Lyndsay ...


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So it seems this is an example of something smacking of deviousness going way back. I can remember when the original presenters were still at Gemporia, and it used to be a regular thing that they, and Steve, would talk on air about studying for the GIA exam and how they had to keep their knowledge up to date, were regularly tested on their knowledge, etc. etc. And to be fair the original presenters were 100% more knowledgeable than today's cohort. I'm wondering, then, if the format of the qualification has changed over the years and it's been 'dumbed down' somewhat? Or is it that the original presenters took their job a lot more seriously and made it their business to find out much more factual information (with the emphasis on the word 'factual', a word that some presenters seem unfamiliar with)?

I believe they have to have 'refresher' exams each year - and I don't think the qualification has changed either.

I suspect the root of the problem is that the likes of Scott Worsfold, Rae Carpenter, etc were well paid and really enjoyed their job. They perhaps chose to learn more outside the scope of the GIA AJP exam by their own choice.

Take Alex on Gem Collector for example - he sold a lot of stones that are not covered in the GIA AJP exam. Although he was honest when he wasn't knowledgeable on one of the VERY rare minerals, he still knew enough about stones like Axinite, Bastnaesite, Zincite, etc to be able to give a VERY detailed explanation.

That used to be the case on Gems TV years ago with the good old presenters that have no left. They really knew their stuff.

The presenters these days don't really seem to know a great deal other than 'Its rarer than rare', "10,000 times rarer than a Diamond", "It has the same crystal structure as a diamond", etc.

I can't imagine the likes of Jess Foley and Lindsey Carr going 'above and beyond'. I suspect they're paid a lot less than some of the older presenters too. I should certainly think so anyway - if someone like Jess Foley gets paid a similar wage to what Scott Worsfold or Rae Carpenter used to earn, then something is radically wrong in the world.

Gems TV always did have a couple of naff presenters - but the majority were really good and knowledgeable.

These days, they have mainly naff presenters with the occasional half-decent one. The most knowledgeable are Adina and Angeline - but even they have their flaws. Adina has started being more misleading than she used to, and I've reported her twice for dodgy claims (both resulting in an ASA warning) - and Angeline can be a bit brash. Kate McCarthy is also fairly good in fairness to her.

The rest? I'd give them their P45's tomorrow. Jess and Lindsey being first in line.
Or is it that the original presenters took their job a lot more seriously and made it their business to find out much more factual information
If I had to guess, I'd say back then they had a reputation to either build or protect, so were more 'with it' than today, and today they are 'living' off and relying on that now old reputation.
We just had a President Biden moment!

LC reading this loooong article out loud but, when she got to "known locally as...", you could almost hear her biological computer fan spinning fast and then glitching. She literally skipped over the word "Natonya" with an unintelligible mumble. Not even an attempt at the word (not particularly frightening, in my opinion, compared to other African names).


On the one hand, it may very well be down to a poor junior school education or she has some form of dyslexia but, on the other hand you'd might assume that she'd read this through beforehand 🤷‍♂️
We just had a President Biden moment!

LC reading this loooong article out loud but, when she got to "known locally as...", you could almost hear her biological computer fan spinning fast and then glitching. She literally skipped over the word "Natonya" with an unintelligible mumble. Not even an attempt at the word (not particularly frightening, in my opinion, compared to other African names).

View attachment 28891

On the one hand, it may very well be down to a poor junior school education or she has some form of dyslexia but, on the other hand you'd might assume that she'd read this through beforehand
Perhaps she needs glasses. I think there was another time in the VERY recent past, that she struggled to see / read the word she was reading.
Perhaps she needs glasses.

She trips up with too many varying things for it to be down to being dyslexic or requiring glasses.

Alex McKay and Steve Bennett are dyslexic, but both of them are intelligent.

I just think she was towards the back of the queue when god was handing out brains (and he ran out of stock shortly before reaching her).

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