FB copy and paste statuses!!!!


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Jun 24, 2008
Logged into facebook, and a lovely workmate of mine had posted a massive heartfelt rant about mental health....I know she has suffered from bouts of depression in the past, so I read thinking OMG what's happened hope she's alright...but as I continued to read I became aware that this was not something she'd composed herself due to the Amercanisms, to be fair it did have some good points, but the more I read the more passive/aggressive it became, demanding that it was "liked" then copied and pasted, put up as my own status and sent to the first 10 people on my contact lists (or something like this)...I posted a similar thread about these silly games that don't actually do anything constructive to help the causes they're purport to help...they're misguided at worst - but these just really get my back up! especially when they come with a footnote that says I know exactly which one of my friends will repost this, that most of you won't even bother to read it properly and if you don't copy and paste = you don't care!!!!
Now there is nothing wrong whatsoever in seeing something somebody else has written and wholeheartedly agreeing with it, and even posting words to that effect and getting a conversation going about the subject, or better still posting statuses that are written yourself and are relevant to yourself and the people that you know, maybe it will lead to friends reaching out to you in real life, maybe getting friends together to do some fund raising, offering practical help - But no.....just copy and paste this "one size fits all diatribe " post it to 10 other people, hit the like button and send me an X and a :heart: to show me that you've done it!!!!
I wish I had the guts to post my feelings about this sort of thing on FB itself but I know it would cause friction...I never go along with them, but never say anything either as it would possibly cause problems..however I do need to get it of my chest..thanks for listening...Oh and copy and paste this...only kiddin'!!!
This is the latest version of the chain letter of my youth. I had friends scared to break the chain. I was always saying send it to me and I'll break it.

I understand that it can be easier if you are suffering with mental health to post on what someone else has written, or to think you can't write as eloquently on the subject... But a moment's thought before pasting it, and the consequent alienation of those friends treated to a passive-aggressive guilt trip, should make you think again. Try being inspired, perhaps to reframe it based on your own experience rather than riding the coattails of someone else's rage.

I hope you didn't feel you had to like this of pay it forward or put it in your status. Genuine posts get genuine responses.
Oh Merryone you're a women after my own heart! I hate these things too plus the private messages along the same lines. I'm shocked that certain friends take part and send them to me - they say you never really know people LOL! I too won't copy and paste and I certainly wouldn't forward to any friends.
MML - I too used to say send the chain letter to me because I would happily break the chain.

And that final sentence - I know which of my friends will do this - really gets up my nose!
I get these in PMs from friends about all sorts of sob stories and also on my timeline. I refuse to forward and just either delete or mark at I no longer want to see from this advertiser. They just totally piss me off big time. Strangely I was reading that many are from far right organisations that use them as some sort or info gathering and then start pushing onto your timeline. They use the cover of animal,child abuse etc to get people to like and share.

I am straight with friends and tell them not to PM with me with this crap as it will never ever before forwarded by me.

When I was around 11 or 12 I once got a chain letter, my Mum opened it said it was stupid rubbish and threw it on the fire.
What gets my goat the most is that these are mostly people from work who I talk to on a regular basis and get on with, seem like intelligent people, yet they'll find, or be sent somebody else's often incoherent and meaningless post which anyone should realise will do absolutely nothing to help those who are suffering from any kind of condition, mental or physical unless they actually get off their bum and do something about it! Will they lobby their local mp, will they try and organise a fundraiser, ask for practical advice? No to all of those and then when you see them at work, it's not mentioned in any shape or form, in fact most of the perpetrators of these "chain letter" style statuses in my experience will spend the entire lunchbreak chatting about the new handbag they've just bought or the next holiday they're going to book - Not once have I heard any one of them even remotely touch upon any of the subjects they waxing lyrical upon all over facebook. Yes, if an atrocity/disaster has happened that does usually becomes a workplace topic of conversation, but like most people there's the low hum of sympathy, a quick bemoaning of what the world is coming to and then the subject is rapidly changed back to "slimming world" , getting beach ready, or handbags! They'll overlay whatever country's flag over their profile picture of their grandson splashing around in the back garden, repost someone else's heartfelt words and think they've actually done something - they haven't!!! Well unless trying to shame your friends, family and colleagues into following the pack by making them out to be heartless and uncaring counts. Like MML says....I wish these people would think before they posted and if they've got something to say...say it by all means but do it in your own words, and even better do something about it!!!!!
Just thought I'd copy and paste lol! this quote put on facebook by a work colleague, ok I may not have put it quite like this but thank you, thank you, thank you - I couldn't agree more!

For fear of sounding ungrateful... These ****** chain things are absolutely doing my nut! You know I love you, you know I'm a good friend, you know we are good mum's, I'm sick of hearing about cancer when so many of my family and friends have struggled with this illness.... why would they want reminding daily? Please please stop passing these chain things on to me... plus people hack profiles everyday, I don't want my inbox full of potential hackers! This last one I've just got now is so ****** ridiculous... wtf is all that about?
Just thought I'd copy and paste lol! this quote put on facebook by a work colleague, ok I may not have put it quite like this but thank you, thank you, thank you - I couldn't agree more!

For fear of sounding ungrateful... These ****** chain things are absolutely doing my nut! You know I love you, you know I'm a good friend, you know we are good mum's, I'm sick of hearing about cancer when so many of my family and friends have struggled with this illness.... why would they want reminding daily? Please please stop passing these chain things on to me... plus people hack profiles everyday, I don't want my inbox full of potential hackers! This last one I've just got now is so ****** ridiculous... wtf is all that about?

Nothing ungrateful about objecting to mindless copy-pasting, IMO. People should be called out on this, and if they don't cease and desist, they have to be unfriended, unfollowed or whatever the term is.
I've had to offload on here because someone with whom I used to work has on facebook posted this..

Another day of treatment �� and yes, it's true that it takes years to make you feel alive. With the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation you will never be 100% because your immune system is weak.
Certainly, in the hardest moments of life, you realize who you are real friends or people who really appreciate you.
Unfortunately, like most friendships, Facebook friends will leave you in the middle of a story. They will publish a "like" for the story. They may not really read your message if they see that it's long. More than half has stopped reading. Some may have gone to the next post in your news summary.
I have decided to publish this message to support the families of friends and relatives who have combated this terrible disease to the end.
Now, I focus on those who take the time to read this message to the end. A small test, if you want, just to see who reads and who shares it without reading.
If you have read everything, choose "like" so I can thank you for sharing this on your profile.

Cancer is a very invasive and destructive enemy for our bodies. Even after the end of treatment, the body remains broken even in an attempt to repair and restore the damage caused by the treatment to fight the disease. It is a very long process.
Please, in honor of a relative or a friend who died of cancer, in remission, continue to fight cancer, or even have cancer, copy and paste this message as a post on your Facebook.
How often have we heard the others say, "If you need something, do not hesitate to call me. I will be there to help you." So, I bet that most people who have seen this message (maybe even reading to the end) will publish it to show your support to the family / friend who knows the struggle.
Copy and paste - do not share this message.
I would like to know who I can count on to take a minute of your day and really read this. If you complete this, write "done" in the comments.

The poor woman does suffer from MS, and reading the opening lines I immediately thought Oh no she's got cancer too, I was very suprised cause she lives near and people from work still see her, she's still at work and nobody had an inkling...but reading on it was obviously another one size fits all diatribe. This one has made me particulary angry because it's more about trying to see how many people she can get to "verify her" as opposed to really caring and wanting to help someone suffering from this dreadful disease! There's been a couple of comments from people who obviously reading this thinks she has cancer ...One of them has even replied....Oh I'm so sorry, my daughter's going through chemo at the moment and it's really gruelling for her etc etc, if you need anyone to talk to please don't hesistate to call me...another has posted I'm so sorry, I had no idea, hope the treatment is sucessful.

What gets me the most is that the crux of this post is to accuse people of only half reading these posts, being "fairweather friends" etc...when the poster patently hasn't read it through properly themselves and realised what message it is putting out there, ie making people think they've got cancer when they haven't! Again this person is a rational and very intelligent person and I am shocked and horrified that they would post something like this. This one I have to say is the worst one I've seen to date...hence re opening this thread!
It's a lazy approach. If someone wants to boost their profile on social media an original heartfelt real post is surely the way. People feel conned, manipulated and angry when they are fooled. Many more can see how inauthentic such copy and pastes are. That's two groups this person will alienate. Maybe some readers will feel guilted, but that's a pretty shabby treatment of other people who just don't do what that person thinks they should.

Most don't see why it's wrong... Like passing on phone numbers of friends without checking with them first (very old school stuff these days).
It's a lazy approach. If someone wants to boost their profile on social media an original heartfelt real post is surely the way. People feel conned, manipulated and angry when they are fooled. Many more can see how inauthentic such copy and pastes are. That's two groups this person will alienate. Maybe some readers will feel guilted, but that's a pretty shabby treatment of other people who just don't do what that person thinks they should.

Most don't see why it's wrong... Like passing on phone numbers of friends without checking with them first (very old school stuff these days).

I agree it's definitely lazy...but this particular instance was ironic as it was passive/aggressive in it's accusing of those not bothering to read it properly. If the poster had read it properly then surely she'd have realised that it's telling people that she's got cancer. When I saw it yesterday morning that indeed is what I thought until I realised it was yet another one of these copy/paste jobbies but from the number of responses she had wishing her all the best with her treatment, empathising, sympathising, sharing personal stories and offering help goes to show that it was taken very seriously. She has since removed this post from her timeline! I personally think Facebook should put a blanket ban upon these copy and paste statuses especially as Stratobuddy points out,they spread viruses too!
Just when you thought that this copy and paste "shizzle" couldn't get any worse...it just has. The latest is someone announcing on facebook that they've just returned from A&E as they were suffering from uncontrollable vomitting and total exhaustion to find out that they're pregnant again adding there goes my bikini summer!...then there's a few dots and it says please read on! At the bottom of the page it says "GOTCHA!" Just checkin' to see who reads all of my posts - Hardly got room in my house for the 3 I've already got lol!!!!!

What is the f*cking matter with people?!!!! At least the mental health/cancer diatribes are well meant as misguided as they are - but this my friends is an all time low. What part of pretending you're pregnant, when there's probably a fair few of her own friends fb or otherwise who are having fertility issues, have lost babies, can be seen as appropriate?!!!!! Just to test who reads all her f*cking threads. I shant be reading any more that's for certain as I've deleted her....of course she has a mixture of congratulatory posts and oooh you are funny responses. No, not funny, not clever..just downright wrong...Rant over. Can it sink any lower I wonder?
Some people are just naturally insensitive. I suppose you can say the opposite is true... some people are oversensitive. But that's pretty crass.
The headteacher of my last school had a strict no social media policy for staff, several ignored this & a few got themselves into a mess. I can't imagine anything more boring than spending my time in front of a screen wading through the mindless minutiae of someone else's life. The only positive for me is the way it is used to tell people about missing or abused animals.
Just when you thought that this copy and paste "shizzle" couldn't get any worse...it just has. The latest is someone announcing on facebook that they've just returned from A&E as they were suffering from uncontrollable vomitting and total exhaustion to find out that they're pregnant again adding there goes my bikini summer!...then there's a few dots and it says please read on! At the bottom of the page it says "GOTCHA!" Just checkin' to see who reads all of my posts - Hardly got room in my house for the 3 I've already got lol!!!!!

What is the f*cking matter with people?!!!! At least the mental health/cancer diatribes are well meant as misguided as they are - but this my friends is an all time low. What part of pretending you're pregnant, when there's probably a fair few of her own friends fb or otherwise who are having fertility issues, have lost babies, can be seen as appropriate?!!!!! Just to test who reads all her f*cking threads. I shant be reading any more that's for certain as I've deleted her....of course she has a mixture of congratulatory posts and oooh you are funny responses. No, not funny, not clever..just downright wrong...Rant over. Can it sink any lower I wonder?

This is very insensitive to those who have suffered a loss or are struggling to get pregnant.

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