qvc addiction


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Registered Shopper
Aug 28, 2008
Hi Guys,

have read most threads on here, and have shopped with QVC for years now, and i notice many of you tend to fall into my situation of buying things cos we fall for the spiel.

The thread on most used/least used qvc item made me think, that there ould be a connection between online bingo and online shopping. The tsv's being the temptation of a 'big jackpot win', and the easy pay helping us spend money we don't have, but we continue to watch and/or buy, because we feel compelled.

Like lots of you, i too have now stopped watching and buying as much because of the impulse mistakes i have made, and then not being bothered to send stuff back, but i did develop quite an addiction to decleor, which i am currently working hard to overcome, because i know from checking the decleor site for europe, that decleor is really charging us more in uk whether on qvc or in the shops, than our europeans cousins are paying.

But the credit crunch has made me take control of myself, my best friend on the other hand faces the same with online bingo, the compelling need to tune in.

The only difference being the online bingo sites offer help to linkd to problem gambling charities, do not see shopping annonomous on QVC or other online shopping sites

Anyone see where i am coming from or am i way off the mark.

BTW Most of my purchases have been cosmetics or jewellry.
I agree it is an addiction. Do the rest of you have to tune in the minute you wake up to check what the tsv is (just in case you need yet another gadget for the back of the cupboard) - that is if you havent found out what it is on this site first. Sometimes I wake early at say 4 or 5 and can't go back to sleep unless I have just checked on the tsv. If it is a special one like smashbox or gatineau then I will stay up past 12 to make sure I get one - "FULL HOUSE"

I am just in the process of doing my bedroom up and need to have a clear out but I have drawer's and cupboards full of make-up and skin care that - I simply 'cannot live without'.

If I go away on holiday I get withdrawal symptoms as I cannot get my daily fix.

The only time I do not switch on is on craft days - do not do this stuff - but sometimes I forget and even then press the remote buttons by accident.

With the credit crunch I am trying hard to resist - need to pay off my credit card, but it is so hard when yet another presenter says I need it and when it becomes limited stock I just give in and purchase.

Maybe someone could create qvc annonamous.:1:
The big difference between shopping and gambling is that one is regulated by law the other one isn't as much. Unfortunately thanks to the current government relaxing the gambling laws it is now a growth industry (watch the exponential rate of growth in the next year and the subsequent consequences the years after) where at least they have tried to put up the warning signs but, it isn't prominent enough. Gambling is driven by that "one more shot" attitude whereas shopping can be curbed easily enough.

What it comes down to is our attitude to what wealth actually is. Western culture tends to think it is money, house, cars etc and you are nothing if you don't have these things.

But you are right, it is addictive to see what the latest thing is on offer on QVC! Resistance, they say, is futile. :52:
My name is Beauty Sleuth and I am a QVC addict :1:

I started watching about 4 or so years ago when I was going through a particularly tough time. QVC became almost like a friend to me, someone I would switch on and there would always be someone there keeping me company.

I watched daily, really enjoying the shows and the buzz it gave me when the parcels came dropping through the door with alarming regularity.

My other half would make comments like, not another you really need another lip gloss (of course i did !) and what have you bought this time.......

I became very adept at hiding my purchases and when I recently moved the full force of my beauty addiction became apparent :54:

I began weaning myself off QVC very slowly. Don't get me wrong I still watch and do my best not to buy anything. But, yes I did use my 3 easypay voucher on a handbag and couldn't resist the Smashbox TSV (am so very weak).

My final admission is that I really do miss QVC on Christmas Day, I'll have been with my family and had a lovely day and when it's all quiet (and i've watched Indiana Jones or James Bond for the umpteenth time) I do like to turn on QVC. Part of me feels sad that it's just pre-records on. I don't expect the QVC presenters to work on Christmas Day but it shows you my addiction is quite deep rooted.

I feel a lot better for having written that and know that my addiction is something that will probably stay with me for a long time (there is always another lip gloss just round the corner)
For me the words that make me 'fall of the wagon' are, 'limited stock' AY telling me if i don't get on the phone now i will miss out.

I have also hidden parcels from my family because i felt guilty.

But i have to be honest i still miss the'buzz' of having got a bargain, even though i know its more a case of 'i have been had'.

Free choice i know, but hypnotic sales patter.
self confessed qvc addict

qvc is like my best friend and like someone else said in the forum it keeps you company- always on in the background when the house is empty and nothing makes me happier than getting a qvc parcel in the post. what i dont like is the over selling of some items and the obvious bitterness in the voice if you happen to comment on thier paticular product they are selling they kind of take it personally as they all read the forum.
most of us live near some kind of high street i live near oxford street and it simply is not true that you cannot get good value bedding that is superior to say northern nights. but time after time they will beat it into you that same thing if you buy from elsewhere you are either paying far too much or getting absolute rubbish. this is kind of praying on people who may not have the mind to look elswhere.
the tsv dell is a point in question. how overpriced is that pc.i love qvc but i am aware that you have to sort the sense from the nonsense
yeah boffy i can totally relate to the company and seeing some presenters like friends, some presenters, esp julia roberts can make me buy others like claudia could never tempt me.

Alesis from l'occitane always meks me buy because she seems so, well dunno, i suppose aspire to be like her, and liz earl is so serene i buy into the calming thing.

