Jade - Opinion.


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Mar 2, 2024
Everybody loves DT, but that aside, do 'you' still like Jade or has he killed it for you? No, I'm not on about the multiple 'versions' he comes out with every time he's on air: you know the ones, I'm on about the 'basic' Jadite and Nephrite. I do still like it as a stone, I have both varieties in various styles, but have seriously had enough of the, not just over sell, but over over over sell and all the hype.
Everybody loves DT, but that aside, do 'you' still like Jade or has he killed it for you? No, I'm not on about the multiple 'versions' he comes out with every time he's on air: you know the ones, I'm on about the 'basic' Jadite and Nephrite. I do still like it as a stone, I have both varieties in various styles, but have seriously had enough of the, not just over sell, but over over over sell and all the hype.

I find Jade to be a very 'meh' stone anyway - I don't think its a particularly exciting stone.

However, I despise DT with a passion. The guy is full of s**t, he's a shyster, and if he told me the sky was blue, I'd have to go outside to check because I wouldn't believe him.
I can appreciate high quality jade, especially when it's been masterfully carved. I do enjoy seeing beautiful examples from over the centuries. They're exquisite.

Am I bothered about Gemporia's neverending stash of the stuff? Nope. Mostly because it has been neverending, and Troff has bored me senseless with his monotone droning and countless clocks. Not to mention Gemporia's wishy-washy, dirty dishwater/bogey coloured stuff that they've insisted was green, lilac or blue depending on the time of day.

Gemporia's also done itself zero favours by trying to pass other stones off as jade. I wouldn't touch anything they offered with a bargepole.
I like the really bright green, top-quality Jade. It's a lovely colour. But the mouldy spinach, mottled or grey stuff Gemporia sells leaves me cold. Also, knowing what I know about the sales techniques on Gemporia - it would make me extremely nervous about buying Jade anywhere. I would rather take my chances and spend a tenner for something that, to my eye, looks exactly the same on Temu. I would not trust anyone selling me Jade now - unless it is very pretty and just a few quid. (Literally, just a few quid.)
I find Jade to be a very 'meh' stone anyway - I don't think its a particularly exciting stone.

However, I despise DT with a passion. The guy is full of s**t, he's a shyster, and if he told me the sky was blue, I'd have to go outside to check because I wouldn't believe him.
DT is the most obnoxious, false, egomaniac sh*thead you're ever likely to encounter and it baffles me why Gemporia ever allowed him to get such a foothold in the company. He's turned the channel into a laughing stock, a warped kind of comedy show, especially when he's on with the manic Hattie, both of whom love the sound of their own voice. The man has no self-awareness, but surely the so-called Gemporia directors can see the negative effect he's having and do something it before it's too late!
DT is the most obnoxious, false, egomaniac sh*thead you're ever likely to encounter, and it baffles me why Gemporia ever allowed him to get such a foothold in the company. He's turned the channel into a laughing stock, a warped kind of comedy show, especially when he's on with the manic Hattie, both of whom love the sound of their own voice. The man has no self-awareness, but surely the so-called Gemporia directors can see the negative effect he's having and do something about it before it's too late!
Every time I see him now, I think of the stunt man and stunt dog for Wallis and Grommet. Thanks to that video posted somewhere in one of these threads. (I'm terrible at remembered where things are posted ;) ) And talking of that video, it shows how far he's come: a jade / shell EXPERT with his own jewellery house :p
Every time I see him now, I think of the stunt man and stunt dog for Wallis and Grommet. Thanks to that video posted somewhere in one of these threads. (I'm terrible at remembered where things are posted ;) ) And talking of that video, it shows how far he's come: a jade / shell EXPERT with his own jewellery house :p
I saw that sketch on television. He was actually trying to be funny. Needless to say, that didn't work. He was about as funny as a fart in a spacesuit. 🤣
I'm really tired of the tortuously long sales pitches. I do have some jadeite from the channel and it's quite nice, but no longer have the patience to sit through over well over half an hour's waffling before the clocks start showing up. It's a sales tactic that's horrendously overused to sell pieces that, frankly, aren't good enough to merit the effort.

I was saying to my mum the other day that there used to be a time when the channel offered enough nice pieces that it was difficult sometimes for me to choose which ones I wanted. Now, I tune in and they're selling the kind of items they used to sell in under £10 or £20 hours for double the money, it looks cheap and nothing stands out to me. It seems to me as though they've lost their buying power through mismanagement and have little to offer nowadays.
but no longer have the patience to sit through over well over half an hour's waffling
Last time I on-off watched his show: coz it's ALL him, not the jewellery or whatever he's pitching. Mostly on mute, there were two items on, one from the day before, but the main item was 'talked' about for about 58 minutes of the hour and he had the cheek to put a 30 sec clock on before showing the price. I have NEVER seen him ramble that long.
Last time I on-off watched his show: coz it's ALL him, not the jewellery or whatever he's pitching. Mostly on mute, there were two items on, one from the day before, but the main item was 'talked' about for about 58 minutes of the hour and he had the cheek to put a 30 sec clock on before showing the price. I have NEVER seen him ramble that long.

