldn't wear most of those monstrosities even for a dare, especially those hideous snake print golf shoes!
I don't like snakes, so by association, I wouldn't wear snakeskin prints in any form and I think there are many who feel the same. However, do we want Ruth Langsford apologising about her snakeskin print jacket linings all the time with little miss echo Jackie parroting her ? I think not, so I wish they'd shut up about it.