Am i the only one ?????


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Apr 27, 2009
We suffer from mumbling actors and deafening music on the tele, so the volume is up and down like a drawers in my house.

AND now I'm suffering from a dose of "what the hell is he talking about ?" from Lee and all those other techo geniuses on QVC when pontificating about the latest hi-fi, tv, tablet, camera and phone.

I'm not stupid by any means, BUT who do they think they are talking to ? certainly not teenagers or twentysomethings who have fingers permanently jabbing away at a gadget. I seriously do not understand a word he is saying for 98% of the time, and could be talking a language from another planet for all I know, what with all the gigs, mega gigs (yes I know its gigabite, and that's ALL I know), but Lee in particular is too happy swiping his digit across a screen, without actually making sense of how to use his product. Oh yes, "its does this and does that, etc etc" but he should remember the age of his core audience, and it AIN'T 25 !!!

I realise there will always be grannies of 70 who are wonderfully adept at doing origami on their latest iphone that's floating around in the Cloud (?), and bluetoothing their dentures into oblivion, but I think there are more than a few of us who would like more in depth explanations of whats happening thank you very much !
Mumbling actors, music volume.... Are you a fellow poster on the BBC POV message board brissles, cos they are popular topics there!!!!

I never listen to the Q tech shows as, even if I were really interested which I am not, I can never get to the bottom of what they are telling us. It was the woman (regular guest, speaks quickly, name forgotten) who did it for me. She seemed to use a lot of buzz words but I was none the wiser at the end of the item. I never watch Lee so do not know if he is any better than she, or indeed worse.
The product is rubbish and they are speaking rubbish cause there isn't anything worthwhile to say about it. Today's tsv that is.
Mumbling actors, music volume.... Are you a fellow poster on the BBC POV message board brissles, cos they are popular topics there!!!!

I never listen to the Q tech shows as, even if I were really interested which I am not, I can never get to the bottom of what they are telling us. It was the woman (regular guest, speaks quickly, name forgotten) who did it for me. She seemed to use a lot of buzz words but I was none the wiser at the end of the item. I never watch Lee so do not know if he is any better than she, or indeed worse.

Ummmmmmmm, no. pssssssst......... whats POV ?????
Points of view. A vox pop programme of viewers opinions on BBC programmes. Now fronted by Jeremy Vine but in the past by Terry Wogan and Anne Robinson
Aw, of course it is !

There seem to be SO many initials in today's world, that one needs a bl...dy dictionary to get through life these days. I used to work in the NHS (there we go !) and if EVER there was an institution full of initials that was the place to be.

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