Was I delirious?


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Jackie Kabler is always saying Em
That’s because she’s not the least bit interested in what she’s saying and her mind frequently wanders, then she knee jerks herself back to reality. She does that throughout every show she’s on and telling her stupid jokes is a way of keeping herself awake. What she doesn’t realise is that she’s sending the viewers to sleep. Yawn.

Who is Mrs.Mop?
Yes I was going to ask who Mrs Mop is.

Just watching the GTech lawnmower TSV. Crikey. Is Victoria Fitzgerald morphing into a panda? She’s got more eye makeup on tonight than I wear n a year. Taking the “Smokey eyes” to a whole new level.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah!!!
I much prefer Ophelia to
I was just about to say the same! Her eyes look like two black holes, what on earth does she think she looks like?
So, she has holes in her head. Seems to me that everyone QVC employs lately have holes in their heads the way they look and behave on set! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Neither has a particularly good presenting style but Eilidh’s facial expressions are ridiculous. She’s obviously taken lessons from Simon Biagi.
I don’t know how to attach photos. The model is the one wearing theDannii Meringue orange jacket product no, 197625 on QVC website/app.

Back in the 1950s it was common to see cleaning ladies and housewives in overalls with headscarves knotted on front of head. In a lot of cases their hair was set in rollers and the scarf kept them in place.

Mrs Mopp was the nickname give to such cleaning ladies. Think it came from the radio show ITMA
Can we see a picture of Mrs Mop, I missed the programme.
I think this is the model referred to….?
I don’t know how to attach photos. The model is the one wearing theDannii Meringue orange jacket product no, 197625 on QVC website/app.

Back in the 1950s it was common to see cleaning ladies and housewives in overalls with headscarves knotted on front of head. In a lot of cases their hair was set in rollers and the scarf kept them in place.

Mrs Mopp was the nickname give to such cleaning ladies. Think it came from the radio show ITMA
Don't forget the "fag" at the corner of the mouth.
Common sense gone out of the window as usual, for once a "modesty" model is sat there wearing a top that could showcase a necklace beautifully and headcovering that would look great with a pair of statement or just dangly earrings, but no, they have her modelling a pair of earrings that disappear and nothing around her neck....derrr!
I prefer her to the other modesty model who is even more covered up. Wooden fixed expression, Never smiles, looks down her nose as if everyone else is inferior to her. As my Mum would have said “face like a busted boot”. She hasn’t been on recently.

I have no problem with the modesty models, but does modesty include not smiling.
Common sense gone out of the window as usual, for once a "modesty" model is sat there wearing a top that could showcase a necklace beautifully and headcovering that would look great with a pair of statement or just dangly earrings, but no, they have her modelling a pair of earrings that disappear and nothing around her neck....derrr!
Right. Showcase goods properly so the viewer can see them. Duh.

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