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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Hi, do not like to get personal but is there a reason Leonie Pujol's head is always tilted to one side? At first l thought she was just leaning towards her guest but it seems to be tilted all the time, sorry to ask a personal question about this lady.
Explained in her Blog

"I spent my first birthday in hospital having an operation cos I have a wonky head!! Honest. I have the stitches to prove it. I think one of my neck tendons was to tight, so my head leaned to one side. The idea was to loosen it to straighten me up. Didn't work that well, it's still wonky, but the stitches are great."
Explained in her Blog

"I spent my first birthday in hospital having an operation cos I have a wonky head!! Honest. I have the stitches to prove it. I think one of my neck tendons was to tight, so my head leaned to one side. The idea was to loosen it to straighten me up. Didn't work that well, it's still wonky, but the stitches are great."

I can't help but wonder what was great about the stitches.
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If you look at a many photographs, you will find that a lot of people tilt their head when being photographed ! Much the same as people who change their accents while on the phone - it seems to be a reflex action !
If you look at a many photographs, you will find that a lot of people tilt their head when being photographed ! Much the same as people who change their accents while on the phone - it seems to be a reflex action !

Yes, you're right - my last passport photo looked like my head was about to fall off my shoulders, so much so that I didn't think the passport office would accept it. I hate having my photo taken and I suppose, subsconsciously, I tilt my head in embarrassment, as do many people (Princess Diana in the early years for one! although she was very photogenic)

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