Slap The Head Moment-Join Clothing


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OMG!! this range is very over priced and you aint goin to like it one bit

basically its one size and is meant to fit from size 8-18!! the only thing that has any sizes is the wide leg trousers and thats only small, medium or large

Is not often I'm lost for words but on this occasion, all I can come up with! :mysmilie_458:

Still, seems to be a good varied selection, something for everyone here, e.g.:

104067 - dress cloak for Hogwarts.

104066 - jacket that doubles as a space blanket for outdoorsy types.

104068 - get up in the morning & can't decide if you want to be Pat Butcher or Obi-Wan Kenobi today? No problem, get this & you can be both/either or.

104069 - really need to hide those bingo wings? Ta da!

I could go on but I fear it is best to stop at the Grecian dress with a 30" chest & 84" hips, for fear of offending somebody by commenting on the body shape needed to get into this.......! :mysmilie_11:
Lol just seen the grecian dress. I remember when I had to be a programme seller for my parents at an amateur dramatics performance and I just wound the fabric around myself- same look
My OH used to watch the fashion shows when i had them on, and he would say, when he seen
Goody or Sharon pinging the fabric out, what are THEY doing. Had to watch a while myself
before i realised how lucky we would be getting these clothes they were pinging. And tell
me PLEASE, why is it only women who have pingy clothes, alright men have jogging bottoms,
but i don"t think i"ve seen any men wearing clothes they can ping. How lucky are we
I watched a bit of the show. Thought the puckering on the seams in the silk drape jacket were appalling and how come if one size fits all they didn't have a "plus size" model on!
I watched the first ten mins, when they started wearing things upside down I couldn't take anymore, :grin: I think we have seen everything now.:giggle:
can you imagin getting one of these items of cloths out of the washer and trying to find what way up it should be and how the hell would you go about trying to iron it its all buttons and pockets and hoods and sleeves oh and of course drapes not to mention you can wear it inside out and upside down they really are avin a laugh and the prices well thats taking the p**s,
I watched the final 30 minutes of this as I am an avid East Enders fan so caught up with all the madness in Walford before tuning in to the true madness of Join clothing. Why would anyone of sane mind want to spend a small fortune on two cardigan things that you can then button on to each other thereby achieving a look that pays homage to the dressing up corner at the local nursery school. The show was a good laugh and I was amazed that the reams of fabric that apparently were clothes were selling out. Bet loads come winging their way back, probably literally as you could launch them into the sky if there was a good breeze heading towards Liverpool. Can't wait for the reviews.....
I watched the first 30 mins and couldn't belive what I was seeing.
I have been watching Q since almost the very first show and these so called clothes take the biscuit for the most unwearable that have ever been shown.
It looked as though they had been made up by a load of drunk blind chimpanzees.
I can't think what the buyers where thinking about when they scheduled this rubbish.
Lets hope that this was the first and last time these so called clothes are given their very own show. Maybe they could be added into the household cleaning show as cleaning rags is about all they are good for.
Oh girls you are all hilarious! I've been pmsl reading your posts. I didnt get to see the show yesterday unfortunately. Sounds like I missed a right hoot!
I noticed they had a bolero that could be made to look like a poncho, which was an interesting idea at least. Then they drop the bombshell that you'd need to buy two of them to get the poncho look. Two of them with all the P&P would be over £100. Ridiculous.

I couldn't help but notice that much of what was on air was creased to kingdom come. I don't suppose they were trying to emulate the Yong Kim look, so does that mean it'll look that bad when you receive it at home?

Ok, everyone, on three.... "the King is in his altogethers, his altogethers...."

Utter twaddle.
My OH used to watch the fashion shows when i had them on, and he would say, when he seen
Goody or Sharon pinging the fabric out, what are THEY doing. Had to watch a while myself
before i realised how lucky we would be getting these clothes they were pinging. And tell
me PLEASE, why is it only women who have pingy clothes, alright men have jogging bottoms,
but i don"t think i"ve seen any men wearing clothes they can ping. How lucky are we

The only pinging we do is when our joggers have worked their way up our bumcrack :0)

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