Alison yound now irritates me because i have bought so much because she said 'you need this'

craft could never having me reaching for my membership card, same goes for kitchen stuff or northern nights, no matter who the presenter.
infact based ont he company and friendship point, it reminds of friends who sell avon or bettaware, or are always having sales parties. I used to enjoy the friends and getting an invite to their parties or ordering from their catalogues made me 'part of the group', but in the end i began to feel used and was only a friend so long as my purse was willing :-(
What a lovely phrase Boffy - 'sort the sense from the nonsense'. What we have to remember is that QVC is an expensive isn't Aldi or Costco or TK MAxx. So it is a 'privilege' to purchase from here. (Most people don't have access to it). The nonsense is that most things are more expensive with QVC or you have to buy at such bulk numbers (being impractical storage wise) to make it cheap. There is the occasional super bargain price ( I remember buying a 3/4 length coat for £40ish which was a bargain), but on the whole you could get it (whatever it is) cheaper on the high street or the internet. The good thing about QVC is that it tells you about a product properly - or it should do. My skin care regime is so much better now, for instance and I just enjoy the gentle chatter in the background when I turn on QVC. It is easy to get sucked in, but it is fun getting the odd where is my handbag????
I have been a QVC watcher for the past 14 and half years and like others have said they become like "family" only better as they dont have any expectations of you and NEVER giver you a "hard time". I have been very poorly over the last few years and QVC has enabled me to buy things I would never even have heard about as I find it very difficult to get to the shops. How ever as time has gone on and Internet shopping has got bigger and bigger I tend to use QVC as a point of reference as they give you so much more info than you can get from a website alone, and check other sellers on line before I buy nowadays.
I'm another guilty party, hiding boxes, (even started filling the loft!) All stuff I don't NEED.
I too have recently tried to curb the watching and spending and I'm not doing too bad, still can't resist the TSV's especially beauty items, the one thing I will say is that at least you have a tangeable item when you spend with Qvc, unlike bingo (or any other gambling addiction for that matter) when you are just left with an empty purse. Because of this I have started to sell my stuff on Ebay (apart from the items I really NEED of course) As almost everything is unopened and unused at least I can get something back.
I have even gone as far as checking out 'shopping addiction' on line and to be honest if it is a major problem for anyone there is not much help, only a few books written by people whom have gone through it. The main peice of advice is not to watch it, which is very difficult unless you make a concsious effort to block the channel. Maybe you get get someone else to block it with a pin number you don't know? MMMMM might be worth a try.
Now I'm of to see what bargins are to be had on Breast cancer care night.
Oh dear there's no hope!
ive started watching aprogramme called much in debt those people are i would never sleep again......its slowed me down a lot so a sort of starting point if you like for AA or QVCA.......:54:
ive started watching aprogramme called much in debt those people are i would never sleep again......its slowed me down a lot so a sort of starting point if you like for AA or QVCA.......:54:

When is that on? It could be useful for a few of us.
I watch QVC, Ideal World and a few of the Price Drop channels (the ones you get on Freeview), but I don't buy anything as the channels are so expensive, and almost all of the items are just not worth the money.
It's saddened me reading so many posts on this website where people go crazy over an upcoming TSV when they freely admit they don't need it, they only will use one item, yet they buy two sets.

Addictions are terrible things, I've dealt with them, so has an ex.
If you find you're spending money you don't have on stuff you don't need and just shove to the back of the cupboard so your partner won't find out, you need to take a step back and turn off the television, or get the bank to block payments to these companies.

Or try what I do. Look at the stuff, them use Kelkoo (or another price comparison website) and see just how much cheaper you can get it. Then look at what you already have. Do you actually need it? Will you use it? Is it something you will actually like and not hurl into the bin?

Hell, I buy lots of DVDs that I never watch and have taken ebay off my list of bookmarks because I spend way too much.
when his highness isnt watching [ not oft he does ] so let him have his half hour or whatever & i;ll find out......i think its on a thurday night about 10ish....will post what chanel & time & days.....bless ...let him watch burt weedon & other dudes with guitars :21:
When is that on? It could be useful for a few of us.

sorry folks....took the remote off of him & found zilch...the A-Z went from speedway -- spider......looking on my favs that i have bookmarked ihave living. zone reality. hallmark..uktv style & disc home & thats a lot of info.....i will try & post when its on.....what a bummer as last week they had a differnt dr fellow on & he was a dish........they have a lady who tries & shows them the light..... & how not to spend £300 a month on fine wine when you owe mum over £20,000 etc....then a dr of thinking [ cant spell physcologist or whatever they are ] who does the why are they behaving in that way.............spending money that they dont have.....also a programme used to be on called bank of mum & dad......maybe they are replacing it with that as i ised to wacth that too just in case i knew how to say NO if my brood came round asking .......i will post .....someone else please if they see it.......cheers it very refreshing & enlightening
sorry folks....took the remote off of him & found zilch...the A-Z went from speedway -- spider......looking on my favs that i have bookmarked ihave living. zone reality. hallmark..uktv style & disc home & thats a lot of info.....i will try & post when its on.....what a bummer as last week they had a differnt dr fellow on & he was a dish........they have a lady who tries & shows them the light..... & how not to spend £300 a month on fine wine when you owe mum over £20,000 etc....then a dr of thinking [ cant spell physcologist or whatever they are ] who does the why are they behaving in that way.............spending money that they dont have.....also a programme used to be on called bank of mum & dad......maybe they are replacing it with that as i ised to wacth that too just in case i knew how to say NO if my brood came round asking .......i will post .....someone else please if they see it.......cheers it very refreshing & enlightening

Skys A to Z only shows 24hrs in advance you have to go to all programes and search on the day and time which is much more time consuming and annoying, if you can find it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.:1: