What have you NEVER used


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strato, what I want to know is: is your OH still using the LED bulb, or has she done "something else" with it?? I think we need to be told...:mysmilie_17:.
What have you bought from sellytelly and NEVER used?

I have loads of things, but the first that springs to mind is a "Bricky" bricklaying set.

It made bricklaying look so easy that I ordered it before realising that I'd actually never need to do any bricklaying. And it wasn't cheap either.
And it's all very well bosses saying they are quite happy for people to come into the shop and then buy online, but staff in the stores will be cut even more, already many branches of different stores have a lot less staff in store than they did years ago. And, as you've said, maintaining the actual store buildings, heating and lighting and so on - are the bosses happy to keep all this going, when there's a situation whereby the majority of shoppers are just walking in to look at and feel the items? I can't see it, somehow.

Yes I saw that programme. Most of the customers talked about seeing and feeling the actual article, getting as much info from the sales assistant and then going home and buying the cheapest deal on line. I do understand this but what will happen once the bricks and mortar shops have all gone over to on line completely then there will be nowhere to "feel" the goods.

How many of us buy without having first seen the items somewhere? Thinking especially about things like say a bag which need to be opened and pulled at or tried on and see the quality.
When everyone is clearing out all those Q items if they come across those cloths give me a shout!

I don't know what cloths you mean, but if you want some cleaning cloths that are better than the average microfibre range, you could have a look on Amazon for e-cloths. My computer man said I should get one for wiping the screen, and it was so good I then got the two piece window cleaning set which is so much better even than using a squeegee or spray.
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Not bought from selly telly, but my most useless gadget has to be a piece of kitchen equipment - namely, a melon ball maker. I'll skip over the obvious comment I could make about it(!!), but can honestly say I have never created a melon ball in my life (I know, I know, get me the number of the Jeremy Kyle show). It was bought by an aunt who was forever searching out odd pieces of 'miracle' kitchen equipment - she had an obsession with buying these things and I have never known anyone with a kitchen so full of gadgets -her kitchen resembled the machinery in Willie Wonka's chocolate factory, and if she'd have switched them all on at once it would have brought down the National Grid and plunged the nation into darkness.
A woman after my own heart - I luuuuuv a kitchen gadget! I too have the Mellon baller. I did use it for melons years ago and more recently for something else but for the life of me can't remember what.

I am that sad person who when on holiday goes into kitchen shops to see if there is "that thing I can't live without". It was more fun years and years ago in Germany and France but now there doesn't seem to be the odd things anymore.
My late first hubby was left handed and loved DIY, cooking and gardening and his dream Christmas or birthday gift was a tool, kitchen gadget or gardening implement specifically designed for left handed people. He always said things were only ever designed with right handed people in mind and how difficult something as simple as a pair of scissors or a tin opener could be for a left handed person. People used to laugh when they asked him what he`d been given for his birthday or Christmas and he reeled off a list of everyday kitchen gadgets or tools.
Ironically my second husband is left handed too but seeing as he doesn`t cook, hates DIY and gardens for a living so never touches it at home, he certainly doesn`t hanker for a pair of left handed scissors or drill !
OH has just given me a magnetiser gadget.

I've opened the packaging to try it, but it magnetises a screwdriver so weakly that it hardly moves a screw.

It will probably be put back into its packaging and be lost in the depths of Strato Towers, never to be seen again.

Is this in revenge for her LED bulb, I wonder? But she does LOVE it, honest.

PS the new bulb I ordered her for next Xmas is due to be delivered today, but I am not at home to take it in.
Did you ever buy that magnet on a extending brolly type stick to get metal things out of hard to reach places?

Mr L did, not 1, not 2 but 3 of them!
I got mine from Lidl, but whenever I need it, it is lost in the depths of Strato Towers.

Sometimes I come across it (when looking for something else which is lost), then move it to somewhere I will "remember where it is".

Of course, next time I need it, I've forgotten again.

Repeat ad infinitum from line 1.
I am left handed but have never got on with any specially designed for left handers.
Good grief, strato, your generosity knows no bounds - and what fantastic organisation, to buy next year's Xmas gift now! I'm sure the gadget isn't revenge in any way - the fact that it shoots out poisoned darts when you open it and has razor-sharp edges is, I'm sure, simply coincidental. Shame you're not in today to sign for the package - can you trust your postie not to slide it accidentally into their own pocket??? After all, it would be a tragedy if it (ahem) went astray!!! :giggle:
OH has just given me a magnetiser gadget.

I've opened the packaging to try it, but it magnetises a screwdriver so weakly that it hardly moves a screw.

It will probably be put back into its packaging and be lost in the depths of Strato Towers, never to be seen again.

Is this in revenge for her LED bulb, I wonder? But she does LOVE it, honest.

PS the new bulb I ordered her for next Xmas is due to be delivered today, but I am not at home to take it in.
A Vax carpet cleaner which has sat in the garage in its un-opened box for at least 5 years. My carpets are filthy. I must add this to my 2016 resolutions
I bought a Bissell carpet cleaner and mine sat around for a few years because I was frightened of it. Eventually got it out as had ordered a new bed and wanted to clean carpets before it arrived. OH helped me and managed to clean room. It currently resides in the living room (not sure why) and I used it to spot clean the sofa and also cleaned the entrance to a bedroom. I think I have now mastered it after about 9 years.
I almost bought myself some left handed scissors as I am left handed until I realised that I use my right hand to cut with scissors. I was carving a roast chicken a few days ago with my right hand until I decided to try with my left hand and it was so much easier
I bought a steam generator iron from Q with a two year guarantee. It was bought for when the trusty iron I had already, died. Finally it did so I got the Morphy Richards out of its box, switched it on and it didn't work. No steam. After ringing both MR helpline and contacting Q CS I learned that the two year guarantee means zilch. Q told me to get an iron engineer (what?) to examine it and then get back to them. Both seller and manufacturer said it was the fault of the other and it was also my fault for not testing it before the first year of the guarantee ran out, so 2 year guarantees are completely worthless it seems. It all got very bitter and I still have the useless iron sitting in its box in my garage.

It's a wonder you didn't have steam coming out of your ears!

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