Singer Lulu daily express ..admits help with facial looks!!


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Jan 8, 2012
Outskirts of london
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Lulu admitted that she's had a bit of help in the past to ensure her face is permanently wrinkle-free.

The star says that she has dabbled with Botox but you need to be "smart" with it. "You have to try a little harder, be a bit clever! It's all about accentuating some of our best features."

She'd done more dabbled in a bit of botox, the lying cow! She's been sliced and diced and had her face stretched tighter than a layer of clingfilm over a mixing bowl!
I wonder who wrote the piece in the Express? I'm guessing Adam Helliker. I will dig out a copy of today's edition and take a look. I like the Express. I'm applying to do a work placement there. The Express is not quite the Daily Mail, although I like the Mail too - especially Jan Moir! Her column is the highlight of my day!
She came in for a lot of flack for her "performance" at the Commonwealth Games closing ceremony on Sunday night, and particularly her strange accent. A journalist commented "respect to Lulu for adopting the accent of every English speaking member of the Commonwealth".
Jan Moir can be a very nasty piece of work indeed! Folks in Edinburgh were quite bitter about lulu her appearance, singing and her lack of loyalty!
I for one am shocked!!! NOT!!!!! I will say fillers etc to add to her botox.

I said before a few weeks back, Gold showing reruns of Ab Fab Lu was in a few episodes over different series so early 90s to mid 90s. She actually looked older in them. No way 20 years later would she look younger with just botox which she says she stopped using. Oh and she looks thinner today as well, so we all know that makes the face drop as you get older without a little help and it was just Time Bomb.
Lu Lu is so self obsessed ....I think she thinks she really is still young and in demand .....and desperate is sad really ...I mean really sad ....and I wonder why she has finally admitted the work on the boat race? ....pressure from somewhere ...maybe reading comments etc....
Next time LuLu is on QVC I wonder how long it will be before her Commonwealth appearance is mentioned 20 mins, 5 mins - 10 seconds lol
To get past the admission she will bang on about the skin needing to be in good condition, hydrated, supple...... So buy TB.
The Daily Mail has a feature on p23 today, Lulu's face from 15 to 65. Now given what such articles can be like, I think she gets off quite lightly!! In fact she looks pretty grim in some shots pre 1985 because of some shocking hairstyles.

I missed the CG closing ceremony because I can no longer bear to hear that ****** song Shout, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL, after AY got her to do it every flaming show. God it is awful!
I can't watch Lulu ...never could. The thought of spending my money on her stay young products... not remotely likely. I must admit I did lol when I saw her get up on stage at the games, imo she looked a sad state, a hip chick she is not.... LOL
Her products don't do anything. Mine went straight back after hoping for 3 weeks I'd take 20 years off my face. She's surely had a facelift and hey, she looks good at that age but please don't bring out all the claptrap about Timebomb doing the job. It definitely does not.

The Daily Mail has a feature on p23 today, Lulu's face from 15 to 65. Now given what such articles can be like, I think she gets off quite lightly!! In fact she looks pretty grim in some shots pre 1985 because of some shocking hairstyles.

I missed the CG closing ceremony because I can no longer bear to hear that ****** song Shout, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL, after AY got her to do it every flaming show. God it is awful!

I wish Jan Moir had written the article! Now that I WOULD read! hahahahahha!
Well, I am glad Lulu has finally come clean, whatever her reasons. I have never been remotely tempted by her products, but sometimes do watch her for sentimental reasons. She was my first brush with "celebrity". As a naive 14 year old doing work experience on TV Times magazine, I answered the phone to "hi, it's Lulu" slight pause. When I didn't gush oh hi...blah, blah, blah," because I simply did not know who she was (this was nearly 30 years ago), a distinctly cooler tone of voice informed me that she was ready to inspect her photos or something of the sort. It was only when I relayed the message and was asked "you do know who you were talking to don't you?" that the penny dropped. I must admits, the accent was distinctly Scottish / Scots in those days.
Lulu has always been able to change her accent to suit the occasion be it Scottish, US or Middle England.. It is about authentic as her fresh natural looks.

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