Inspiring womens month!


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Jun 24, 2008
Is it just me? but I'm thoroughly sick of all this claptrap! What on earth is inspiring women's month anyway? we've already had international women's day, mothers day and now this, all trying to get us to part with our money. I've just googled and have worked out that this is an American thing in March, so ok, Q's an American company. What's buying stuff from a shopping channel got to do with inspirational women? They're wheeling out the notion that they're showcasing female led the usual Marla Wynne, Kim & Co then? Just cut to clip of hard boiled Hoppen - Sorry but she does nothing to inspire me. A diatribe about the vulnerability and power of women followed. I realise that women are their demographic, but don't turn it into an exclusive women's club!
I don't know, I have a roster of inspiring women, mostly blood family, or family of the heart. I also have inspiring men in the same way.
They make a big deal of it as it's another opportunity to monetise and commercialise. It's like all the meeja think of women as an endless cash cow... I object, as we are already penalised for so much that is intrinsic to being a woman, and have had to fight for every concession... added to women's pay still being less than men's, it is generally more expensive being a woman without all the merchers merching at us to prise yet more of our disposable income from our purses.
Rant over...for now!
Inspiring Womens Month and QVC ?
What level of management and thicko blue skies nonsense is this.
Surely an inwards look at their tat sellers,would be enough not to inspire anyone,would any of these people inspire you?
Hold on a light bulb moment the Qurio zombies will lap it up,with all of the five regulars hanging onto every word.
Any chance Q of getting things right on screen and off screen,before preaching to your tv audience with this selling claptrap.
It insults womens intelligence as it is just another tool,to squeeze money out of you.
No doubt the usual crew will be encouraging and cajoling customers,with the usual ranting pushy pushy check out your basket,all on easy pay nonsense.
Inspiring Womens Month and QVC ?
What level of management and thicko blue skies nonsense is this.
Surely an inwards look at their tat sellers,would be enough not to inspire anyone,would any of these people inspire you?
Hold on a light bulb moment the Qurio zombies will lap it up,with all of the five regulars hanging onto every word.
Any chance Q of getting things right on screen and off screen,before preaching to your tv audience with this selling claptrap.
It insults womens intelligence as it is just another tool,to squeeze money out of you.
No doubt the usual crew will be encouraging and cajoling customers,with the usual ranting pushy pushy check out your basket,all on easy pay nonsense.
Exactly - That sums up my opinion of this in one sentence!
One of the 'inspiring women' said that she was inspired by her mum. Good comment, but when she added, 'without my mum, I wouldn't be me' spoiled it. Who else would she be if it weren't for her mum? She wouldn't exist!! I'm being picky, I know. I understand what she meant, but it was a bit lame.
One of the 'inspiring women' said that she was inspired by her mum. Good comment, but when she added, 'without my mum, I wouldn't be me' spoiled it. Who else would she be if it weren't for her mum? She wouldn't exist!! I'm being picky, I know. I understand what she meant, but it was a bit lame.
What a shame. There are often real inspiring stories about the mums, grans, aunts, sisters...
Definitely, I know she can be annoying sometimes with her 100mph presentations but,she is a genuine lady and is so supportive to others. 👍
I don't find it annoying if she talks faster than some because she is always pleasant and always professional on air, compared to many of her colleagues who are boringly dull and half of them don't know what day it is. An hour with some presenting is like an hour with toothache, let's be honest. Thank goodness for Ali K.
Maybe its just me, but I've never found anyone to be 'inspiring' or anyone I've looked "up to as a role model". All a bit cliched to be honest. I realise there are those in society who can't make a decision without being guided, but if people are brought up well, with manners and know right from wrong, then why should they need role models like sports people who are often held up as inspirational.

The latest 'icon' is Emma Radacanu which started a boom in tennis lessons for children. She's amazing to have achieved what she has - so far, but I wonder how many of those children have stuck at their lessons today, and not a 5 minute fad ?
Maybe its just me, but I've never found anyone to be 'inspiring' or anyone I've looked "up to as a role model". All a bit cliched to be honest. I realise there are those in society who can't make a decision without being guided, but if people are brought up well, with manners and know right from wrong, then why should they need role models like sports people who are often held up as inspirational.

The latest 'icon' is Emma Radacanu which started a boom in tennis lessons for children. She's amazing to have achieved what she has - so far, but I wonder how many of those children have stuck at their lessons today, and not a 5 minute fad ?
I have a different take on role models, tbh.
Both my mum and my aunt were warriors in the face of chronic, life-limiting diseases, so when I was diagnosed with a serious condition, they were my role models for drawing on inner strength and refusing to be defined by my illness.
My gran was an inspiration for her public service and standing up for equality for women. I am nowhere near achieving what she did in life, but I aspire to more.
I don't need to seek approval, but I have friends who are great sounding boards and don't simply agree with my point of I do ask their advice and opinion.
My life is my life's work and who I am is ultimately down to me...but I will accept the responsibility for my decisions, and credit those who help me make better decisions on this work in progress.
A very young person can be inspiring, as can a very old person. For those who need role models, there is a wonderful range of choices to pick from.

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