Yeah, there's dramatic tension and there's loving the sound of your own voice. Or perhaps having so few things to sell that you need to monologue endlessly about them to fill airtime. This tactic annoyed me when I was a regular customer as it encourages people to purchase before they know how much they're spending. They want things to sell out before you've had a chance to make an informed decision because you 'trust' the salespeople, who are deigning to give you this once-in-a-lifetime bargain. Pass the sick bucket. It's just so old hat now. Just gimme wheels and decent prices and if it looks pretty, I'm down - I don't need the rarest 'heirloom' treasures of wonderment that are anything but most of the time, anyway.
Or perhaps having so few things to sell that you need to monologue endlessly about them to fill airtime. This tactic annoyed me when I was a regular customer as it encourages people to purchase before they know how much they're spending.
That gets on my nerves too. IF they have so little items for one hour, bundle 'em in with another hour. If they give a price at the beginning, 'this item will be under......£' and I can afford it I buy: IF I want to, but if it goes on forever I don't bother. Not that I buy huge nowadays. And besides, they rarely sell out in-show.

Yes, I'm digging out an item that was the bee's knees and they all raved about on its launch. Unheated blue sapphire from Burma. A suite. As a suite it's been on 4 times: coz it sold out in the first show, and today in a reduction wheel hour, the ring was £20 cheaper. Coz it sold out on first showing ;) I think that was, as far as I know, the ring's 5th outing.

And, as I'm here, and my brain jumps from pillar to post, they also had natural Ethiopian sapphires on a recent show. Raved they did that they were one stone and the previous natural sapphire were mele set, if I get my terms correct, meaning those. So, in one breath they are raving about them, and the next they aren't as good as a larger stone. Yes, that's usually true, but by God make your mind up. ;) Sorry for the soap box.
Just gimme wheels and decent prices and if it looks pretty, I'm down - I don't need the rarest 'heirloom' treasures of wonderment that are anything but most of the time, anyway.
This is my preferred format now.
Let's see all the pieces for the hour up front, on a wheel, and I can request what I'm interested in seeing.

I've noticed there are lots of pieces on pre orders now that don't even make it on to air. Many are price-dropped at the end of the hour en masse. Obviously because they've sold? I feel sorry for the buyers if they haven't had a chance to see it on screen.

Worse is the pieces that don't get price-dropped, and sit in the pre-orders for the rest of the day!
Never been there. If he's doing it all himself, he's never off Gems to sort it.

Yeah, there's dramatic tension and there's loving the sound of your own voice. Or perhaps having so few things to sell that you need to monologue endlessly about them to fill airtime. This tactic annoyed me when I was a regular customer as it encourages people to purchase before they know how much they're spending. They want things to sell out before you've had a chance to make an informed decision because you 'trust' the salespeople, who are deigning to give you this once-in-a-lifetime bargain. Pass the sick bucket. It's just so old hat now. Just gimme wheels and decent prices and if it looks pretty, I'm down - I don't need the rarest 'heirloom' treasures of wonderment that are anything but most of the time, anyway.
If you're looking for family heirlooms or investment pieces you won't find them at Gems TV. Personally, I just like nice jewellery and buy it to wear it, not to stash it away in the hope of making money from it in the future.
If you're looking for family heirlooms or investment pieces you won't find them at Gems TV. Personally, I just like nice jewellery and buy it to wear it, not to stash it away in the hope of making money from it in the future.

Investing in Jewellery is risky anyway.

I wonder how many people invested in Russian Alexandrite when they were told it was a one location stone that was almost depleted? Then it was found in India and Madagascar - which will have taken away some of the rarity and exclusivity factor and inevitably caused a drop in prices.

I wonder how many people invested in Grandidierite when it was considered the 5th rarest mineral in the world? Then a new deposit was discovered in Madagascar in 2017 - which led to the market being flooded with it.

I wonder how many people invested in Paraiba Tourmaline when they were told it was a one location stone from Brazil - only for a deposit to be found in Mozambique years later.

I wonder how many people have invested in Tanzanite, believing the stories that the mine is running out - despite experts estimating that there's approximately 42 years worth of mining left before it becomes depleted.

Also, I firmly believe that Tanzanite will be found in another country one day. Tanzanite is the blue variety of the mineral Zoisite. Zoisite has been found in a number of other countries in other colours - the blue variety is just exclusive to Tanzania (at the moment). I suspect that, one day in the future, in existing Zoisite mines, they might just hit a seam of blue material.

The gem world is too unpredictable. Remember when the industry told us that Garnet was found in every colour except for blue - only for blue garnet to be found in 1998.

Gem mining has been happening for thousands and thousands of years - yet even today, they're finding new discoveries of gems/minerals in previously untouched parts of the world.

If they find a seam of Tanzanite in Farflungistan next week, it will instantly devalue existing Tanzanian material because it suddenly becomes less rare.
Just gimme wheels and decent prices and if it looks pretty, I'm down - I don't need the rarest 'heirloom' treasures of wonderment that are anything but most of the time, anyway.
Damn right. Exactly my thoughts. I bought one of their 999 necklaces recently - the cards suit one, - tucked away on a Jeff wheel. Doesn't bother me that the findings (chain & clasp) are Sterling and not Fine silver. It makes sense to me and the chain was a decent link, weight and construction. Unlikely to find similar elsewhere and it was absolutely the right price. Perfect present for a youngster who will be sixteen by Christmas this year. Sorted.
Worse is the pieces that don't get price-dropped, and sit in the pre-orders for the rest of the day!
That's why I never buy pre-ordered after the show it's on has ended, and even if it's on the show, I wait til the final price before a ye or nay.

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