What sort of thing do you wear to cook Christmas lunch?


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Mar 7, 2012
Every clothes show they rabbit on about how suitable the items are to wear to cook Christmas lunch.

If you are going to someone's home it is easy to dress up a bit cos you aren't battling a greasy turkey out of an oven which is a smidgen too packed.

If you are the cook it doesn't seem to matter how much of an apron you wear tha bliddy food finds the bits not covered and splashes all over it. You then go to the table, a mucky pup, red in the face cos the kitchen is about 90 degrees and that glass of wine wasn't a good idea, total wreck and all the guests are looking lovely!

And all this is supposed to be in a 100 squid cashmere top and 100 squid trousers.

How do you manage?
Boxer shorts & t-shirt, with jeans and plimsolls if anyone's coming round - which they won't be this year. I'm going to throw some organic beef, baby sweetcorns, carrots, mushrooms, green beans, onions, herbs and spices and a bit of mustard in the slow cooker, leave it for 6 hours then mash up some red potatoes and serve with bit of Lurpak unsalted butter in the mash and a grind of black pepper.
Sounds enchanting Julius ,as does the food.Well I will not be working on Christmas Day this year and my daughter is cooking at her house.We have decided on elf outfits all round(only because young children will be present...of course).The kitchen elf will unfortunately be very hot and grease splattered but it won't be me.
Sounds enchanting Julius ,as does the food.Well I will not be working on Christmas Day this year and my daughter is cooking at her house.We have decided on elf outfits all round(only because young children will be present...of course).The kitchen elf will unfortunately be very hot and grease splattered but it won't be me.

Visiting someone else is always a good way out of having to do the cooking, however slow cookers really make it so easy it's great, and I'm sure when one visits someone else's house one is supposed to offer to do the washing up etc.
I might actually be spending Christmas in New York as I won a prize in a raffle at work. Everyone who wins "employee of the month" gets put into a prize draw at Christmas - and apparently I've won the all-inclusive 5-day trip to NYC! I didn't bother going to the Christmas party but a friend texted me to say: "congratulations!" I don't know how quickly I will get the tickets - I will ask HR tomorrow. The prize is for 2 but I don't have anyone to go with, but I dare say some colleague will want to go, or I could just go on my own. I haven't been to New York in years so it will be fun. Thinking about it though it might be better to go in spring / summer.
Well I wouldn't do the cooking in the cashmere ensemble. I would change at the last minute and redo my makeup to reduce the height colour as well.

Well done on winning your trip to NY, Julius. How fantastic!
Well I wouldn't do the cooking in the cashmere ensemble. I would change at the last minute and redo my makeup to reduce the height colour as well.

Well done on winning your trip to NY, Julius. How fantastic!

Me too, I get in far too much of a mess cooking to dress up, but I always do a quick change of clothes before serving dinner, it just seems to make more of an occasion of it even if there is only two of us at home.

Good for you Julius, what a great trip to win.
You have just reminded me to get my little slow cooker out, I was reading on BBC website just now how they are becoming very popular again.
The husband is wearing an outfit with "Grandad Elf" written on the red top with green striped trouser bottoms, he loves doing things like that, I just wear an old t-shirt and jogging bottoms, I'd like to say I dress up in my evening gown and tiara in the night but I don't.........I do that Boxing Day. :mysmilie_17:
Yes well done Julius.Spring or Summer could be the warmer option for the NYC visit.

I expect to help with the washing up which is fine.The men on the other hand will probably be snoring like pigs.
Visiting someone else is always a good way out of having to do the cooking, however slow cookers really make it so easy it's great, and I'm sure when one visits someone else's house one is supposed to offer to do the washing up etc.
I might actually be spending Christmas in New York as I won a prize in a raffle at work. Everyone who wins "employee of the month" gets put into a prize draw at Christmas - and apparently I've won the all-inclusive 5-day trip to NYC! I didn't bother going to the Christmas party but a friend texted me to say: "congratulations!" I don't know how quickly I will get the tickets - I will ask HR tomorrow. The prize is for 2 but I don't have anyone to go with, but I dare say some colleague will want to go, or I could just go on my own. I haven't been to New York in years so it will be fun. Thinking about it though it might be better to go in spring / summer.

Congratulations, Julius, what an amazing prize! I've always wanted to go to New York at Christmas, it's the '80s child in me! You could see the Christmas tree in Times Square and the Macy's parade (or is that for Thanksgiving?) and go shopping in Bloomingdales and Duncan's Toy Chest :)wink:), and ice skating in Central Park, and it would be exactly like all the films I grew up watching! :nod: :clapping:
My husband always cooks Chrstmas lunch and very good it is too. I must admit if we are at home we don't dress up. If we are having guests we make a bit more effort.
I spend christmas alone but doesn't bother me, call round to friends in the morning then home. Cook organic turkey crown with roastie and as I dislike brussel spouts, frozen board beans and mixed veg. Watch what I want and drink vintage cava.

