Michelle Hope and Twitter


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Aug 22, 2014
East London
I'm not a lover of Michelle's clothes but she is consistent in fending off the Twitter police.
Not for the first time Pipa is telling her she should be on Twitter and telling her how to do it .Michelle always says she doesn't want to be and she has enough with the amount of emails she gets .

Pipa pressed the point demonstrating how to do it and Michelle told her she Pipa, is addicted to Twitter.
Pipa all indignant says no shes just communicating with the customers.Michelle says she bets Pipa cannot go for 5minutes without checking Twitter. Its rumbling on through the rest of the show ...LOL...

I get the feeling she just wants to sell her clothes.
It's amazing how many people just about have seizures if they don't have their mobile phone in their hand checking Twitter and Facebook every 2 seconds. A work colleague had to go home to get hers as she started howling in the office - huge drama - she left her phone on the kitchen table. Why do you even need your phone at work - everyone here has one on their desk . . . .

Good on MH for telling Pipa off, it's actually ****** rude for her to be messing about with a phone when she's supposed to be helping the guest sell clothes.

I got the distinct feeling that there is no love lost between Michele and Pipa. I watched some of it with the sound down, and without their inane chat to distract me, I really noticed the foul looks they were giving one another.
Bravo Michele!!! She may make clothes not to my taste, but I think she works hard to maintain a good relationship with her customers. She certainly doesn't need to be taught how to communicate with customers from any QVC acolyte.
Twitter is less than 12 years old - and its become like a Class A drug for most of the population ! hooked and unable to get off it. But say that to the 'users' and they would be sooo defensive. Its only a tool for expressing your views, and God don't we know it ! I couldn't be less interested, I read enough about what the likes of Madeley/Lineker et al pontificate their puerile thoughts which is enough. Instagram I understand is for photos - yes well selfies only show how vain the world has become, and 'cute' photos of Family Beckham and other people's grandkids is like being bored with other people's holiday snaps.
I'm no fan of MH's clothes but she is a very professional guest who knows the sizes, colours and item nos of all her garments and gives thorough descriptions. No wonder she gets annoyed if the presenter is twittering instead of concentrating on the selling pitch.
If MH or anyone else doesn't want to engage with all this SM then leave it Pippa.I am not at all interested in any Twitter, Facebook & the like.All these people in another world constantly checking the phones it's worrying & I get fed up of the constant references & checking on QVC.
I had to join it for my job otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. It is the most boring thing to me. I wasn't impressed when some porno stars automatically followed me without my acceptance, they were quickly deleted. Great when I work in a school! What's that all about?
If MH or anyone else doesn't want to engage with all this SM then leave it Pippa.I am not at all interested in any Twitter, Facebook & the like.All these people in another world constantly checking the phones it's worrying & I get fed up of the constant references & checking on QVC.

Yes, and what is this thing where young women are putting themselves out there doing this big lip pouty thing. Ladies, you look like a fish.

It's a sorry state of affairs. I have just seen that Alison Keenan thought it would be of general interest to post a photograph of her wasp sting! For heaven's sake! To be honest I don't like how she posts photographs of her granddaughter and other babies. I certainly would not share photos on social media of my grandchildren and if I ever did my daughter would let me know in no uncertain terms to stop it!

Liking MH.
I don`t do twittering, tweeting, twatting or whatever it`s called. I also don`t use my mobile for web browsing or facebooking. The internet is turned off on my phone and it`s used for basic texts or phonecalls.
I do have a facebook page but it`s set to just friends or family and so every Tom, Dick or Harriet can`t read it and I certainly don`t post photos of my breakfast, my lunch and my dinner, not to mention silly pouting faces, drunken nights out or tragic cut and pastes from other peoples timelines.
I know we live in a technological era but good manners cost nothing. My own 3 sons wouldn`t dream of browsing their phones when visiting me nor would they sit here with their phone in their hand with one eye permanently glued to it. They wouldn`t dare because they know what I`d say and they wouldn`t do it anyway.
Hubby`s daughter is the opposite, on the rare occasion she visits her Dad she sits on the sofa continually scrolling her phone, it`s constantly beeping everytime someone comments on her facebook or other apps and she practically ignores her Dad, just talks to him out of the corner of her mouth whilst she`s laughing at whatever she`s reading on her phone. Is she a teen, nope, she`s 44 and should know better. It infuriates me beyond belief.
I`m glad MH argued the point with Pipa and long may it last.
Yes, and what is this thing where young women are putting themselves out there doing this big lip pouty thing. Ladies, you look like a fish.


I don't get that either - I think they look really silly - a really silly fish!
What was it you called that singing fish which was the rage years ago? Was it Billy Bass?

That's what I shall call them from now on!
I have only just got a smart phone and found, to my horror, I was checking it loads compared to the old phone. Both are pay as you go, and rarely used, but I like the new one so much more. It is now in isolation on a shelf and only checked once a day to see if I have had a text! The old one was only ever switched on when I was going to met someone. A friend of mine lost her landline and has an ancient mobile so I decided to implement a disaster recovery plan in case the same thing happened to me. I do think they are addictive little beggars though. On the bus these days I am usually the only passenger with a book.
I have only just got a smart phone and found, to my horror, I was checking it loads compared to the old phone. Both are pay as you go, and rarely used, but I like the new one so much more. It is now in isolation on a shelf and only checked once a day to see if I have had a text! The old one was only ever switched on when I was going to met someone. A friend of mine lost her landline and has an ancient mobile so I decided to implement a disaster recovery plan in case the same thing happened to me. I do think they are addictive little beggars though. On the bus these days I am usually the only passenger with a book.

I've just recently updated my phone too. Had a basic phone and hardly ever had it on. Now this blooming thing calls to me every time I look at it, and I end up switching it on to make sure I haven't missed out on anything. Usually I haven't. I have put my Kindle on it now - so whenever I have a chance, say whilst waiting for an appointment, it is whipped out and the kindle is turned on so I can have a read.
It's a sorry state of affairs. I have just seen that Alison Keenan thought it would be of general interest to post a photograph of her wasp sting! For heaven's sake! To be honest I don't like how she posts photographs of her granddaughter and other babies. I certainly would not share photos on social media of my grandchildren and if I ever did my daughter would let me know in no uncertain terms to stop it!

Liking MH.

Its interesting isn't it, that many children are usually pixilated out of newspaper photographs/tv reports - (apart from the Beckhams); parents are prohibited from filming their children in the school play/nativity etc and magazines usually ask for parent/guardian permission before printing photographs, AND YET here are those same parents plastering photos of their kids all over social media !!!!

Reading the posts of Anna and Mazza getting new phones and becoming 'addicted', just shows how these gadgets do something to the brain with the urge to continually check them. I have a 'granny' phone that doesn't even have a camera, but it does have an emergency button. Not having children or family to be in permanent contact with, this phone suits me - for texts and the odd phone call. My landline takes the bulk of my calls.

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