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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
On the phone/not the web!
Ffs Nicola

'Try it on in the comfort of your own home'........'I hate trying anything on in the changing rooms in the High St.'

So, I might order those lovely pair of viscose tops. I wait however long to receive them. Then I can try them on in the comfort of my home. They look sh&t, just as I thought they might. I have to wrap them back up. Take them to the post office. PAY to post them back. Wait with baited breath to see if they're been received so I can get a refund. If you're lucky, you get your refund, if not, God help you. So, how long's passed, two weeks? more?


You can go to the High St., have a nice look round and pick something you like the look of. Take it home, try it on. If you don't like it, take it back next day, or when you have time and get a refund straight away.
I know Momma, all this "try it on at home" is a complete load of cods & all shopping channel presenters spout it. I either go to visit real shops like you say or, have a look at ALL THE ONLINE RETAILERS, who offer a very reasonable FLAT RATE P&P PER ORDER OR FREE depending on the total amount spent. I get the items usually in 2-3 days and if I don't want to keep some or all of the items I can either take them back to any one of their shops or simply use the FREE p&p label.
Oh yes I get to try them all on in the privacy of my own home & usually for free postage & free returns.

Shopping Channels are in the dark ages when it comes to errr "fashion" in every respect imo. I can't see them continuing unless they take a leaf out of the online retailers books. I.e., actually sell fashionable, desirable items and stop being greedy with the prices & p&p!
Ffs Nicola

'Try it on in the comfort of your own home'........'I hate trying anything on in the changing rooms in the High St.'

So, I might order those lovely pair of viscose tops. I wait however long to receive them. Then I can try them on in the comfort of my home. They look sh&t, just as I thought they might. I have to wrap them back up. Take them to the post office. PAY to post them back. Wait with baited breath to see if they're been received so I can get a refund. If you're lucky, you get your refund, if not, God help you. So, how long's passed, two weeks? more?


You can go to the High St., have a nice look round and pick something you like the look of. Take it home, try it on. If you don't like it, take it back next day, or when you have time and get a refund straight away.

I know she is loud and obsessed with 'considered purchases' but they should leave the fashion to Sally.

Nicola's talents are best suited to selling................. actually i'm not really sure.

I bet the grey bag will go for around £35 (it always does on
I know Momma, all this "try it on at home" is a complete load of cods & all shopping channel presenters spout it. I either go to visit real shops like you say or, have a look at ALL THE ONLINE RETAILERS, who offer a very reasonable FLAT RATE P&P PER ORDER OR FREE depending on the total amount spent. I get the items usually in 2-3 days and if I don't want to keep some or all of the items I can either take them back to any one of their shops or simply use the FREE p&p label.
Oh yes I get to try them all on in the privacy of my own home & usually for free postage & free returns.

Shopping Channels are in the dark ages when it comes to errr "fashion" in every respect imo. I can't see them continuing unless they take a leaf out of the online retailers books. I.e., actually sell fashionable, desirable items and stop being greedy with the prices & p&p!

Too right Nikki. QVC has some decent fashion but a bit pricey at times. Doesn't stop them selling though. Just goes to show, if it's a decent product, people are prepared to pay. I've never seen anything 'woweeee I must have' on this channel :giggle:
I know she is loud and obsessed with 'considered purchases' but they should leave the fashion to Sally.

Nicola's talents are best suited to selling................. actually i'm not really sure.

I bet the grey bag will go for around £35 (it always does on

It went for £34.96, 4 x easybuy.

Jeez they are predictable.

I agree Sally is good with fashion and she does look good in anything really.

I see the bag was on a pedestal again. No measurements, no mention of what it has inside and certainly no look inside, just the wonderful feel of the leather.

Still it was £20 cheaper than their ebay price!
Fashion and handbags do ladies really need this garbage, SAVE YOUR MONEY.I'd rather spend in the high street to keep the places open, situp it's over it's your channels are getting weaker everyday.a whole show or hour on handbags bidtv are seriously taking the pi**.
I think poor Nicolola's been getting far too many chest colds it's starting to impact on her common sense.

The poor love needs to put on more than a pair of tinsel tassels and a thong of an evening.

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