I used to go to aunt and uncle but haven't for years, they go to their own grown children for the day now. It was a hassle anyway, having to wait to be taken home again.

I wear a comfy jumper and trackie bottoms.
cotton clothing as i sweat like hell with all that fuss and bother and i have the outlaws this year so even more bother than usual. plus my middle daughter wants to move back home with family in tow as she wants her new home totally decorated and sorted before she moves :sweat:
This will be my first ever Christmas Day eating lunch at someone else`s house. For many years I either cooked Christmas lunch myself or I worked Christmas Day and did a turkey dinner on Boxing Day instead.
My oldest son and DIL have recently bought their own home and until now they`ve lived in Army housing wherever he`s been posted. They`re putting down roots for when he retires in a couple of years from now and my son said this year they intended to adopt an old person for Christmas, I said ohhhh that`s nice, what a lovely idea and then he informed me the old person was ME and my husband. Cheeky sod !
So this year instead of me wrestling with a turkey, splattering myself with all sorts of things or resembling a beetroot from the heat of the kitchen, I can dress for comfort AND style, wear makeup and sit back whilst someone else gets all hot and bothered. I`ve bought myself a rather lovely new jumper to wear with some smart black trousers, heeled ankle boots because I won`t be standing cooking and will enjoy being pampered.
I normally wear something manky to cook the food as I cannot stand lingering cooking smells on my clothes (I've got long hair, so that will be scraped back!) and then I'll change into something that looks vaguely smart but with stretch as the last thing you want is a rotten waistband reminding you of how much you've eaten ;)

I've had a pretty stressful year and I'm hosting Xmas, so I have been very naughty and bought most of my Xmas food from Marks - I usually cook everything from scratch but could not be a*sed this year!
How lovely, Julius, to win the trip to New York. I've never been but would love to go someday.
This is the first year I haven't had to cater Christmas dinner too, Vienna, & been invited to my son's. He's cooking it, was worth teaching him to cook when he was leaving home!

So I can wear something nice for a change instead of still being in the scruff I put on in a hurry to get the huge turkey into the oven by 6am before going out to get all the birds & beasts up fed & mucked out :mysmilie_47:before everyone arrived looking posh & glam. Nobody ever offered here to do the washing up. :thinking: :mysmilie_46:
There's only 4 of us, ordered a chicken from the butcher as I don't like loads of meat hanging around for days!

Won't be that stressful as it's just like a normal roast. Cold pudding made the day before. Usually wear jeans and a coolish top and my big apron.

A nice glass of vino or dry sherry aids the cooking process immensely, just enough to feel 'merry' but not enough to be a disaster! I'm not fond of wine with food, but as an aperitif, lovely!!
We usually go out for Xmas Day lunch, but this year, because we have a puppy and don't want to leave him home alone, we're having lunch at our house. Just three of us, plus pup. I won't be able to drink, as I will have to drive mum home later.
I've bought pretty much everything ready prepped & frozen, just got the bird to collect from our local farm shop on Friday, and Bob's your uncle.
I'll be wearing jeans and a T shirt to cook, and will later change into my Xmas jumper, which is grey and embroidered with teeny penguins!
We usually go out for Xmas Day lunch, but this year, because we have a puppy and don't want to leave him home alone, we're having lunch at our house. Just three of us, plus pup. I won't be able to drink, as I will have to drive mum home later.
I've bought pretty much everything ready prepped & frozen, just got the bird to collect from our local farm shop on Friday, and Bob's your uncle.
I'll be wearing jeans and a T shirt to cook, and will later change into my Xmas jumper, which is grey and embroidered with teeny penguins!

Awww a puppy, what kind?????
This post got me in a tizzy! I start on Christmas Eve. Set the table get the drinks all sorted in the huge cool box, make the soup, defrost the prawns have some wine!
Make a trifle - slug of sherry....
Get the presents out in huge bundles, have a wine! PJs on watch the midnight service and hubby and I do our gifts.

Up early and still in PJs sort the veg out, peel potatoes, get hubby out of bed!

Buck's Fizz salmon and eggs. Tidy round the house and try to make the kitchen look OK...... Turkey in always have pre cooked ham joint so carve this wrap in grease proof paper ready to heat. Good god it's hot! Wine is chilled.

2:30 the in laws, outlaws and children arrive, grandchildren are knackered but hey present time.....

Around 3:30 it's dinner....lost the sprouts what the hell, more wine. I've not got the PJs on but a little black dress don't know how don't know when.

Awww a puppy, what kind?????
A Cocker Spaniel! He's nearly 9 months old now, but I don't like leaving him on his own for long.


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